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TERM TEST GRADE 1 A. No, it is a bike

B. Yes, it is a ball
C. No, it is a doll
1. What is the color of strawberry?
A. Blue B. Red C. Purple
12. Is it a book?

2. What is the color of sky? A. No, it is a pen

B. No, it is a door
A. Blue B. Pink C. Black C. No, it is a pencil case

3. What is the meaning of Yellow?

13.How many bags in this picture?
A. Kuning B. Merah C. Merah
A. Six
B. Five
4. Desk means…..
C. One
A. Meja B. Kursi C. Pintu

14.What is she doing?

5. Rubber means….
A. Buku B. Pena C. Penghapus A. Sit down
B. Open book
C. Stand up
6. Lukas reads….
A. Desk B. Book C. Chair
15. What is this?

7. Ben playing computer game in…

A. Door
A. Kite B. Camera C. Computer B. Book
C. Pen

8. Doll means…
A. Bola B. Boneka C. Sepeda

9. Art set means…

A. Set seni B. Kamera C. Ball

10. Matthew takes a picture use…..

A. Kite B. Ball C. Camera

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