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COURSE : Advance research Methodology

TOPIC : climate change and poverty in developing countries (Mini-Proposal research)
STUDENT : Saed Hassan
Chapter 1: introduction

 This Proposal-Research presents a summary of the impacts of climate change on developing

countries and what they can do to minimize the effects, Especially my research will focus on
the impacts of climate changes for Horn Africa. The Horn is most vulnerable region of
changes both natural and man-made like underground water depletion and recurring droughts.
Because contains largest Pastoralist communities in the World, are mostly nomadic, live
primarily in arid or semi-arid areas, and depend for their livelihood on livestock – cattle,
sheep, goats and camels.

 Impacts of climate change will have a disproportional negative impact on developing

countries (in 21st century). Climate change will exacerbate problems related rapid population
growth, existing poverty, recurring droughts and a heavy reliance on agriculture and the
environment. Developing countries have a much more limited capacity to cope with the
problems caused by climate change. This research-proposal examine presents climate change
impacts on developing countries and what the governments and international organizations
can do to minimize those impacts.
Background of the Study
 Globally the climate change and poverty as one of the most perplexing phenomenon in human
society Exists whole the globe.
 Another side poor and food insecurity is common in developing countries and this ongoing
affects will be exacerbate it. According UN-nations poor developing are more vulnerable than
developed countries.

 Climate change will further reduce access to drinking water, negatively affect the health of
poor people, and will pose a real threat to food security in many countries in Africa, Asia, and
Latin America.

 Climate change is not only something of the future, but the climate has already
changed significantly over the last 50 years. The average temperature around the
globe has increased by 0.75 °C, over de the last 100 years.
 for past 25 years, it was recorded the hottest years in our planet ((Earth).
 The 1990’s and 2015s were probably the hottest decades of the last millennium
(IPCC 2015). The IPCC (2007) concluded earlier these years that at least part of
the increase in temperature is caused by human emissions of greenhouse gases.

This proposal research stated that: “observational evidence and case studies from
international organizations and academic journals, that many natural systems are
affected by regional climate changes.
Most of the observed changes are linked to temperature changes. Unfortunately,
most of the studies and observations are from the developed world and there is an
important lack of data from developing countries.
Problem statements
 This research describes the impacts of climate change and poverty on
developing countries and what the Africans and Middle East Countries can do
to minimize the effects of climate change on their communities through both
mitigation and adaptation.
 Rainfall is likely to increase around the poles and the tropics while in the sub-
tropics and even most pastoralist community of Horn Africa and average
precipitation is likely to decrease.
 Not only the average annual or seasonal rainfall will change; there will also be
an increase in the number of extreme events resulting in more frequent and
severe floods and droughts.
Objectives of study
General objectives of study
 The General Objective of this study to assess The Impact of Climate change to
poor and developing countries, Case study of Africa, and especially the Horn.

Specific Objectives
1. To identify the causes of climate changes.
2. To examine the vulnerability of poor and developing countries.
Research Questions
Based on the above stated core problem and research objectives, the answers to
the following questions are important to the conclusion of this study.

1. How climate changes affects the environment and poor countries?

2. What are the extent of causing climate change in developing countries?

Scope and significance

 The beneficial of this study will be all students will research on this study,
Governments, the community and anyone who needs information about this
study. They benefit from all people mentioned they will get the accurate
information about Impact of climate change and poverty in developing
countries, they will understand the ongoing and exacerbating affects about
climate changing and Global warming.
Scope of the Study

The scope of the study will be limited to assessing the Impact of climate change in
Developing countries specially Horn Africa. Which involved the recurring droughts,
Environmental degradation, water depletion. The Horn contains the largest
population of pastoralists in the world. Somalia, The significant of economic source
is livestock. While the Ethiopia, Sudan, and Djibouti and even Kenya are the most
pastoralist countries in the region.
Description of the Stud Area
A developing country is a states with a less developed industrial base and a lower
Human income and Development and related to relative to other countries. And
similarly this proposal-research was describing the impact of climate change in
developing and least developed countries especially Horn Africa.
This literature review provides theoretical and empirical literature reviews of the
study as well as its conceptual framework. The theoretical review puts the study
about the social impacts of climate change in the context of a body of principles
offered to explain this phenomenon some countries in developing countries. The
empirical review relates the findings of the study.
Impacts of climate change on poverty and development

 The previous studies summarized what impact climate change will have on the
different sectors.
 This proposal-research focuses on the combined impacts of climate change on
poverty and development, and which communities/regions will be most vulnerable
to climate change. There is a general consensus that poor people in developing
countries will suffer the most from climate change (Sperling 2003). Developing
countries are affected more because of the economic importance of climate
sensitive sectors such as agriculture in combination with their low adaptive
Summarizes the most important impacts of climate
change on water, agriculture, health, biodiversity and
coastal zones in the various regions of Africa such as:
 More frequent droughts, especially in Southern Africa
 More frequent low water storage in reservoirs and lakes
 Reduced run-off in Northern and Southern Africa; increased run-off in East
 More frequent floods, especially in East Africa
 Increased water stress due to both climate change and increased demand
 Increased water scarcity could trigger more conflicts
 Severe impact on food production and security
 Agriculture in several marginal semiarid regions will become unsustainable
 Increased poverty of small scale farmers
 Small increases in productivity in regions with mild climate change where
rainfall is increasing
 Changing season will make agriculture more difficult, e.g. changed sowing
dates due to later or earlier start of wet season
 Less predictable water availability will make nomadic agriculture more
Ecosystems and biodiversity
 Most natural ecosystems will be affected; detailed impacts remain unclear due to
a lack of data and well documented studies
 Biodiversity in the highlands of East Africa is severely threatened
 25-40% of large mammal species in National Parks will become endangered
 Wildlife Tourism at risk in East and Southern Africa due to lower density of large
 Desertification likely to increase due to combined threats of climate change and
unsustainable land use
 Coral reefs are particularly vulnerable to warmer temperatures.

 Qualitative research strategy is adopted to achieve the objectives of the research.

Furthermore, the study implemented the combination of descriptive and analytical
research design. Also, it based on secondary data reviewed and observed from
what have already written and said to this title.

Research Variables
 Climate change is Independent variable and denoted as (X), where
 Poverty is the dependent variable (Y)

 This chapter presents the findings of the study. The chapter highlights the informational
background and the impacts of climate on poor poverty countries. Discussion and analysis of the
various responses from the different sources of the study.
 After having reviewed many academic researches I got dramatic awareness of the impacts on
developing countries, especially east Africa. Nevertheless, it is wider for capacity of
underdeveloped governments the ability and management this issue and they don’t have a budget
for planning and strategy.

 According to the above findings and the present signs and the future
projections of climate change have been described as aggravating to the poor
countries. In my research questions, the impacts of both developed and
underdeveloped countries have mutual effects on climate change, but each is
more susceptible than another. Our region (Horn African) cannot endure any
further vicious circle. Because we have been suffering from undertaking
problems, like civil wars, regional conflicts, human migration, and also
expanding pastoral.
 Every single man can feel the level of climate change affecting the globe and
the region. Global warming, water shortage, floods, environmental degradation
and rising sea level.
After the study’s findings are analyzed the study is recommending the
1. the study found that climate change is a threat our lovely Environment and our
future life so we have to effectiveness goals strategy.
2. The study indicated the present policies and strategies for climate change
impacts are not appropriate the strategy which can be sustainable goals,
therefore the Governments should develop effective strategies, which improve
the future needs of the community and region.

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