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Name : Indah Wati Sianturi

Npm : 17.111.021
Progam Studi : Program Studi Ilmu Keperawatan Program Sarjana Jalur
Transfer Institut Kesehatan DELI HUSADA Delitua
Judul Skirpsi : The Corelation Knowledge Relationship With Precautionary
Measures Of Transmission Pulmonary TB at Patumbak Public
Health Center Deli Serdang District In 2019.


Tuberculosis disease is an infectious disease mostlycaused by mycobacterium

tuberculosis bacterial. In Indonesia, tuberrculosis is a major public health problem. The
purpose of this reseach is to know corelation of knowledge with precautionary measures of
transmissions pulmonary tb at Patumbak public health center Deli Serdang district in
2019.then, the population of this reserach was all TB patients coming to patumbak health
center from october in 2018 to january in 2019. Sampling technique was determined by
minimum formula (probabiliti value =0,88), with 96 were collected by using
primary and scondary data.mereover,analysis of data was done by chi-square analysis
(=0,005).the results of this research showed that 59 people of 96 respondents had bad
knowledge behavior,while 37 pepole good knowledge behavior.others,63 behavior both in the
prevention of pulmonary tb trasmission and 33 behavior.bivariate test result showed that
there was a significant relationship between knowledge and prevention measures for
pulmonary tB in family PMO at patumbak public health center in 2019(p=0.021;=0,005). It
is adviseed to family pmo to improve knowledge and skills about knowledge to meet safety
needs by attending training,seminar.

Keywords: Knowledge,Preventive Measure TB, Family Pmo

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