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1- How do we know plants are living things?

a) Because they make their own food.
b) Because they are born, they grow, they reproduce and they die.
c) Because they turn carbon dioxide into oxygen.

2- How do plants get food?

a) They make their own food.
b) They go to the supermarket and buy it.
c) They are herbivores.

3- What four things do plants need to grow and be healthy?


4- Which are the parts of a plant?

a) Roots, leaves, a trunk and fruits.

b) Roots, a stem, leaves and seeds.
c) Root, a stem, leaves and flowers.

5- What is the job of the roots?

a) They are above the ground.

b) They support the plant.
c) They absorb nutrients and water from the soil.

6- What part of the plant takes in air and sunlight?

a) Leaves
b) Roots
c) Fruits

7- What do we call the thick and hard stem?

a) Tree
b) Trunk
c) Bush

8- If plants have lots of stems and leaves, they are called….

a) Bush
b) Tree
c) Grass
9- What four parts do flowers have?

a) Petals, a pistil, sepals and staments.

b) Petals, pollen, leaves and seeds.
c) A stem, a pistil, sepals and petals

10-Which one is not a use of plants?

a) Fruit and vegetables.

b) Wood for furniture.
c) Plastic for plastic bags.

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