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C: ROLLER guud evening ticher, may nei is roller villegas
A: Hi William and Roller
B: Hello Christian
C: Hello William and Christian
A: Today we will talk about some unusual experiences we have had.
B: Interesting. I want to start. Have you ever eaten something unusual?
C: Yess ,uen ai travol tiu di of peru ai eit tiurdle mait end ai laik it a lot
A: I remember an experience with my friends eating suri, the truth is that I was not
interested in trying it. And you William?
B: I have tried suri, it is a very strange sensation, but it is not unpleasant.
A: Ohh. And have you ever had a bad experience buying online?
B: Yes, several times. On some occasions I have argued because my purchases did
not arrive on time or came with imperfections.
C In maicasio de products olso kein tu mi stede of guot ai boot a bad experienci
A: Oh, I understand I have had the same problems on a few occasions and it is a very
uncomfortable moment.
B: Christian y Roller, and have you ever met a famous person?

A: I have seen several celebrities for example Jerry Rivera and India but from afar, I
have not had the opportunity to speak closely with them and have you met any famous

B: Yes, I met the soccer player Paolo Guerrero and I had the opportunity to speak
closely with him, it was a very pleasant moment for me.
A: That good. Another question, William and Roller, have you ever done any foreign
B: Yes, of course, I love doing this type of sports. I have practiced several adventure
sports, I like it because it feels quite adrenaline.
C: Yes .ai olso lai do ad dventure sport, especially clibing and rafting.
A: It must be wonderful to practice this type of sport, I don't dare, I'm very scared.
B: Has anything bad ever happened to you on a trip?
A: Yes, of course, I remember the last trip, we had a car accident with and two
nephews and we couldn’t enjoy the trip at all.
C: Nothing bad ever japennd to me, I ouguis had good trips and I had a lot of fun uat a
shiim uat happen to you Christian.
B: Well, Christian, it’s a shame what happened, nothing bad ever happened to me on a
trip. Well guys this conversation was very interesting, but I have to go, see you in class,
A: Ok. Bye William and Roller see you in class.
C: Bay gaes sii yu.

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