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Plyometric training:

Plyometric training is used to improve the reactive strength to increase the speed of concentric,
eccentric and isometric muscle actions with a goal to produce maximum force in a short interval of
time. But the speed of training is limited by neuromuscular efficiency and coordination. So, it is
essential that nervous system should be conditioned properly to recruit muscle fibers at different
rates with varying demands of a sport/training.

 Plyometric training results in fast eccentric loading which strengthens the muscle spindles
resulting in a maximum concentric force production and also makes the Golgi tendon organs
to become less sensitive which affects the tension threshold at which they inhibit changes in
muscle tension resulting in greater force production when more resistance is applied.
 Plyometrics is also useful for improving neuromuscular efficiency and control of muscle
groups strengthening the agonists, antagonists, synergistic muscle groups involved resulting
in a more reflexive central nervous system. It is also used for recovery and injury prevention.
It improves dynamic stability and body control.

The goal of plyometrics training is to produce maximum amount of force in a short interval of time
aiming to increase muscular power. Plyometric exercises have three phases of contraction including
a loading eccentric phase, a transitional amortization phase and an unloading concentric phase
which works to turn kinetic energy into potential energy and output.

Training variables to consider with plyometric exercises:

Range of motion, Neuromuscular Overload, Tempo, Intensity, Surface, Volume, Frequency,

Recovery, Specificity.

Upper body plyometric exercise –

 Plyometric push-up: The athlete should be in a high plank position keeping their hands just
outside the shoulder width and shoulders are externally rotated. Then the athlete performs
a traditional push-up with elbows bent just above a 90-degree angle and explosively begin
concentric contraction of pectoral muscles by fully extending the elbows with their hands
leaving the ground.

Lower body plyometric exercise –

 Jump squat: The athlete should stand in a neutral position with feet just outside the hips.
Then the athlete should hinge back at their hips and perform a traditional squat with their
arms extended back to load the position. The athlete explosively jumps straight up swinging
their arms forward and the feet must land on the same initial position to perform the next

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