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Parvalbumin interneuron alterations in stress-related mood

disorders: a systematic review

George Perlman1, Arnaud Tanti1, Naguib Mechawar1,2*

* Corresponding author (

McGill Group for Suicide Studies
Douglas Mental Health University Institute
6875 LaSalle blvd
Verdun (Qc) Canada H4H 1R3

Department of Psychiatry
McGill University
Montreal (Qc) Canada


- Chronic stress reduces rodents’ PFC and HC PV cells and increases them in the BLA.

- Stress effects on PV cells are age-, sex-, stress recency- and region-dependent.

- Translatability to humans is minimal but improving with technological advances.

- Antidepressants protect from stress-induced PV cell loss.

Graphical Abstract


Stress-related psychiatric disorders including depression involve complex cellular and molecular

changes in the brain, and GABAergic signaling dysfunction is increasingly implicated in the

etiology of mood disorders. Parvalbumin (PV)-expressing neurons are fast-spiking interneurons

that innervate pyramidal neurons to coordinate synchronous firing. Mounting evidence suggests

that the PV neuron phenotype is altered by stress and in stress-related mood disorders. In this

systematic review, we assessed PV interneuron alterations in psychiatric disorders as reported in

human postmortem brain studies and animal models of environmental stress. This review 1)

attempts to compile all evidence of PV cell function in mood disorders (humans) and stress

models of mood disorders (animals); 2) analyzes the strength of evidence of PV interneuron

alterations in various brain regions in humans and rodents; 3) determines whether the buffering

effect of antidepressant treatment, physical exercise, and environmental enrichment on stress in

animals manifests in a particular PV cell signature; and 4) uses this information to guide future

research avenues.

Keywords: Parvalbumin; stress; depression; interneuron; brain region; sex.

In-text acronyms:

PV: parvalbumin; PNN: perineuronal net; HC: hippocampus; BLA: basolateral amygdala; PFC:

prefrontal cortex; GR: glucocorticoid receptor; HPA: hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal; OFC:

orbitofrontal cortex; mPFC: medial prefrontal cortex; MDD: major depressive disorder; BD:

bipolar disorder; MS: maternal separation; LB/LN: limited bedding/limited nesting; MSEW:

maternal separation-early weaning; SDPS: social defeat-prolonged stress; IHC:

immunohistochemistry; WFL: Wisteria floribunda lectin; WFA: Wisteria floribunda agglutinin;

sIPSC: spontaneous inhibitory postsynaptic current; PrL: prelimbic cortex; IL: infralimbic

cortex; E/I: excitation/inhibition; dlPFC: dorsolateral prefrontal cortex; ACC: anterior cingulate

cortex; TRN: thalamic reticular nucleus.

Declaration of competing interests: none.

1.1 Introduction

In the brain, parvalbumin (PV) neurons are a type of GABAergic interneuron defined by their

expression of the calcium-binding protein parvalbumin. They can be subdivided into two types:

basket cells, whose axons innervate the soma and proximal dendrites of principal cells; and

chandelier cells, which synapse onto the initial axon segment of their targets60. PV cells share

common electrophysiological parameters and roles in microcircuits and are particularly

implicated in plasticity and learning60. Notably, their functional maturation is essential to the

development of excitatory/inhibitory transmission in the brain, thereby controlling the closure of

critical windows of enhanced plasticity during postnatal development15 and in coordinating

synchronous oscillatory firing of principal neurons through feed-forward inhibition60. The

influence of PV cells on developmental neuroplasticity is strongly associated with the

establishment of specialized condensed extracellular matrix structures called perineuronal nets

(PNNs), which ensheath a large proportion of PV neurons and act, among other roles, as a

physical barrier that limits synaptic plasticity and buffers oxidative stress162.

Consistent with a broad implication of GABAergic interneurons in neuropsychiatric disorders121,

dysfunctional PV cells in the hippocampus (HC) and prefrontal cortex (PFC) have been

associated with mood disorders113,168. In particular, postmortem brain studies have revealed

reductions in PV interneurons in the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of people with major

depressive disorder (MDD) and bipolar disorder (BD)70,73,122. These findings are consistent with

findings showing the PV neurons are particularly responsive to chronic stress, a major risk factor

for MDD and BD. Functional consequences of chronic stress on PV cells have been observed in

many brain regions in animals, particularly in the HC59, PFC163, and basolateral amygdala

(BLA)51. Depressed patients14,93 and individuals experiencing chronic or severe life stress129,134

have higher levels of oxidative stress in the brain, which is negatively associated with the

integrity of PV interneurons and their surrounding PNNs143. Further, a majority of PV

interneurons in the rat infralimbic cortex express glucocorticoid receptors (GRs) whereas other

interneuron populations in the region do not stain for GRs90. These infralimbic PV cells show

reduced GRs and increased activity following chronic stress91, suggesting a possible interplay

between dysregulated hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis signaling and PV function.

This review examines the evidence concerning PV neuron implication in mood disorders,

including studies conducted with animal models. A number of relevant parameters were taken

into consideration following our literature search (described in the Methods section), such as

regional effects, various forms of environmental enrichment, sex and age, as introduced below.

Abundant research in stress neurobiology has focused on the HC, amygdala, and PFC as they are

particularly impacted by mood disorders. These three regions and communication between them

are involved in cognitive and affective processes that are disturbed in mood disorders. In general,

chronic stress reduces neurotrophic signaling in the HC and PFC80,88, resulting in impaired

plasticity and dendrite retraction, whereas the opposite trend is observed in the BLA. This

difference is reflected in cognitive and mood changes in depression; depressed patients and

rodents displaying depressive-like behavior commonly show reduced executive function,

learning, and memory, processes associated with the PFC and HC, whereas behavioral inhibition

and reactivity to negative stimuli, functions associated with the amygdala, are increased90.

Moreover, the effects of stress on neuronal growth and rewiring can be subregion-specific. For

example, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and medial PFC (mPFC) respond differently to stress, as

do the BLA and central amygdala.

There is ample evidence that PV cell structure and function can be modulated by enrichment

paradigms, such as exercise, and environmental enrichment, all of which can counteract the

effects of chronic stress. In this review, we included treatment with antidepressant drugs such as

fluoxetine and ketamine as enrichment protocols because of their use in treating stress-related

mood disorders in humans. One notable example of enrichment impacting PV neurons is that of

fluoxetine’s effect on PNNs; numerous studies have demonstrated chronic fluoxetine treatment

to reduce PNN coverage of PV cells in the HC65,96, PFC52,107, and BLA65. Making PV cell

dendrites more freely accessible for the formation and elimination of synapses may be one of the

mechanisms underlying the antidepressant effects of fluoxetine.

Sex-specific responses to stress have also been reported for PV neurons in animal studies.

Indeed, recent findings have highlighted sex-specific stress-induced PV cell transcriptomic

changes44 as well as changes to parvalbumin expression and cell density that associate with

cognitive outcomes48. Unfortunately, most of the animal stress model literature concerns male

rodents since chronic stress more reliably elicits depressive-like behaviors in males than in

females81,97. This ease of research comes at a scientific cost given that mood disorders are much

more prevalent in women than men. Furthermore, rather than being non-responsive to stressors,

female animals simply respond with different neurobiological, cognitive, and behavioral


Lastly, developmental timing and stress recency also play major roles in determining the

neurobiological response to stress40. Stress acts differently on the brain depending on

developmental stage and interferes with neurodevelopment – typically in a deleterious manner

when the stressor is highly intense or frequent. Early life stress is particularly harmful as

evidenced by its position as a major predictor of later psychiatric illness. This is likely due to the

brain’s greater malleability in response to stimuli in youth and the potential of stressors to

compromise optimal neurodevelopment. The recency of stressors is relevant as well; rodents and

humans alike show early hyper-reactivity to stress-associated stimuli, but these reactions dull

over time when the animal is returned to a more congenial environment. The neurobiological

signature of this diminishing response may be reflected in PV neurons.

