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Name: Justine Mariel Eunice Y. Salvador Date: Sept.

Subject: GE 8 CW Teacher: Prof. Bello
BSED 3 – English

Philippines May Benefit From New Globalization

Reaction Paper

The Philippines could benefit the ongoing massive global trade, with the
services sector likely to see the most gains, the Asian Development Bank.
The coronavirus pandemic and lockdowns disrupted all trades across the
world, stronger trade liberalization and facilitation efforts so it can benefit
from economies realigning their supply chain networks. The Philippines has
a strong potential given that its post-pandemic trade. The pandemic has also
made digital transformation for countries crucial to boost the broader economic
output, especially on trade and commerce and employment.

When there was a pandemic, some businesses cannot make a trade to other countries, because businesses
had online business instead of meeting them, but
now they can trade something to other countries for their business across the
world. Some trade business partners between Philippines and different countries
have problem. The use of online platforms during business trade in the pandemic
is sometimes Useful, but they also want to meet face to face to talk about their businesses before Making
a trade.

Greatest access to online is through internet connection and it allows Consumers, businesses, and
governments to gain better access through their business trade beyond their borders and can increase their
businesses and their trades for goods
and services. They can also increase the amount of trades of good and services to
other countries for their business. Some business were shut down or cancelled
because of due to the pandemic, but after a few weeks or a month they were no
longer in the pandemic and they continue to open their business trades to other
countries and they given Philippines their business trade too.

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