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A fon-haircd woman stands between 1wo hgh1-colored

p11lars. Shc wears rcd robes with gold pauldrons.
A thíck whue blindfold has been placed over her
C\'es. A crown hovcrs ovcr hcr hcad. She holds a set of
􀈎ales m one hand. One of the plates has a feather in
it. The olher 1s empt)'. ln heT othcr hand. she \\oelds a
sword. h stays h,gh m the air She appears 10 be instasis
as if she is waitmg for an ac11on to come bcfore hcr
bdore 1mpanmg some w1tness. The astrological sign
for Libra appears on a veil that is behind her.
Keyword: Kanna
Hcbn:w lcrtcr: l.amed. mcaning goad
Corres1"mdl'nccs: Libra, Venus
Uprighr: balance: take responsibility for your actions:
negotiating circumstances; do the right thing.
Rrvr,·sed· a loss against you: poor dec1S1ons: takc JUS•
tice mt0 )'0ur ov,,n hands: block an olllcome.

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