Here, we systematically review the literature on PV interneurons in postmortem studies and

animal models of mood disorders. We further included animal studies of enrichment paradigms

that act as a buffer or protective influence against the behavioral and biological effects of stress.

The most robust finding to emerge from animal studies is a tendency of stress-associated PV cell

loss in subregions of the PFC and HC that was in some cases preventable by subjecting the

animals to an exercise or antidepressant/anti-inflammatory drug regimen during stress. This trend

was highly heterogeneous, however, and was mainly found in males. Human postmortem studies

were considerably less numerous, and lacked the weight and consistency to support robust

conclusions. However, a trend of reduced PV expression was observed in the dorsolateral PFC of

individuals with MDD and BD.

1.2 Methods

1.2.1 Animal Stress Models

Models of early-life stress, a factor which strongly predisposes to psychopathologies, include

maternal separation (MS) and limited bedding/limited nesting (LB/LN). The former involves

isolating pups from their mothers for a period each day during early postnatal life. MS can also

be combined with early weaning (MSEW). The latter involves providing mothers with

insufficient bedding material to provide a nurturing environment for their pups. Models of stress

experienced during adulthood include social isolation, chronic restraint or immobilization, and

chronic social defeat20,61,62,98. Social isolation is a major risk factor for psychiatric illness in

humans78, and animal models mimic this by isolating rodents for periods of roughly 2 weeks to 3

months. In chronic restraint or immobilization protocols, rodents are placed in cylindrical tubes

or have their limbs taped to their sides, making them unable to move for a part of each day.

These interventions reliably elevate glucocorticoid levels and produce behavioral and

neurobiological hallmarks of mood disorders20,169. Social defeat such as bullying is a risk factor

for depression in humans13, and the chronic social defeat model aims to reproduce this in

animals. In this paradigm a rodent is routinely subordinated to another in direct confrontations.

One novel adaptation of subordination stress is the social defeat-prolonged stress (SDPS)

paradigm, in which an animal is subordinated to another for five days and then socially isolated

until testing. This manipulation is meant to mimic a traumatic trigger and the following lack of

social support that is associated with depression142. Some other chronic stress paradigms used in

rodents include chronic mild stress, chronic variable stress, and unpredictable chronic mild

stress142. These involve subjecting rodents to a variety of stressors, generally physical or social.

Physical stressors can include restraint, tail pinches, overnight illumination, and more. Examples

of social stressors are isolation, crowded housing, and social defeat142,152. Maternal stress during

gestation in rodents is also used to model mood disorders given robust evidence that it increases

the incidence of mood disorders in children16 and produces depressive-like symptoms in animal

offspring69. Examples of stressors applied to mothers include immobilization and chronic

variable stress.

1.2.2 Postmortem studies

Postmortem studies of human brains have yielded major insights into the molecular and

functional manifestations of mood disorders7. Brains harvested in a timely manner after death

can be preserved and used for neurobiological studies after having been thoroughly

characterized. Postmortem studies are susceptible to influence by a range of confounding factors

such as postmortem interval, cause of death, history of medication, and comorbidities that make

it difficult to have appropriately control-matched samples. Animal models are thus useful tools to

complement human brain studies, with the obvious caveat of species differences.

1.2.3 Approaches used to assess PV interneurons

Immunohistochemistry (IHC) was the primary tool used to visualize PV interneurons in studies

included in this review. It was used mainly to assess PV cell density or total number in various

brain regions. Co-staining was also used in several studies to determine particular aspects of PV

cell phenotype or activity. For example, c-Fos staining in PV cells was used to assess PV cell

activation after a given stressor113. Electron microscopy can provide deeper insights into cellular

functions of PV neurons, including subcellular receptor localization and dendritic features.

Parvalbumin mRNA or protein expression are also common measures used in studies included in

the review. While these do not contribute to elucidating local PV neuron function in a given

region, they nevertheless add a layer of understanding to PV cell physiology in stressed animals.

Of note, Donato et al., 2013 reported that PV expression (measured by IHC) correlates with

GABA production30.

The specialized extracellular matrix structures that are perineuronal nets (PNNs) preferentially

ensheath PV neurons162. PNNs serve various functions, including regulating synaptic

transmission by interacting with neurotrophins, transcription factors, and cell surface molecules

such as receptors, protecting their ensheathed neurons from oxidative stress, and limiting

synaptic plasticity10,162. PNNs are established during postnatal development and their maturation

is intimately associated with the closure of critical periods of enhanced neuroplasticity162. Recent

evidence suggests that PNNs on PV neurons may be altered by early life stress in animals42,96

and humans147. It is generally thought that changes in PNNs may reflect altered PV cell

excitability, plasticity, oxidative stress, and other metabolic functions162. PNNs are generally

labeled using a lectin called Wisteria floribunda lectin (WFL) or agglutinin (WFA), which binds

a carbohydrate residue preferentially found in PNNs among other extracellular matrix

formations. Antibodies can also be used to detect PNN elements, including their carbohydrate

residues and their protein components74,161.

Electrophysiological recordings of PV cells or pyramidal neurons onto which they synapse can

be used to yield insights into PV cell function. PV neurons coordinate oscillatory neuronal firing

at theta frequency in local microcircuits in the mouse hippocampus, and optogenetically

silencing them disrupts theta rhythm3. PV cells have a unique electrophysiological signature, and

thus their signaling onto pyramidal neurons can be gleaned by measuring spontaneous inhibitory

postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs) on pyramidal neuron plasma membranes. Excitability can be

evaluated by recording PV cells directly or sIPSCs on pyramidal neurons in response to current

injection, chemogenetic or optogenetic stimulation, or drug administration.

1.2.4 Inclusion/exclusion criteria

We conducted a search across MEDLINE, Web of Science, and Pubmed on March 24, 2020

using a search strategy outlined in the Supplementary Materials. The initial screen yielded 4141

studies after duplicates were excluded. An updated search on December 7, 2020 spanning

publications in 2020 and 2021 yielded 485 non-duplicate articles. Abstracts were screened to

further narrow down the field by applying the following inclusion and exclusion criteria: studies

of interest 1) assessed PV interneurons 2) in postmortem brain samples from patients with mood

disorders or animal models (environmental stress) of mood disorders 3) in comparison to

samples from psychiatrically healthy individuals or unstressed controls, respectively. Further,

control-matched animal studies examining the effects of antidepressant administration,

environmental enrichment, and physical exercise interventions on PV interneurons were all

included (under enrichment). Finally, reviews and drug-induced mood disorders models were

excluded. A full-text information search from the resulting 166 articles yielded 127 studies that

were ultimately included in this review (Fig. S1).

1.3 Results

A summary of all extracted studies can be found in Tables 1-5. For interpretation of animal

studies, we grouped rodents into four age categories: early postnatal (birth to postnatal day 19

(P19)), juvenile (P20-P30), adolescent (P31-P60), and adult (P60+).

