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Why not?

TOM I want a new shirt.
SALESMAN Here are some beautiful shirts.
TOM Oh, no! I don't like those!
TOM Because I don't want a shirt with flowers on it!

TOM I have a new shirt for the party.
RITA What color is it?
TOM Yellow. Does Lucy like yellow?
RITA l don't know.
TOM Maybe she likes blue. Where's my blue shirt?

LUCY My red dress is dirty, so l'm going to wear
n1y green one to the party.
MRS. HILL No, don't wear that one.
LUCY Why not?
MRS . HILL Because it' s too short. Wash your red one.

MRS . WHITE Why aren't you ready for the party, Tom?
TOM Because I don't have my shoes.
Do you see them?
MRS . WHITE The right one.'s on the dresser, but where's
the left one?
TOM Here it is'
MRS. WHITE This room is too 1nessy! Pt~t your clean clothes
in the closet and the dirty ones in this bag.
TOM Oh, Mom! Right now?
MRS. WHITE Yes. Right now!

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