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Francesco Huaman Asmat


March 1, 2022

Subject: Job Apliccation Letter for the position in an organization

Dear Mr. Smith.

My name is Francesco Giovanni Huaman Asmat and I’m 19 years old. Let me introduce
myself, I’m a boy who is studying Psychology, I’m among the best students of my career and I
saw a job posting that said that you need psychology students and I’m one of them. If you
hire me, I Will give my best in every hour of work.

One of my biggest dreams since childhood has been to become an excellent forensic
psychologist. To make it real I’ve been working with some patients and doing some activities
in my free time, for example I’ve practiced oratory for 3 years to get more security with
myself and I can do that the people wich I talk have more security when they talk me about
their problems and that is great because on that way I can know better where is the problem
and how to solve it. On the other hand In my free time I like to dance bachata and salsa and I
specially I like to play soccer.

 I patiently wait to receive a call that is of interest to you. So in that way you can contact


Francesco Huaman.

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