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1. Identify the degree sequence in graphical 2,2,2,2.

2. Is there a simple graph with degree sequence (1,1,3,3,3,4,6,7)? Justify your answer.

3. Determine whether the following graph is a simple graph or multigraph, and obtain the
degree of each vertex.


1. Obtain the adjacency matrix for the given graphs.

2. Obtain the incidence matrix of the following graphs.

3.Check whether the graph H displayed are bipartite or not?


3. Check whether the graphs are isomorphic or not?

4. Is the graphs isomorphic or not?

1. Is the graph was Euler circuit, then construct such a graph if exists.

2. Determine three distinct Hamiltonian cycles in the following graph, if exists.


1.Solve the traveling salesperson problem for this graph by finding the total weight of all
Hamilton circuits and determining a circuit with minimum total weight.

2. Prove that complete graph K4 is planar whereas complete graph K5 is not planar.

3.Suppose that a connected planar graph has 30 edges. If a planar representation of this graph
divides the plane into 20 regions, how many vertices does this graph have?


1. Obtained a spanning tree for the following graphs shown by removing edges in simple

2. Obtain the minimum weight spanning tree from the graph.


1. A company wishes to build an intercommunication system connecting its 7 branches. The

distances are given in the following table.

For example, the distance from a to f is 29. Suppose that the cost of construction of lines
between 2 branches is some constant k times the distance between them.
a) Find the cheapest way to build the system
b) Find the total cost

2. Apply Kruskal’s algorithm to obtain minimal spanning tree for the following graph.

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