1.3.1 Changes in PV neuron populations

A majority of studies that assessed PV interneuron changes due to stress measured their density

or total number in a given brain region. Immunohistochemical studies tended to show PV cell

losses in subregions of the PFC and HC of stressed animals. In the PFC, while most studies

reported no change in PV cell density, those in which stress did lead to a change overwhelmingly

found a decrease in the prelimbic (PrL) and infralimbic (IL) areas (Table 1). This trend held most

strongly for adolescents, whereas adult animals showed PV cell loss in the IL but not in the PrL

cortex and juveniles showed no change17,22,26,29,39,42,49,55,56,79,86,87,95,108,114,136,140,151,160. Drug

enrichment protocols protected against this loss in some studies39,148,163, while enrichment alone

did not tend to increase the number of PV cells in the PrL and IL in unstressed animals130,141,166

(Table 4). A few studies stained PV cells in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the mPFC, and

the whole PFC, reporting mixed findings with no clear trend in any direction (Table 1).

Likewise, enrichment studies produced varied effects in these regions63,106,148.

As in the PFC, chronic stress paradigms tended to produce reductions in the density of PV cells

throughout the HC (Table 2). This held robustly in the dentate gyrus, CA1 and CA2/3 and

somewhat in CA3 and whole hippocampus of adult animals, with weaker evidence suggesting

decreases in adolescents as well. It was not clear how co-administration of antidepressant drugs

affected the PV cell response to stress – in the dentate, while some studies found them to protect

against stress-induced PV cell loss27,118, another reported fluoxetine exerting the opposite

direction of effect34. Most studies of enrichment alone found no change, with single studies

finding an increase and a decrease in PV cells in the region. Enrichment studies in CA1 typically

reported an increasing effect, with one exception52. Physical exercise118,120,135 and

antidepressants27,34,118 had increasing or stress-protective effects on CA2/3 PV cells.

Interestingly, stress protocols tended to increase the number of PV cells in the BLA41,42,87,120.

This may be an manifestation of amygdalar growth commonly observed in stressed animals.

Studies of the somatosensory cortex suggested a possible decrease in PV cell density in

adolescents19 and adults77, although the number of studies is too small to draw conclusions with

confidence (Table 3).

1.3.2 PV expression

Several studies measured the expression of PV mRNA via qPCR and PV protein via Western

blotting or as the intensity of IHC stains. Parvalbumin expression has been shown correlate with

PV cells’ GABA levels and maturity30, thus its expression may provide insight into regional

excitation/inhibition (E/I) balance and the local population demographics of PV cells. The

general trend suggests that stress tends to decrease, rather than increase, PV protein and mRNA

in the PFC of rodents, however this effect is highly subregion-dependent.

In the PrL cortex, stressors tended to decrease PV protein expression in adolescents rather than

adults or juveniles17,29,79,95. This was matched by null findings, however22,42,151,152.

Most studies of the IL cortex reported no change in PV protein22,42,140,151,152 except one account

in which MS decreased male but not female adolescent PV protein expression, an effect which

was not rescued by EE after weaning29. One study of the OFC found that LB/LN decreased PV

mRNA expression in adult males and females48, hinting that PV cells in the region may be

worthy of further study in the context of stress.

In the whole PFC, a trend suggested that animals lost PV protein or mRNA after

stress48,57,83,84,132,145, although this was not consistent6,48,56,57,126, and one research group has

reported increased mRNA in stressed animals136,137. Conversely, enrichment paradigms buffered

stress-induced PV protein and mRNA loss83,132,145 but had little impact alone132,145. Acute single

ketamine treatments exerted ambiguous effects on PV expression that were unlike other

enrichment protocols106,158,170, suggesting that it has a unique interaction with stress on PV

neurons, likely either due to its pharmacology or to its unique position as an acute enriching


There was little evidence of changed mRNA or protein in the whole hippocampus6,8,17,68,86,126,152

or in its subregions22,75,105,140 and the studies showing an effect reported mixed

directionality8,68,86,125,126,151. The few studies including enrichment paradigms showed

contradictory effects30,47,72,89,121. As in the hippocampus, most evidence suggests no change in

BLA PV expression after stress22,42,83,131,153.

Some other brain regions such as the whole amygdala84, nucleus accumbens132, and perirhinal

and dorsolateral entorhinal cortices151 showed evidence of the same pattern: stress-induced

decrease in PV expression that could be countered by enrichment protocols. This evidence was

generated by single studies, however, and elicits further inquiry for validation.

1.3.3 Sex Differences

A large number of studies have reported sex differences in PV cell phenotypes resulting from

chronic stress. This may be due to known sexually divergent responses to stress2,37,81, but it also

may be due to the unsuitability of chronic stress models’ to assess female rodents given their

ineffectiveness at eliciting depressive-like phenotypes in females compared to males97. Animal

studies of male and female PrL and IL areas of the PFC suggest that females may not show the

same diminished PV cell populations observed in males after stress. While many studies reported

consistent outcomes between males and females79,87,136,140, several others found stress-induced

loss of PV cells49,114 and protein29 in males only. No sex differences were observed in the 3

mPFC studies that included female animals, however48,113,114.

Very few investigations have assessed the effects of stress or enrichment on PV cells in the HC

of female animals, and those that have done so are too different in variables such as stressor type,

animal age, HC subregion and PV cell characteristic assessed to reconcile. One study of females

only found that chronic social isolation reduced the density of adult female rat PV cells in the

dentate and CA2/3 areas54, consistent with stress effect on males. Another maternal separation

study found increased staining for the oxidative stress marker 8-oxo-dG in dentate, CA1 and

CA2/3 PV cells of juvenile females than males140. Two MS studies of the whole HC reported no

sex difference in PV cell density, immunoreactive number, or protein expression66,68.

The BLA was spared from a lack of animal studies on females, however due to the generally

inconsistent findings in the region it is difficult to pinpoint any sex-associated differences.

Studies assessing both sexes tended to find little to no differences in outcomes42,87 or did not

appreciably map onto one another51,140.

1.3.4 PNNs

The effects of stress on PNNs coating PV interneurons were of major interest for this review,

given the influence of these structures on synaptic plasticity, oxidative stress buffering capacity,

and excitation/inhibition balance of the neurons they ensheath – functions that are dysregulated

in key brain regions in mood disorders32,53,101,112. Spijker et al. recently published a review142

presenting an interesting model in which animal age and stress recency exert a major influence

on PNN expression and PV cell density. Citing several studies also included in this review, they

argued that animals stressed as adolescents show long-term PV cell and PNN loss46,151. Animals

stressed as adults, however, show an initial loss of PNNs and PV cells which recovers over

several weeks to eventually reach greater HC PV and PV+/PNN+ cell densities than before

stress74,125. The present systematic review finds that this pattern mostly holds up in the HC, but it

remains unclear if it applies to animals stressed as pups99. We did not find strong support,

however, for the stress incubation model’s PNN effects in the PFC. PV cell PNNs in the PrL and

IL regions of the PFC were minimally affected by stress42,151,152. One study of the mPFC

presented evidence of stress in adolescence producing a delayed increase in PNN coverage of PV

cells115, however others found no effect114,120.

Studies of PV cell PNNs in the HC suggest a high degree of region dependence, although a

dearth of studies assessing all the possible combinations of animal age, stress recency, stressor

type, and subregion leaves many holes in our understanding. Area CA1 showed the strongest

evidence for early PNN reductions151 and late augmentations74,125, although this was not entirely

supported99. This pattern was not supported in the dentate gyrus99, areas CA2/3151, or the whole

hippocampus46,120,152. An impressive number of studies assessed the effects of fluoxetine

treatment on PNNs in the HC, reporting mixed findings with the most robust evidence being a

decrease in CA1 PV cell PNNs52,65,96, an effect that may not last long-term96,153. In CA2/3,

fluoxetine reduced PNN coverage of PV cells in juveniles105 but not adults105,107.

