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Trivias about the Our Lady of Mt.


1. On July 16, 1251, our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock, in Kent, England. She gave him
a scapular for the monks to wear all the time and told them that “Those wearing this
scapular shall not suffer eternal fire.”
2. Mount Carmel is a real place in Palestine. Carmel or “Karmel” means garden. This region
was considered a lush garden and a place of beauty. “Splendor of Carmel” was to be
blessed indeed (Isa 35:2).
3. Since then, the Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel has become a favorite
with Catholics all over the world, many popes and saints wearing it daily. The Church
has granted many spiritual benefits to the wearing of the Brown Scapular.
4. Saint Simon Stock wrote a famous prayer called the Flos Carmeli:

O Beautiful Flower of Carmel, most fruitful vine,splendor of heaven, holy and singular, who
brought forth the Son of God, still ever remaining a pure virgin, assist us in our necessity! O Star
of the Sea, help and protect us! Show us that you are our Mother! Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, pray
for us!

5. Pope John XXII spelled out the promises and conditions of wearing the scapular in 1322.
6. When people wear the scapular, it is a sign that they have dedicated themselves to Mary,
and are members of the family of the Mother of God. True devotion to Mary
consists of honoring her, trusting her and loving her. Without saying anything, we tell
her these things by simply wearing the scapular. The scapular then becomes our
constant prayer to Mary.
7. The scapular is a sign of Mary’s protection of us. There are many stories of people’s lives
being saved by wearing the scapular, but we must remember it is not a magical charm, or
an automatic guarantee of salvation.
8. The scapular is a sign of our love for Mary. It stands for a commitment to follow
Jesus as Mary did. It reminds us to be open to God’s will as Mary was, to listen to
the Word of God in the Bible, to pray, to receive the sacraments, and to be open to
the needs of our neighbor.
9. How to wear a Scapular?


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