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Federalist papers N 10

Factions and Their Remedy ( James Madison, No.10)

The practical advantages of the union held together by the U.S. Constitution include a

reduction of factions, proactive promotion of trade and wealth, and a more cost-effective
government. In theory, as well as in practice, the new plan of government is far superior to the
old and more likely to be sustained.
A republican form of government provides the closest remedy for factions without
eliminating altogether. A faction is defined as any number of citizens that are inspired by
some common passions to act adversely towards the rights of other citizens. The republican
form of government works to prevent factions because a higher number of representatives
guard against the attempts of the few, and because the extended sphere of the republic makes it
less probably that a faction will become a majority of the whole.

he union serves as a better means to promote commerce, especially in competition with

Europe. It allows for uniform prohibitory trade regulations that would eventually lead to
privileged trading in the British markets. It also provides for a federal navy that will assist the
United States in establishing commercial privileges in this hemisphere.

The union serves as the best means of promoting the overall wealth of the young nation.
Revenue in the whole nation will benefit from the consistency of commerce brought about by
the union. The ability of the citizens to pay taxes is proportional to the overall amount of
wealth, and this increases with commercial success as well. If there is no union, it will be easy
for states to trade illicitly amongst themselves and smuggle contraband, both undermining the
national revenue. With a single union, there's only one border to protect for trade violations--the
Atlantic side.

If there is no national revenue, then taxes will not be taken from commerce and instead
will be placed on the land. Landowners will become the most burdened class in society.

It is more cost-efficient to run a union government than to support 13 separate

governments. It will be more expensive to staff the separate governments, especially because
each would have to worry about inter-state threats to their own security and defense.
he republican form of government established by the Constitution is superior to other plans of
government. It does not fall into the category of turbulent and anarchic republican governments
such as Ancient Greece or Modern Italy. Instead, America lays claim discovering the unmixed
and extensive republic.
The natural limit of a republic is the distance from the center that will barely allow the
representatives to meet as often as necessary to administer public affairs. Since a congress has
continually met, with representatives from each state, up until this point, we must assume that it
will be continually possible to do so.

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