The BLA is in somewhat of a unique category compared to the PFC and HC because its growth

and activity tend to increase in stressed animals90, correlating with its function as the main

effector of threat detection and response. Many studies offer incomplete information that is

insufficient to grasp what is happening to PNNs in the region. For example, is Karpova et al.’s65

finding of reduced PV+ fraction of PNNs in the region after fluoxetine treatment was not

accompanied with other relevant variables concerning PV cells and PNNs, unfortunately.

Overall, results concerning the BLA do not currently paint a complete picture. A few studies

reported no or mostly no effect of stressors or enrichment on PV cell PNNs in the

region42,51,120,156. One study reported that stress reduced PNN expression on PV cells, and that

stress increased PNN+ PV cell activity in the region while enrichment decreased it156. The paper

by Umemori and colleagues suggests that PNN expression as a whole may have been

downregulated by perinatal fluoxetine administration153. Of interest, Guadagno et al.51 recently

reported changed PNN expression on BLA PV cells in stressed males but not females, some of

which were hemisphere-dependent.

1.3.5 Functional consequences

Stressors seemed to produce opposite immediate and delayed effects on excitatory inputs to PrL

PV cells, with a 2-day LH protocol reducing the amplitudes of mEPSCs on PV cells in

adolescent males classified as helpless by their behavior119, and MS increasing the proportion of

adolescents’ PV cells expressing the NMDA receptor subunit NR2A163, although another study

found no effect of maternal restraint on offspring c-fos+ PV cells or NR1 subunit expression56 in

adulthood, suggesting that this rewiring may not produce robust functional changes to PV cells.

Early life stress may increase the proportion of PV cells experiencing oxidative stress as

measured by 8-oxo-dG presence140, though, suggesting a mechanism for their stress-associated


Individual studies of PV cell activity56, glutamatergic input56 and oxidative stress markers140

found no effect of stressors in the IL cortex. One study of adult rats subjected to CVS found a

decrease in PV cells co-expressing glucocorticoid receptors, suggesting that PV cells may be

implicated in the loss of a negative feedback loop in the HPA axis in chronic stress91.

Studies of the mPFC and PFC as a whole found increased markers of glutamatergic input onto137

and activity of113 PV cells in rodents stressed as adults, and possible sex differences in

intracellular signaling with upregulated ERK activity in stressed females but not males137.

Conversely, chronic fluoxetine administration to male adults reduced perisomatic PV and

synaptophysin puncta on pyramidal neurons, suggesting reduced innervation of these cells52. A

restraint study on adolescents found that 2 days of 6 hours’ daily restraint increased PV cell

dendritic spine formation and elimination rates, whereas 7 days of restraint did not change either

metric. This effect was modulated by chemogenetic inhibition and activation of PV cells before

daily restraint sessions102.

No immediate118 or delayed96 effects of stress have been reported on DG PV cell activity, but

early life stress increased PV cell oxidative stress, particularly in females134. In a recent study,

chronic fluoxetine intake resulted in hyperpolarization and reduced firing frequency of dentate

PV cells that may be due to increased potassium channel activity. This effect was eliminated by

blockade or PV cell-specific knockout of the inhibitory 5HT5A receptor127.

While recent stress increased CA1 sIPSC frequency onto pyramidal neurons in restrained adult

male rats59, Riga et al.125 found the opposite effect on SDPS-treated male adults 2-3 months after

social defeat but with isolation up to that point. On the other hand, one study that exposed mice

to a MSEW protocol found no difference in the c-Fos-positive fraction of PV cells in adults,

suggesting their activity was unchanged99. Early life stress further increased PV cell oxidative

stress markers in juveniles, particularly females140. A single enrichment study found that acute

isoflurane administration at subanesthetic levels increased FosB intensity in PV cells, suggesting

more activity5. One study of the dorsal hippocampus found decreased sIPSC frequency on

pyramidal neurons in rats subjected to SDPS, suggesting decreased PV cell activity, an effect

that was eliminated by PNN digestion using chondroitinase ABC a month prior to


Many studies of the BLA described changes in PV cell activity (via c-Fos expression and

electrophysiological parameters) that were stress recency-dependent, however they often

conflicted. Stressors produced immediate increases in PV cell activity in some instances82,123,124

and decreased activity in another account51. Likewise, delayed effects of chronic stress produced

conflicting effects with some increases51 and decreases124 in activity, and some studies finding

little to no change to balance out the lot33,64,82,155. No stress-associated changes in PV cell

oxidative stress markers were observed140. One interesting study found LB/LN to reduce PV cell

innervation of both pyramidal neurons and PV cells in the region131, while the single enrichment

study assessing BLA PV cell activity found juvenile environmental enrichment to reduce PV cell

activity in females141.

The lateral amygdala was assessed in two studies, one of which found reduced PV-c-Fos

colocalization in stressed animals33 and the other which found it reduced in the dorsolateral but

not in the ventrolateral or ventromedial subfields82. However, both of these studies subjected

animals to chronic stressors followed by a rest period, then an acute stressor immediately before

sacrifice, making it difficult to determine which manipulation was responsible for the outcome.

One study of the barrel cortex found that chronic restraint decreased adolescents’ PV cell activity

and excitability, and that environmental enrichment increased activity19. Finally, an investigation

of the nucleus accumbens shell found that PV cell excitability in adult animals may have been

increased by stress as measured by firing frequency in response to current injection, although

resting membrane potential and action potential threshold remained unchanged164.

1.3.6 Human postmortem studies

In brain samples from patients having died with MDD, PV cells have been most extensively

studied in the dorsolateral PFC (dlPFC), with somewhat conflicting findings (Table 5). One

study21 found decreased PV mRNA expression, while others found no change in PV

expression141 or cell number or density1,9,123 in MDD compared to matched controls. Khundakar

et al.67 found decreased PV staining intensity in the dlPFC layer VI but no change in layers II-V.

Other areas examined in samples from MDD patients include the ACC and subgenual ACC, the

HC, the OFC, and the auditory association cortex. While most studies reported no changes in PV

cell density or other measures in MDD compared to controls, one found decreased PV cell

density in the OFC of MDD patients122 and Tripp et al.149 reported reduced PV mRNA

expression in MDD.

In samples from patients having died with BD, the dlPFC/BA9 was also the most extensively

studied brain region. While PV cell number, density, and NR2A expression in PV cells were not

found to be altered1,12,128, there was evidence of reduced PV mRNA expression compared with

psychiatrically healthy controls as reported in three studies21,138,157, although in Sibille et al.138

this effect was eliminated by the exclusion of case-control pairs with potentially confounding

factors. Two investigations of the amygdalar subfields in BD patients have, for the most part,

reported no change in PV cell number nor density11,116. The only discrepancy was in the lateral

nucleus, where Berretta and colleagues11 reported decreased PV cell density compared to

controls, whereas the same team later reported no change between groups116. In the hippocampal

subfields of BD patients, several studies have assessed PV cell number and density with some

conflicting results. Findings of decreased PV cell numbers in CA1, CA2, CA4, and the

parasubiculum in individual studies have been countered by findings of no change in PV cell

numbers across hippocampal subregions20,70,117,159. The entorhinal cortex, despite one null

report68, had lower PV cell density in two studies117,159. Individual studies have examined BA24

and the thalamic reticular nucleus (TRN) of BD patients and found increased clustering but

unchanged density of PV cells in BA2423 and decreased total PV cell number in the TRN of BD


1.4 Discussion

1.4.1 PV cell loss

Generally speaking, chronic stress reduced PV cell numbers in subregions of the PFC and HC,

with some modulation of this effect by animal age, sex, and subregion. This was matched by

some findings of reduced PV mRNA and protein expression in the PFC, although these were

inconsistent and the predominant finding was null. Antidepressant treatment during stress,

particularly with fluoxetine, showed some efficacy to counteract these changes, suggesting that

PV neurons are both cellular substrates of stress-induced depressive-like outcomes and of

antidepressants’ ability to buffer this phenomenon.

