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Good afternoon teacher

I’m Erick Marquina Chávez and Robinson Dueñas Condori, we will start with the

final project of the course, which is a dialogue about us and our daily lives.

Erick: Good afternoon, Robinson Dueñas.

Robinson: Good afternoon, Erick, a pleasure.

Erick: A pleasure is my friend Robinson, how are you, how are you doing at


Robinson: Well, my job as a police officer is exhausting. I was at dawn taking

care, it's part of my job. and how are you?

Erick: I work security and I understand you, because I also take care, what is

your study schedule?

Robinson: My study schedule is different, because my police service changes


Erick: I understand. Could you tell me more about your experiences?

Robinson: Of course, the last intervention I had was about a traffic accident, in

which we had to save a life.

Erick: It is impressive to know that you carry out your work with such


Robinson: That's right mate Erick, what is your study schedule?

Erick: My study hours are normally from 8 pm to 10 pm Monday through Friday.

Robinson: Excellent, and what do you like the most?

Erick: What I like the most is spending time with my family and enjoying every

second with them.

Robinson: You're right, family is what inspires us to keep going.

Erick: What is your favorite food?

Robinson: My favorite food is lomo saltado. and you

Erick: My favorite food is ceviche.

Robinson: This weekend we could share a ceviche, at my house.

Erick: Great, very good idea, it's one of my favorite dishes, I'll bring cake and

chicha de jora to share.

Robinson: It's the drink I like, thanks Erick.

Erick: You don't have to thank me mate Robinson, this weekend we'll be at your


Robinson: excellent! I'll wait for you this Sunday Erick.

Erick: Well, nice to talk to you. goodbye friend

Robinson: Goodbye, Erick.

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