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Comenzaremos con las rutinas

o Puedes comenzar con la hora a la que te levantas (1 enunciado)

On a normal day I get up at ______

o Puedes hablar de tus quehaceres o bien de tus actividades en el trabajo / comercio / etc (deben
haber al menos 4 enunciados. Cada uno con un Adverb (seldom, always, never...)
I normally go to work at _____
I seldom attend _______
I never revise ________
A continuación hablarás de una persona que estimes (madre, hijo, jefe, maestro, tía, amigo (1 enunciado donde
indicas de quién hablarás)

Now I want to talk about my ________ (mom, son, boss, teacher, aunt, friend)

o Expresa dos actividades que él o ella NO realice. (es posible omitir el Adverbio) (2 enunciados)
He/she doesn't _________
He/she never _________

oAhora realiza (2 preguntas) acerca de esa persona y respóndelas (2 respuestas). Observa el

ejemplo de la derecha; no olvides colocar adverbio en cada una de las preguntas.
1. Does my boss usually receive phone calls?
Yes she normally receives many phone calls

2. ____

o Finalmente utiliza los vocabularios need / need to; have / have to; want / want to / should y can para
expresar deseo, necesidad obligación y habilidades tuyas. 10 enunciados. Observa el ejemplo de
la derecha
I need to study more
I need a better job
I should take notes from English classes

1. On a normal day I get up at 7:30 in the morning

2. I seldom go to work in the mornings
3. Since I always work at night
4. I always take my son to school
5. I seldom atending my messages
6. Now I want to talk about my teacher because he teaches me to speak english
7. He doesn¨t have free time
8. He is never sitting eating popcorn
9. The teacher Will qualifies the task on the weekend? R=Do not he not work on the weekend
10. Will he celebrate his birhday? R= If it is you meet with the family
11. I need to fix my car
12. I need a new computer
13. I want to speak english with ease
14. I have a black dog
15. I need a better car
16. I should take classes Driving
17. I have to run arrive on time
18. I have the ability to learn
19. I need to be a better student
20. I should take a vacation

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