1.4.2 Enrichment

Enrichment effects were most consistent in hippocampal areas CA1, CA2, and CA3 (Table 6),

the same areas in which PV cells are most commonly found to be impacted by stress. Here

multiple studies found that enrichment paradigms increased PV cell presence alone or protected

from stress-induced decrease in PV cell density. It should be noted that all enrichment studies in

regions CA1-3 assessed adult males, except for Yang et al.166, which examined adolescent males.

Many other studies found enrichment to produce different effects on PV neurons when

administered during a stressor than when given alone. Stress-concurrent enrichment often played

a buffering role, preventing the stress-induced change in PV cell phenotype. This directionality

of effect was rarely maintained when animals were exposed to enrichment in a congenial

environment, however. The type of enrichment plays a major role in this outcome as well.

Fluoxetine administration, considered in this review as a form of enrichment, is the best

representative example of the stress buffering effect, reducing PV cell numbers and PNN

expression in the HC and PFC when administered on its own but preventing stress-induced PV

cell loss in these regions. Environmental enrichment and physical exercise regimens were less

potent influencers of PV cells, and were not administered concurrently with stressors in any

studies in this review (ostensibly due to logistic incompatibilities). Ketamine is in a category of

its own as a fast-acting antidepressant, and its unique pharmacology seems to manifest in

drastically different effect on PV cells compared to other enrichment paradigms.

1.4.3 Sex-specific findings

The report by Milner et al.94 of the estrus cycle’s effect on animals’ stress responses and µ-opioid

receptor distribution in hilus PV cell dendrites illustrates a further layer of complexity to the

study of stress in female animals. This finding of estrus cycle effects on PV cell physiology

represents a field of study that may prove fruitful for understanding ovulation cycle-related

changes in stress sensitivity in humans110,111.

The preponderance of animal studies showing effects in males calls into question the suitability

of current stress paradigms as models of conditions that are more frequent in women. Hopefully,

recently developed social stress paradigms adapted for female rodents will provide improved

opportunities to study sex-specific neurobiological responses to psychosocial stress37,146. We

recommend that future stress studies take sex into account as a potential determinant of

behavioral and phenotypic changes.

1.4.4 Why are PVCs impacted by stress?

Due to their fast-spiking electrophysiology and their critical role in gating pyramidal neuron

output, we postulate that PV neurons are particularly sensitive cells, more vulnerable to

excitotoxicity than many other neuron populations. In conditions of chronic stress, involving

elevated neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in their surrounding microenvironment, some

PV interneuron subpopulations are likely lost due to atrophy and apoptosis. Further, they are

likely implicated in the HPA axis dysregulation found in chronic stress conditions given their

expression of glucocorticoid receptors and the downregulation of said receptors following

stress90. The crucial roles played by PV cells in microcircuits and gating of excitatory projections

may make their casualties felt widely in the brain, as evidenced by the many animal studies in

this review that found correlations between behavioral changes and changes in PV cell

phenotypes after stress.

1.4.5 Functional alterations

Studies exploring the functional changes displayed by PV neurons due to chronic stress have

reported a wide variety of findings that underscore the likely implication of these interneurons in

the neurobiological basis of dysregulated executive function, memory, learning, emotions and

other functions that are affected in chronically stressed individuals. In this review, we found a

wealth of evidence suggesting changes to PV cell E/I balance and other electrophysiological

parameters, but often in opposite directions. We are unable to reconcile these disparate findings

in this paper, and the early hyperexcitability-late hypofunction model proposed by Spijker et

al.142 was not entirely supported by the reviewed literature. These findings are far from depicting

the full picture, which would require a more detailed understanding of how PV cells interact with

other neurons and glia and how such interactions are altered by stress. Direct replications of

several studies included in this review assessing functional outcomes in key brain regions such as

the PFC and BLA with manipulation of pertinent variables such as age, sex, and stress recency

will be useful to confirm robust effects, and novel experiments that assess neglected factors such

as animal species strain and stressor type and intensity may be promising ventures to elucidate

the determinants of observed PV cell changes.

1.4.6 PNNs and stress incubation

According to Spijker et al.’s recent review142, animals stressed as adolescents show long-term

PV cell and PNN loss46,151. Animals stressed as adults, however, show an initial loss of PNNs

and PV cells which recovers over several weeks to eventually reach greater hippocampal PV and

PV+/PNN+ cell densities than before stress74,125. These stress recency-dependent changes may

serve as an adaptive response to adversity; in the immediate period after the traumatic event, an

individual must adapt to novel threats, and PNNs are downregulated to promote plasticity and

learning. After a prolonged period, however, chronic stress takes its toll (ostensibly in the form

of neuroinflammation and oxidative stress in the cellular microenvironment) and PNN

expression is upregulated and PV cells fire less frequently to prevent their own excitotoxicity.

This pattern mostly holds up in hippocampal area CA1, but evidence for its support in the rest of

the HC or the PFC is lacking. It would be best assessed by validations including animals exposed

to a variety of stressors at a variety of ages, along with different stressor “incubation” times.

Antidepressant administration during stress is also worthy of exploration as a potential buffer of

this phenomenon.

Finally, we recommend that future studies assessing PNNs report all relevant metrics so as to

make available to other researchers any potentially important information. The numbers of cells

expressing PV and/or PNNs, the proportions of the former expressing the latter and vice versa,

and the staining intensities of each antigen in the other are examples of important information

that can be used to glean insight into PV cell and PNN function.

1.4.7 Human brains: postmortem studies

Postmortem studies of brain samples from individuals with mood disorders has revealed

consistent PV cell alterations in BD but not MDD. Our analysis finds that individuals with BD

have lower PV mRNA expression in the dlPFC (a region absent in rodents; see the review by

Laubach et al. 2018 on anatomical species differences76) and reduced PV cell numbers in the

entorhinal cortex. Although inconsistent, evidence of decreased numbers of PV cells in

hippocampal subfields of BD patients70,73 was somewhat comparable to findings generated in

stressed animals.

The current literature suggests that PV cell and PNN changes may not be significant in the brains

of depressed individuals1, but rather that child abuse, a major predisposing factor for mood

disorders, influences later PNN expression on PV cells in affected brain regions147. A thorough

assessment of child abuse histories will thus be an important consideration for future postmortem

studies, as it may be mediating the currently observed association between mood disorders and

PV interneuron changes.

It is important to highlight the increasing evidence suggesting that there are likely several classes

of PV interneurons. Donato et al.30 first reported that PV expression in rodent PV cells correlates

with their GABA production and found enrichment effects specifically on high-PV-expressing

cells. Riga et al.125 continued this line of inquiry and described a loss of low-PV cells and a

reciprocal increase in high-PV cells in the CA1 stratum pyramidale after SDPS. In agreement,

advances in postmortem brain research have recently allowed for the description of PV

interneuron subtypes in humans100. In this study, single-nucleus RNA-seq of dlPFC samples

identified two subpopulations differentiated by high and low expression of GABAergic markers,

and comparison of samples from depressed-suicides and matched controls revealed a more

robust downregulation of genes in the low-GABA cell population in cases. Whether these PV

cell subtypes identified in rodent HC and human PFC are of the same nature remains to be

determined. Further studies assessing the expression of orthologs in the same brain regions, as

well as electrophysiological correlates of the subtypes, may be useful to elucidate the

relationship and identities of PV interneuron classes. Aside from identifying latent neuronal

subpopulations, future postmortem studies combining single-nucleus sequencing with validation

approaches such as quantitative in situ hybridization should allow to determine the molecular

signatures of PV cells in mood disorders as well as potential changes in the way these neurons

interact with other cell types.

