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Travel and Vacation Quiz

Answer the questions using the words below.

Vacation Map Arrive Board

Postcards Travel agent Suitcase Destination
Pack Backpack Depart Passengers
Tour guide Airport Passport Voyage

1. What is a thing people use to find out where they are? _____MAP______________

2. What do you call a person who shows tourists interesting places? ___ TOUR GUIDE ____

3. What word means put your things into your bags? _____PACK ________

4. What do you call the document that shows what country you are from? ___PASSPORT _____

5. What kind of luggage do you put on your back? ___ BACKPACK ____

6. What word means leave for your destination? ______DEPART__________

7. What do you call a journey by ship? _____VOYAGE____________

8. What word means go onto an airplane or a boat? ______BOARD__________

9. What is a place where people board airplanes? ____AIRPORT________

10. What do you call pictures that you mail to friends and family? ___POSTCARD_____

11. What kind of luggage do you check in at the airport? ____SUITCASE_______

12. What do you call the place you are trying to reach? ____DESTINATION________

13. What do you call a person who books airplane tickets for you? _____TRAVEL AGENT_______

14. What is the time when kids don´t go to school for a while? _____VACATION____________

15. What word means you have reached your destination? __ARRIVE____________

16. What do you call people who travel on airplanes, trains, or ships? ____PASSENGERS______

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