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Differences between countries become less evident each year.

all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating
habit and TV channels. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
Globalisation has accomplished that people from all around the globe follow
the same fashion, rock bands, TV shows and even have the same food to eat. This
has clearly more benefits to society than negative points and in this essay, I will
explain why.
The improvements in communication technologies have increased cultural
and language interchange between countries. People living in Buenos Aires can
take online English classes with an Indian teacher, in like manner, enhancing not
only language knowledge but Also learning about other cultures and food recipes.
The second advantage is the increase in socialization attitudes among others.
Teenagers, these days, for example, use the TIKTOK app on their phones and
share dances with friends from overseas countries which they had previously met
online. Another noticeable positive point is that governments share policies aborad
enhancing others’ experience. Take, for instance, the CoViD19 pandemic has made
information trade from one place to another, improve the outcome of the disease in
many countries.
On the other hand, there are some disadvantages of globalisation, such as the
loss of traditional customs which have begun to melt with foreign ones and will
later disappear. Namely, in Christmas, Santa Claus, introduced by the American,
has blacked out the belief in Christ and his birth. Another negative point is that bad
eating habits are also shared and integrated into many cultures. Junk food
multinationals, namely as Mc Donalds and Starbucks, have become widely
available, worsening the diet of children and adults all over the globe noticeably.

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