1.4.8 Study Limitations

This study did not assess the possibility of different stress models exerting unique effects on PV

cell outcomes, which is highly likely given their differing degrees of construct validity as

depression models. With the amount of literature currently available on PV neurons in chronic

stress, such an analysis is feasible but would be weak due to the effects of other confounding

variables such as animals’ age, sex, and stress recency. Another limitation of this review is that it

did not assess the effect of a stressor “dose” on PV cells, e.g. comparing different durations of an

identical stressor. Again, this is due to the low power such an analysis would have, thus it was

omitted in order to limit this review’s scope. Furthermore, rats and mice alike (as well as

individual studies with degus55 and tree shrews27) were grouped together for analysis and any

possible differences between species or strains were ignored, again for the purpose of limiting

study scope. Future studies should take these considerations into account and direct comparisons

of stress models, stress doses, and species will be useful to elucidate their respective influences

on outcomes of interest.

1.5 Concluding remarks

Despite a largely inconsistent literature, mood disorders and chronic stress in rodents were found

to affect PV interneurons more frequently in the PFC and hippocampus. The same holds true for

findings related to PNNs in animals. Knowledge on the impact of stress on PV interneurons or

PNNs is sorely lacking in humans compared to rodents, and represents a potentially fruitful

avenue of future research. In animals, enrichment paradigms showed some evidence of opposing

stress effects on PV interneurons, particularly in the HC. Interestingly, it appears that different

enrichment types exert unique effects on PV cells, and that these may be region- and age-

specific. Finally, sex differences in both PV cell alterations and stress responsiveness were

evident and will also require further study.


This work was funded by a CIHR Project grant to NM. AT was supported by a Young

Investigator grant from AFSP.


We would like to extend our thanks to Liam O’Leary for creating the graphical abstract.

Author CRediT roles

George Perlman: Conceptualization, Data curation, Investigation, Methodology, Writing –

Original Draft. Arnaud Tanti: Conceptualization, Writing – Review & Editing. Naguib

Mechawar: Conceptualization, Funding acquisition, Methodology, Writing – Review & Editing.


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Table 1: PV neuron alterations in the prefrontal cortex of stressed animals

Age during Age at Brain

Species manipulation measurement Sex Experimental Paradigm Region Method Measure Outcome Reference
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic Western blot; PV protein content; PV cell Andersen
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂ MS 4h/day cortex IHC density no change (2011)
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic Western blot; PV protein content; PV cell Andersen
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 4h/day cortex IHC density decreased protein and density (2011)
[22] Clarke
Mouse Prelimbic Total PV cell number; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 6h/day 21 days cortex IHC cellular intensity no change (2018)
[25] Czeh
Adolescent- Prelimbic et al.
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2018)
[29] do
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic Prado et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males al. (2015)
Mouse RS 1h/day for 14 days; sacrifice Prelimbic et al.
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ immediately or 1 month later cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2017)
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic Ganguly et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 4h/day cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2015)
PV+/PNN+ cell density; PV
cell density; PV+ PNN increased PV+ PNN intensity [42]
Rat (Sprague- Early Juvenile; Prelimbic IHC and WFA intensity; PNN+ PV at P70 in males; no change in Gildawie et
Dawley) postnatal adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; 0, 20, or 50 days rest cortex stain intensity; PV intensity others al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic decreased in males, no Oliviera et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex IHC Total PV cell number change in females al. (2016)

Early Prelimbic et al.
Degu postnatal Juvenile ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Early Prelimbic et al.
Degu postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Total PV cell number; total [56] Heslin
Npas4 HET PV+/c-Fos+ cell number; and
and wild-type Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 mins Prelimbic average NR1 puncta per Coutellier
mice - Adult ♂ twice per day cortex IHC PV cell no change (2018)
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic decreased at P40, no change Leussis et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex Western blot PV protein content at P100 al. (2012)
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic decreased at P40, no change Leussis et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent; adult ♂ MS 4h/day cortex IHC PV cell density at P100 al. (2012)
Early postnatal; Manzano
Mouse Early juvenile; Prelimbic Nieves et
(C57/BL6) postnatal adolescent; adult ♂♀ LB/LN 7 days Cortex IHC PV cell density increased in adults al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Prelimbic Moench et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Prelimbic Moench et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ Acute elevated platform stress cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- RS 3h/day for 10 days; elevated Prelimbic Moench et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ platform stress on day 11 cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Prelimbic Moench et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ RS 3h/day for 10 days; 7 days rest cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- RS 3h/day for 10 days; elevated Prelimbic Moench et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂♀ platform stress on day 17 cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression increased in males al. (2020)

[108] Ohta
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic et al.
Dawley) postnatal Adult ♂ MS 2x3h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2019)
[114] Page
Mouse UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest Prelimbic Coutellier
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent; adult ♂♀ before sacrifice cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in males (2018)
mEPSC and mIPSC decreased mEPSC amplitude [119]
PV-Cre Mouse LH 1h for 2 days; mice classified as Prelimbic amplitude and frequency in helpless, no change in Perova et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ helpless or resilient cortex Electrophysiology onto PV cells others al. (2015)
Mouse Prelimbic Shepard et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased al. (2016)
8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG increased 8-oxo-dG+ fraction; [140]
Rat (Sprague- Early Prelimbic intensity; PV cell number; PV intensity higher in females Soares et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Cortex IHC PV intensity than males al. (2020)
Prelimbic PV cell density; PNN+
cortex fraction of PV cells; PV [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- layers 2/3 IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks and L5/6 stain soma area decreased PV soma area (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV+
fraction of PNNs; PV [152] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile; Prelimbic IHC and WFA fluorescence; PV soma et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adolescent; adult ♂ CUS 7 days cortex stain area no change (2018)
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice Prelimbic Wang et
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2019)
[22] Clarke
Mouse Infralimbic Total PV cell number; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks cortex IHC cellular intensity no change (2018)
[25] Czeh
Adolescent- Infralimbic decreased in anhedonic but et al.
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks cortex IHC Total PV cell number not resilient rats (2018)
[29] do
Rat (Sprague- Early Infralimbic Prado et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males al. (2015)

Rat (Sprague- Early Infralimbic Ganguly et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 4h/day cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2015)
PV+/PNN+ cell density; PV
cell density; PV+ PNN [42]
Rat (Sprague- Early Juvenile; Infralimbic IHC and WFA intensity; PNN+ PV Gildawie et
Dawley) postnatal adolescent; adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day; 0, 20, or 50 days rest cortex stain intensity; PV intensity no change al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- Early Infralimbic Oliviera et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex IHC Total PV cell number decreased in males al. (2016)
Early Infralimbic et al.
Degu postnatal Juvenile ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Early Infralimbic et al.
Degu postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Total PV cell number; total decreased PV cell number and [56] Heslin
Npas4 HET PV+/c-Fos+ cell number; PV+/c-Fos+ cell number in and
and wild-type Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 mins Infralimbic average NR1 puncta per heterozygotes vs wild type; no Coutellier
mice - Adult ♂ twice per day cortex IHC PV cell change due to stress (2018)
Early postnatal; Manzano
Mouse Early juvenile; Infralimbic Nieves et
(C57/BL6) postnatal adolescent; adult ♂♀ LB/LN 7 days cortex IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- Infralimbic PV+/Glucocorticoid McKlveen
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ CVS 14 days cortex IHC receptor+ number decreased (2016)
[108] Ohta
Rat (Sprague- Early Infralimbic et al.
Dawley) postnatal Adult ♂ MS 2x3h/day cortex IHC PV cell density decreased (2019)
[114] Page
Mouse UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest Infralimbic Coutellier
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent; adult ♂♀ before sacrifice cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2018)
Mouse Infralimbic Shepard et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased in females al. (2016)

