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Blueberry Themed Artwork

-Create an artwork for an exhibit based on a common theme

You will be creating an artwork to be displayed at the sophomore class’s Blueberry
Bash fundraiser on Saturday, September 24th. All artworks must have a blueberry
theme. You have the option of working independently or collaborating with one to two
other artists in the class. These artworks will be hung in the small gym for everyone to
see, so please make sure you are making your best work.

1.) Decide if you will work independently or collaboratively. If you decide to work in a
group, the group cannot be bigger than 3 people and all people must make equal
contributions to the artwork. You will all receive individual grades.
2.) Decide on the size of artwork you want to make and what medium you will use
(paper collage, pencil, watercolor, paint pen and ink, etc.)
3.) Plan! Use your artist notebook to complete a few thumbnails before you get
started. Think about different types of composition and materials.
4.) Get your drawing/painting paper for your final work. Make sure you leave space
in the bottom right hand corner where you can neatly write you name, grade, and
the materials you used (For example: Mrs. Worthy, 8th grade, watercolor on

Specific Criteria:
Craftsmanship: Your artwork should look like you put thought and care into its creation.
Remember they will be displayed for the whole school to see.

Focus Art Element/Principle: Your finished artwork should be based on blueberries

Focus Art Element/Principle:

Creating an artwork based on a common theme

Varies depending on student

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