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‘A | Practice Test 2 Instructions to follow 4) Listen to the audio and answer the questions below Part 1 Question 1-4 Instructions to follow * Complete the notes below. ‘+ Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. Notes for Holiday Travel Information “Must find out which @ arriving at. imon lives in the oe of the city -Simon's cell phone number: oe Que: * Complete the notes below. '* Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. ‘WA [ELTsMaterialcom What to pack To wear: - casual clothes one smart dress to wear ata__ -agood eo tough Qa . To read: try tofind booknamed__ @ by Rex Campbell For Presents: - For Janice: oO . - For Alec: © . (with racing pictures) 6 I :xtsvteratcom ‘A + Complete the form below. ‘+ Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer. DVD Customer Profile Occupation: student (For example) Have you owned a DVD player before? No What is the maximum you want to spend on aDVD player?__ BY How often do you watch Dvbs?__ @) What type of films do you enjoy?__ What other DVDs (non-film) do you watch?__@B) Que: ns 15-20 Instructions to follow * Complete the table below. '* Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER for each answer wv ‘A Player | Features Cost After-sales service B30 | basic £69 &. only XL 643 | Canalso__@) @. © at reduced cost Trix | will also play £94 including Guaranteed for 3 years 24 © a 18 ‘A Instructions to follow * Complete the table showing the student's opinion ‘© Choose your answers from the box below ‘+ There are more words than spaces so you will not use them all. ‘+ You may use any of the words more than once. Student Favourite Instrument Favourite style of music Greg @ Alexandria @2) Katja Rachel Harry Emika 8/e/e\6 Instrument Guitar Violin Pipa Organ Piano Bouzouki Piano Drums Harp 19 ‘A Style of Music Ballet music Rap Classical Heavy metal Opera Jazz Rock Be-Bop Country Que: ns 27-30 Instructions to follow * Complete the form below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer. @ Stimutating music speeds up our ® Calming music reduces our @ music has very predictable rhythms. © Research may show if people of different perceive music differently. 20 ‘WA [ELTsMaterialcom © Choose the correct answer, A, B or C. @ Ettremophiles' are life forms that can live in A isolated areas. B hostile con c new habitats. © The researchers think that some of the organisms they found in Antarctica are A new species. 8 ancient colonies. types of insects, © The researchers were the first people to find life forms in Antarctica A inthe soil. B under the rock surface. © onthe rocks. aa I :xtsvteratcom ‘A Questions 34-40 ‘* Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer. How the extremophiles survive? © access to the sun's heat can create a for some organisms. @ The deeper the soil, the higher the. of salt. © sait can protect organisms against the effects of, ‘even at very low temperatures. @ Ailliiving things must have access to water. © Salt plays a part in the process of. which prevents freezing. © the environment of is similar to the dry valleys of Antarctica. © This research may provide evidence of the existence of extra terrestrial life forms and their possible on other planets. 22

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