8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG [140]
Rat (Sprague- Early Infralimbic intensity; PV cell number; Soares et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Cortex IHC PV intensity no change al. (2020)
Infralimbic PV cell density; PNN+
cortex fraction of PV cells; PV [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- layers 2/3 IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks and L5/6 stain soma area no change (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV+
fraction of PNNs; PV [152] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile; Infralimbic IHC and WFA fluorescence; PV soma et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adolescent; adult ♂ CUS 7 days starting at P21 or P71 cortex stain area no change (2018)
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice Infralimbic Wang et
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2019)
Anterior [25] Czeh
Adolescent- Cingulate et al.
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2018)
Anterior Helmeke
Early Cingulate et al.
Degu postnatal Juvenile ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Anterior Helmeke
Early Cingulate et al.
Degu postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density increased (2008)
Cingulate PV cell density; PNN+
cortex fraction of PV cells; PV decreased layer 2/3 PNN+ [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- layers 2/3 IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; PV fraction of PV cells and PV et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks and L5/6 stain soma area fluorescence intensity (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
Dorsal fraction of PV cells; PV+
Anterior fraction of PNNs; PV [152] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile; Cingulate IHC and WFA fluorescence; PV soma et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adolescent, adult ♂ CUS 7 days starting at P21 or P71 cortex stain area no change (2018)

Anterior [160]
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice Cingulate Wang et
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2019)
Precentral Helmeke
Early Medial et al.
Degu postnatal Juvenile ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Precentral Helmeke
Early Medial et al.
Degu postnatal Adolescent ♂ MS 3x1h/day cortex IHC PV cell density increased (2008)
Medial [48]
Mouse Early Prefrontal Goodwill et
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change al. (2018)
GAD67(+/GFP) Maternal RS: beginning on GD12, Medial and
(HET) mice 45 mins 3x/day during daylight Prefrontal PV+ cells per decreased at P24, increased Stevens
(CD1) - Juvenile, adult ♂ under bright lights Cortex IHC GAD67:GFP+ cells at P150 (2016)
GAD67(+/GFP) Maternal RS: beginning on GD12, Medial and
(HET) mice 45 mins 3x/day during daylight Prefrontal no change at P24, decreased Stevens
(CD1) - Juvenile, adult ♂ under bright lights Cortex qPCR PV:GAD1 mRNA ratio at P150 (2016)
Medial [113] Page
Mouse Prefrontal Total PV+/c-Fos+ cell et al.
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks cortex IHC number increased (2019)
Medial [114] Page
Mouse UCMS 2 weeks; 6 or 40 days rest Prefrontal IHC and WFA et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent, adult ♂♀ before sacrifice cortex stain PNN+ fraction of PV cells no change (2018)
Npas4 HET Medial [115] Page
and wild-type Prefrontal IHC and WFA Total PV cell number; increased PNN+ fraction in et al.
mice Adolescent Adult ♂ CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest cortex stain PNN+ fraction of PV cells wild-type mice (2018)
Medial Pesarico
Rat (Sprague- Prefrontal IHC and WFA Total PV cell number; Total et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day for 10 days cortex stain PNN+/PV+ cell number increased total PV cell number (2019)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day from Medial [150]
GAD67(+/GFP) GD15 to GD17.5; BrdU injection IP Prefrontal Uchida et
(HET) mice - Juvenile ♂ once at GD12 or GD15 Cortex IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density decreased al. (2014)

Densities of PV cells,
PNN+ PV cells, PNN- PV
cells, Aggrecan+/PV+ cells,
Maternal RS: 3x45mins/day under Aggrecan- PV cells; WFA
GAD67(+/GFP) halogen light during day from GD15- Medial intensity of PV cells; [161]
(HET) mice GD17.5; newborns given to Prefrontal IHC and WFA Aggrecan intensity of PV Decreased densities; no Wang et
(C57/BL6) - Juvenile ♂ surrogate mothers on P0 cortex stain cells change in intensities al. (2018)
Densities of PV cells,
PNN+ PV cells, PNN- PV
cells, Aggrecan+/PV+ cells,
Maternal RS: 3x45mins/day under Aggrecan- PV cells; WFA
halogen light during day from GD15- Medial intensity of PV cells; [161]
Mouse GD17.5; newborns given to Prefrontal IHC and WFA Aggrecan intensity of PV Wang et
(C57/BL6) - Juvenile ♂ surrogate mothers on P0 cortex stain cells no change al. (2018)
sIPSC frequency and [165]
Medial amplitude on PH and non- Yamamuro
Mouse Prefrontal PH layer 5 pyramidal increased frequency in PH et al.
(C57/BL6) Juvenile Adult ♂ 2 weeks SI Cortex Electrophysiology neurons pyramidal neurons (2020)
sIPSC frequency and [165]
Medial amplitude on PH and non- Yamamuro
Mouse Prefrontal PH layer 5 pyramidal et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult ♂ 2 weeks SI Cortex Electrophysiology neurons no change (2020)
Medial Zadrozna
Prefrontal PV numerical density, et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CUS 16 days or CMS 8 weeks cortex IHC relative PV optical density no change (2011)
[6] Banasr
Rat (Sprague- Prefrontal et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ CUS 36 days cortex Western blot PV protein content no change (2017)
Mouse Early Early postnatal, Prefrontal Goodwill et
(C57/BL6) postnatal juvenile ♀ LB/LN cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased at P21 al. (2018)
increased in heterozygotes vs [56] Heslin
Npas4 HET wild type in males but not and
and wild-type Maternal RS (GD7-19) 30 mins Prefrontal females; no change due to Coutellier
mice - Adult ♂♀ 2x/day cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression stress (2018)
Rat (Sprague- Early Juvenile, Prefrontal decreased in female juveniles [57] Holl et
Dawley) postnatal adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day cortex Western blot PV protein content and male adolescents al. (2014)

Early [83]
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; Prefrontal Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ MS 4h/day; LH task P41 cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased al. (2017)
Early MS 4h/day; LH task P41; allowed to [83]
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; witness another rat in task 1 day Prefrontal Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ before they did it. cortex Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2017)
Early [84]
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; MS 4h/day; LH tests P40-41 then Prefrontal decreased in anhedonic MS vs Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ sacrifice cortex Western blot PV protein content non-anhedonic MS rats al. (2018)
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- Prefrontal Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ SI 3 weeks cortex Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2018)
Prefrontal Rossetti et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 7 weeks cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change al. (2018)
Juvenile- Schiavone
adolescent; Prefrontal decreased at 4 and 7 weeks' et al.
Rat (Wistar) juvenile-adult Adolescent, adult ♂ SI 2, 4, or 7 weeks cortex IHC PV cell density SI but not 2 (2012)
Ncf1 DA allele
rats (low ROS
production), [133]
and Ncf1 E3 Schiavone
rats (high ROS Prefrontal decreased by SI in E3 but not et al.
production) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂ SI 7 weeks cortex Western blot PV protein content DA rats (2012)
Mouse Prefrontal increased in females but not Shepard et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 or 4 weeks cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression males al. (2016)
Increased PV mRNA, PV cell
PV mRNA expression; number, and PV+/pERK+ cell [137]
Total PV cell number; number in females but not Shepard
PV+/pERK+ cell number; males. Increased VGlut1 and
Mouse Prefrontal VGlut1 puncta number per puncta/PV cell in males and Coutellier
(BALB/c) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 2 weeks cortex qPCR; IHC PV cell females (2017)
PV mRNA expression; Shepard
Total PV cell number; and
Mouse Prefrontal VGlut1 puncta number per Increased VGlut1 puncta/PV Coutellier
(BALB/c) Adult Adult ♂♀ UCMS 4 weeks cortex qPCR; IHC PV cell cell in females (2017)

