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The current trend in education is to move away from traditional exams and
instead have continuous assessment over the school year. What do you think of
this trend?
Education has been a hot topic to discuss over the recent years. Many people believe
that schools should remove the traditional exams and replace it with continuous
assessment, while others completely oppose the idea. I personally agree with this
trend as it will benefit both students and teachers.
To start with, sighting into the benefit of students, the new method helps students to
effectively understand the lessons. Students are connected with the studies year
around via assignments, projects, tests, etc. These continuous assignments require to
have a good understanding about the topic; hence students have to research about it.
Therefore, they will have a deeper understanding about the lessons. This leads to
another advantage that because of the continuous learning, student could
continuously revise their lessons, making it easier for them to remember lessons.
Furthermore, by doing assessment like this, teachers could know if their students are
on track or not. Continuous assessment gives the most accurate results, it shows how
well the students could understand the lessons. Based on that result, the teacher
could have a better insight of each student’s strengths and weaknesses and giving
them suitable exercise in order to help them perform better in the future. For
instance, when I was in 7th grade, my teacher had observed that I was not performing
well in algebra. As a result, she gave me extra assignments to help me cover my
To conclude, continuous assessment is very effective as it could help students to
understand the lesson better and it also help teachers to have a more accurate
evaluation of their students.

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