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1. Community Health Nursing is a field of nursing practice directed

towards ________.
Rephrase of Q: What is the goal or general function of CHN/ Ask to whom
should we provide our services as a community health nurse.
A. Individual patient
B. Care of families
C. Nursing the community
D. Health education of the community
Rationale: As we all know the family is the basic unit of the society.

2. World Health Organization defines community health as one of the

A. Teamwork based on social and natural sciences
B. Assessment of client’s health needs
C. Achievement of human potentials
D. Special field in nursing including social assistance
Rationale: World Health Organization says that community health is a special
field in health care delivery service of all organize measures and interventions
and these includes; environmental, social, economic, physical and emotional
well-being. Therefore the answer is letter D.

3. The WHO describes Public Health as the best health for the greatest
number. Public health must address the health needs for the general
masses which includes the following clientele of a community health
A. Individuals and families
B. Individuals, families, and population groups
C. Individuals, population groups and community
D. Individual, families, and communities
Rationale: Special population groups or aggregate population group such as
pregnant women, postpartum mothers, senior citizens, 0-1 yr. old (clients in

4. When a community health nurse encourages patient to become active

participation in their own healthcare he or she is acting as:
A. Clinician
B. Collaborator
C. Educator
D. Advocate
Rationale: Collaborator is when the nurse together with the patient the
significant other, family, other nurses, other members of health care team, and
other health care provider.
•Clinician is a role that provide nursing care and treatment to maintain and
prevent disease.
•Educator it the nurse teaches that also includes signing health care education
plan or implementing the plan.
•Advocate if the nurse preserve the human dignity, promote patient equality,
and provide freedom from suffering ensures that patients have the right to
make decisions about their own health.

5. In the municipality where you are assigned, the people have poor
hygiene practice, poor environmental sanitation, and poor nutrition. The
educational levels are low, infant mortality rate is low compared to the
national IMR. In this municipality the nursing health care plan should be
focused on:
A. Rehabilitative Services
B. Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
C. Curative Services
D. All of these services
Rationale: Health promotion and disease prevention programs aim to engage
and empower individuals and communities to choose healthy behaviors, and
make changes that reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases and other
•Rehabilitative services are helping people with disabilities with chronic illness
to attain an optimal health and to adopt to an altered lifestyle.
•Curative services provides treatments to the patient with the goal of curing the
illness or condition of the patient

6. You have chosen nursing as a career. Understanding nursing as a

profession will help you protect the image of nursing in public. Nursing
is best defined as a profession that:
A. Concerned with nursing diagnoses and treatment
B. Help people that contribute to recovery from peaceful death
C. Care for people, sick or well in any health setting
D. Assist people towards care
Rationale: Based on the health continuum model

7. Implementing rule of RA 7164 includes the ff: (Select all that apply)
A. Supervision and care in women during pregnancy, labor and puerperium
B. Performance of internal examination and delivery of babies
C. Suturing laceration in the absence of physician
D. Supervision of first aid measure and emergency care
E. Recommending herbal and symptomatic medication
F. Handles or lead matter in the absence or if the municipal health officer is
8. With regards to illness prevention activities as part of nursing, care,
which ch of the following help clients most?
A. Promotes habits related to healthcare
B. Manage stress
C. Maintain maximum body function
D. Reduce risk factor
Rationale: Reduce risk factors to illness can be done by eating healthy,
exercise, avoid alcohol and others.

9. The focus of care can be a family as a total functioning which is more

than the sum of its parts. This means that:
A. A household constitutes a family
B. CHN practice is viewed holistically
C. And individual should be seen as a whole
D. A sick member is seen as feature or part of the situation in a given family
Rationale: When there’s one family member who has a problem or an illness,
all of the family member will be affected. The family will adjust and modify to
the situation.

10. The family who participates in groups and activities that bear on
family needs depicts which of the following characteristics of a healthy
Rephrase: How is family related to the community or why should healthy family
connects to the community?
A. Communication patterns
B. Connectedness and commitment
C. Links with broader community
D. Respect for individual differences

11. A family who is able to teach sense of right and wrong is showing
which of the following characteristics of a healthy family.
A. Shared belief system
B. Flexible and egalitarian
C. Communication patterns
D. Sense of play and humor
Rationale: The moral and ethical governs usually comes from our environment
on how we are raise and shapes through our interactions of family, friends and

12. A nurse performs advocate through, when she aims:

A. Investigates where the family failed to isolate despite being ordered to
B. Intervenes when family members have conflict
C. Interprets the family to others
D. Intercedes in behalf of the family

13. Which of the following is not a responsibility of a public health nurse?

A. Participates in the implementation and evaluation of the health plan
B. Organizes trainings for midwives
C. Conduct anti-rabies immunization on household pets
D. Conduct family home visit
E. Provide care for individual client, family, and aggregate population
F. Participates in the anti-insurgency campaign

14. Which of the following statement is true about health promotion?

A. Health promotion is a way of life
B. Health promotion means absence of disease
C. Health promotion is an investment of life
D. Health promotion is outside hospital setting/nursing

15. The most important specific characteristic of a true professional

nurse is:
A. Accountable to her/his action
B. Observe professionalism
C. Competence and ethical work behavior
D. Sensitive to needs of others

16. The protection of health is a major responsibility of the DOH. Which

can be most successful when there is an active partnership or
involvement of whom?
A. Department of education and LGU
B. Professional health association
C. The people and the needy citizenry
D. NGO's

17. The ultimate goal of the provided by the government is to:

- raise the level of health of citizenry

18. The following are major factors most significantly influencing the
health care delivery system over the last decade:
A. Legal ethical and bioethical issues
B. New knowledge and technologies in the management of diseases
C. Political and economic condition
D. Cultural and religious movement
E. Society and consumer movement

19. The most basic type of health promotion activities of DOH?

A. Primary health care
B. Health information dissemination/health education

20. In the primary health care system, complicated cases of improper use
of technology should be referred to:
A. Rural physician
B. City health office
C. Midwife
D. District hospital

21. It is integral part of the society to look at the people health need
restore good health and prolong life?
A. Primary health care *is a strategy
B. Health services
C. Health care delivery system

22. In primary health care continuity of care from hospital to home is best
provided through:
A. Contact first line personal to village worker
B. Referral system
C. Follow-up check-up
D. Provision of dischargement

23. For continuity of care to be successful which role of the nurse is most
helpful/which role is performed?
A. To be a part of health care team
B. Coordinator
C. Collaborator
D. Communicator

24. Measures design to promote general optimum health for the

establishments of barriers against the agents and the environment are
referred to as?
A. Primary prevention
B. Secondary prevention
C. Tertiary prevention
primary -before the effects occur
secondary- screening to identify disease in earliest time possible
tertiary- managing the diseases after being diagnose/ rehabilitation

25. Just generosity is a virtue that can be described as?

A. Fairly distributing resources
B. Giving and receiving based on need
C. Donating to good causes
D. Punishing wrong doers
26. Mandatory isolation of persons with COVID even when they refuse to,
is an example of?
A. Utilitarian ethics *the greatest good for the greatest number
B. Deontological ethics/ Kantian Ethics- *worthy of dignity
C. Ethical principlism- *autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice
D. Justice

27. The key element underlying precautionary principle is? *before

a. Anticipatory action is based on scientific proof
b. Anticipatory action is taken when scientific certainty is absent/ absent of
scientific basis
c. Anticipatory action is based on evidence
D. Anticipatory action is based on traditional science

28. What is the most important contribution of religion to the practice of

-Humanistic view of man

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