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Technology hunters

An evening conversation
It was pleasantly warm in the open summer area, the sun was no longer hot, and it was getting
late in the afternoon.
"Now imagine, you invented a good thing, which should be in all the laws of the Universe, the
evil shall not be ( least you think so). And then - bam -the authorities didn't like it. How would they
rather try to control the situation?" the man in the light gray t-shirt asked quietly.
While he waited for his companion's answer, he slowly sipped coffee from a small white
porcelain cup. There was no one near their table. The coffee shop soon closed and the customers
gradually dispersed.
"I don't know. Obviously, the police will come, they may detain you..."
"Why can they do this? Aren't you the same person as the police?"
"They have weapons."
"That's obvious. But the immediate reason for the arrest is the fact that you were detected. Until
you are either not seen, or they don't want to see, until you will not be engaged. Constantly ahead of
them by a couple of steps. A constant difference in space and time. Act prudently. Just because they
have a weapon doesn't mean that if you get it, our case will take over. We fulfill our main task - to
spread life and contribute to its spread. Only then can we say that our cause has received some
success, when they simply can not resist, can not get physically. Then life will finally be able to
straighten its shoulders on this planet. When they become so few and their evil influence is so
weakened that they will hide in their burrows for fear of their physical bodies. But even then we
will not have to sit idly by, because life is a constant movement. You slow down your movement -
immediately there are those who are ready to take advantage of it. But as a reward for your efforts,
you get to live.
A waiter came to their table and told them that the place was closing in a couple of minutes. The
two men rose together and went out, thanking waiters for their hospitality. They turned left, crossed
the driveway, and continued straight along the sidewalk.
"Our main weapon is the number of minds we can use to explain the purpose of people on Earth.
We don't have a physical network. For this, we cannot be detected and blocked. We talk to random
travelers, before looking into their eyes to see who is in front of us. We can leave a message
anywhere, hoping that it will be seen and understood by a person with a living heart. In general,
each messenger acts almost autonomously, at his own discretion. And only one thing binds us all
with invisible threads — the love of life, of the One who created it. All information is distributed
through It. It's like a leading star. No matter how bright each of us on Earth is, but everyone can
look up and feel the connection through this star, and it's nothing that's mental yet. Thoughts have
the ability to materialize. And thoughts United by one goal are crucial in the course of events.
The two men walked to the next exit road that crossed the sidewalk and let a passing car pass.
"Well, it's clear that this is more a matter of personal beliefs and faith," the other said with a
slight smile. "What is the main goal?"
"The main goal, you know, is to spread life in the Universe. But some people wanted instead to
ruin this life by putting people to sleep, getting it into their heads that each of them is worth
nothing, can do nothing. Created the illusion of invincibility and lack of alternatives to their power.
But there is always an alternative, remember! Our goal now is to spread true knowledge among
people more widely. By any means that do not contradict the laws of life. The first method is to
collect all open information about any technology, from the simplest, such as manual tillage,
woodworking, stone processing, irrigation of fields, construction of the simplest looms, to the most
complex that can be found. Each family, or if a person is unmarried, then a separate person,
monitors all the areas where it happens, and chooses the highest technology, information about
which he can get. And collects. Prints, many copies, for example, forty-nine. He stores it in safe
places and passes it on to reliable people. Leaves it at someone's door if he's afraid of being found
out. Most of all, this applies to developments in the most modern areas. Today, these are
information technologies, space rocket development, and medical research.
The men were slowly approaching the lighted intersection of the ring.
“But how will all this data get to the society itself? How will they be known?”
“This is another part of the movement. An open distributed all-Planet center for Technological
Research is being organized. Along with it, national centers of technological research are created
and distributed in each national state. All data from these centers is publicly available. All requests
from these centers will be known to all citizens. Requests are given to the society, and everyone can
always help. But this is only part of the job of gaining knowledge. Since there is a high probability
that not all technologies will be opened up to society in this way, the main focus will be on the
original open development of those technologies that will be required for the task of spreading life
on Earth and in space. Everything is in the public domain. Data storage is distributed among all
living earthlings.
- I here do not understand, how simple Earthman which only yesterday further its refrigerator
and zombie-TV not saw and not wanted to to see, has changed so, that, as you speak, became
enough mass help?
"Don't be happy about the altruism of many, my friend," the agent said with a mirthless smile.
This is all because of the things got tough. The dark government, as you know, has begun to openly
show its predatory intentions towards people. And it is good that many people were able to get the
idea that something should be done. Then they noticed us and started to cooperate with us en masse.
Although we have never hidden for thousands of years how the world works and what is the
meaning of life. This is the truth of life. It's good that at least so.

Jumpy Votesi
Meanwhile, at the BME plant for the production of silicon melting and crystallization units for
the production of single-crystal silicon ingots, the working day was coming to an end. The chief
engineer Jumpy Votesi quietly looked around. Everyone has already left the shop floor. He was the
last. He knew that a guard might be watching him through a security camera, but he was prepared
for it. He will open a window of the pseudo-working application. From the view it is the same as
the real program. Its role was to cover up what he wanted to do — copy completely all the detailed
information that they had at the silicon crystallization plant for further manufacturing of
microprocessors. From what he knew, it was the most valuable thing his company owned. It will
copy everything, both the manufacturing technology of the installation, and the actual technology
for obtaining single-crystal silicon based on induction melting in a cold crucible, all the installation
scheme and the basic...
Jumpy Votesi said goodbye to the guard at the entrance and safely left the territory of the
institution. Now come what may. They will have to try to prove his guilt. He has no motive. And
one-on-one he will not meet with anyone. He'll leave the flash drive on a park bench. He had read
about this method of transmission on one of the sites. You don't have to meet anyone in person. Just
leave the media with the information in a random place that you think is more or less appropriate.
He had read that the percentage of agents at the all-planet center for technological research was as
high as 65%, meaning the chances were high enough.
The street lights dimly lit the pavement. Ahead of him, a couple walked slowly, hugging each
other. He slowed down, too. Previously, such an act could not even be considered. But now.
Everything went wrong. Everything that he had previously so irrepressibly longed for was rapidly
losing its meaning. The absurdity of politicians' decisions is visible to the naked eye. And the way
they leave no freedom. He recently found this manual lying on the ground. As if he sensed it
"Well, I'll leave it on this bench," he said to himself in a low voice. "That's all. As if nothing had
And quickly, without looking back, he hurried home.

Two shadows approached the Park.
"Will there be anything here?"
One of them turned on the electronic drive search device.
"Nothing yet.”
The other carefully looked around.
"That's them. Go from here.”
"Just a second, I think I've got something. Where is it?”
“Hasten. They are already visible.
“Now. Where can it lie? Perhaps there, on that unlit bench? Yes. There are. Run.”
As soon as they turned the corner of the high-rise building, they saw a slow-moving car, and
from behind the car windows, they could see the stares that prowled around. But the two silent
shadows were already far away.

“Go on, drive a little further from the airport entrance, there will be a bin.”
The two on the scooter drove a little further and threw a thick stack of paper into the bin.
“All printed out?”
"Of course. We must.”
The reader can guess that this bundle of paper was nothing more than printed files from a flash
drive, which was picked up a couple of hours ago by two people, and even before that it was taken
out of the enterprise by our friend Jumpy Votesi.
Five minutes later, a man in a light gray t-shirt will quickly put the package in his briefcase, lock
it with a key, and rush to the airport to land.

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