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Paula: Hi Rosa. How are you doing?

I was shopping fruits in the market and later I saw you in

the Café. That's why I came over to talk to you.

Rosa: Hi Paula. I’m send to e-mail a my boss .In the afternoon After the work I always come to
the Café. By the way . What´s your major ?

Paula: I am an international business manager. And you?

Rosa: I am an enviromental enviromental . What company do you work for?

Paula: I worked a company a call squeeze. But , I feel But then I felt that this work was not
enough for me. So I decided to start my own business.

Rosa : Interesting. Before starting work at Provisur. I took the opportunity to take a vacation
and went on a trip to Greece and Rome. What is the name of your company?

Paula: My company is call The pick . You know . I thought I was making a bad decision by
prefering to found my own company than to go on a trip with other squeeze designers to
Rome . Also ,I always wanted to go a Rome

Rosa: I think you made a very good choice. I think that your company will expand in a very
short time. because you are very talented in designing clothes . Good . The Provisur is my first
job .I´m very excited .Cause´, today I was my first day of work

Paula: Thank you for supporting my decision.That´s sounds Good . If you make an effort and
organize yourself, you will do very well in your work. Those papers that are on the table are

Rosa: Yes it's correct . I also love my job although it seems to be a bit heavy .and if those
papers are mine . I have to prepare reports similar to these

Paula: What are these reports about?Good. I'm going to have green noodles for lunch.

Rosa: This is the growth of residual trafficking in rivers and seas . .That´s delicious I will also
have lunch. I will eat quinoa corquettes in mushroom slassa

Paula: It was nice talking to you. Bye

Rosa: I hope to see you son., Bye

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