Npas4 HET and dorsal [115] Page
and wild-type peduncular IHC and WFA Total PV cell number; increased PNN+ fraction in et al.
mice Adolescent Adult ♂ CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest cortices) stain PNN+ fraction of PV cells wild-type mice (2018)
Npas4 HET and [115] Page
and wild-type prelimbic IHC and WFA Total PV cell number; et al.
mice Adolescent Adult ♂ CMS 2 weeks; 4 weeks rest cortices) stain PNN+ fraction of PV cells no change (2018)
Association PV cell dendritic spine
Mouse cortex formation and elimination increased formation and [102] Ng et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 6h/day for 2 or 7 days layers 2/3 Microscopy rate elimination at 2 days al. (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- Association DREADD PV cell dendritic spine
tdTomato mice CNO injection then RS 6h/day for 2 cortex activation of PV formation and elimination decreased elimination at days [102] Ng et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ or 7 days layers 2/3 cells; Microscopy rate 2 and 7 al. (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- Association DREADD PV cell dendritic spine
tdTomato mice CNO injection then RS 6h/day for 2 cortex inhibition of PV formation and elimination [102] Ng et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ or 7 days layers 2/3 cells; Microscopy rate increased formation at day 2 al. (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- Association DREADD PV cell dendritic decreased mushroom spine
tdTomato mice CNO injection then RS 6h for 2 or 7 cortex activation of PV mushroom, stubby, and elimination at days 2 and 7 vs [102] Ng et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ days layers 2/3 cells; Microscopy thin spine elimination rate RS alone al. (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- Association DREADD PV cell dendritic
tdTomato mice CNO injection then RS 6h for 2 or 7 cortex inhibition of PV mushroom, stubby, and [102] Ng et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ days layers 2/3 cells; Microscopy thin spine elimination rate no change vs RS alone al. (2018)
Mouse and rat life stages were defined as follows: early postnatal: P0-19 (postnatal day 0-19, where day of birth is P0; juvenile: P20-30; adolescent: P31-60; and adult:
P61+. Degus were examined at P45 and P90, which were termed juveniles and adolescents, respectively according to information from Colby 2012. Abbreviations:
BrdU: bromodeoxyuridine; CMS: chronic mild stress; CSIS: chronic social instability stress; CUS: chronic unpredictable stress; GD#: gestational day, where day of
fertilization is GD0; HET: heterozygous; IHC: immunohistochemistry; IP: intraperitoneal; LB/LN: limited bedding/limited nesting; LH: learned helplessness; MS: maternal

separation; PH: prominent Ih (defined in paper); qPCR: quantitative polymerase chain reaction; RS: restraint stress; SI: social isolation; UCMS: unpredictable chronic
mild stress; WFA: Wisteria floribunda agglutinin.

Table 2: PV neuron alterations in the hippocampus of stressed animals

Age during Age at

Species manipulation measurement Sex Experimental paradigm Brain Region Method Measure Outcome Reference
Mouse Early juvenile, [8] Bath et
(C57/BL6) postnatal adolescent ♂ LB/LN P4-P11 Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density Increased at P21 al. (2017)
Rat (Lister- Infrapyramidal Brydges et
hooded) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CUS 3 days Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density increased in males al. (2018)
Rat (Lister- Suprapyramidal Brydges et
hooded) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ CUS 3 days Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2018)
[24] Csabai
Dorsal Dentate et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased (2017)
[26] Czeh
Ventral Dentate et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2015)
[26] Czeh
Dorsal Dentate et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2015)
[28] Deng
Adolescent- SI 8 weeks; 16 days rest and Ventral Dentate et al.
PV-Cre Mouse adult Adult not stated behavioral tests Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Early Early Handling and MS: 15 or 180 [31] Dricks
Dawley) postnatal postnatal ♂ mins/day from P2-P14 Dentate Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Adolescent- Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ SI 3 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2017)
decreased by isolation and [35]
Adolescent- Acute (2h cold or RS) or chronic (21 PV-immunoreactive combined isolation + acute Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ days SI) stress, or chronic stress Dentate Gyrus IHC number stressors al. (2013)

with acute stress at the end of
Dentate Gyrus:
Molecular layer,
Granule cell
MS: 3h/day from P2-P14, or early layer, and [41]
Rat (Sprague- Early handling P2-P14 (moved to different Polymorphic decreased in MS vs no Giachino et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ cage 15min/day) layer IHC PV cell density handling in molecular layer al. (2007)
Maternal stress: GD9 poly I:C
injection (mimics infection); [43]
offspring exposed to 10 days Giovanoli
Mouse variable unpredictable stress from Ventral Dentate decreased by poly I:C and et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult ♂ P30-P40 Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number stress but not either alone (2014)
Maternal stress: GD9 poly I:C
injection (mimics infection); [43]
offspring exposed to 10 days Giovanoli
Mouse variable unpredictable stress from Dorsal Dentate et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult ♂ P30-P40 Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2014)
Greene et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂ SI 8 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2001)
[54] Harte
Rat (Sprague- et al.
Dawley) Juvenile-adult Adult ♀ SI 11 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased (2007)
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- [59] Hu et
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2010)
Hidden blade of
the Dentate [75]
Rat (Tryon Gyrus granular Relative Optical Density Krugers et
Maze Dull) Adult Adult ♂ CSD 8 days layer IHC of PV stain no change al. (1996)
Outer blade of
the Dentate [75]
Rat (Tryon Gyrus granular Relative Optical Density Krugers et
Maze Dull) Adult Adult ♂ CSD 8 days layer IHC of PV stain no change al. (1996)
Gulf war illness model: 4 weeks
daily: 5 mins RS, pyridostigmine [92]
bromide 1.3mg/kg oral, DEET 200ul Megahed
Rat (Sprague- 40mg/kg dermal, and permethrin et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ 200ul 0.13mg/kg dermal. Dentate Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2014)

MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Mouse Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups Ventral Dentate et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased (2019)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Mouse Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups Ventral Dentate c-Fos+ fraction of PV et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Gyrus IHC cells no change (2019)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, Ventral Dentate [99] Murthy
Mouse Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups Gyrus Granule et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Cell Layer IHC WFA intensity in PV cells increased (2019)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, Otx2 intensity in [99] Murthy
Mouse Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups Ventral Dentate IHC and WFA PV+/PNN+ cells and in increased in PV+/PNN+ et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Gyrus stain PV+/PNN- cells cells (2019)
Dentate Gyrus et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 8 weeks hilus IHC PV cell density no change (2015)
Dentate Gyrus Gonzalez
granule cell et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 8 weeks layer IHC PV cell density no change (2015)
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 8 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change (2015)
PV cell density; PV cell [105]
surface area; PV Nowak et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CUS 16 days or CMS 8 weeks Dentate Gyrus IHC fluorescence intensity no change al. (2010)
Forced swim, 3 30-minute elevated
platform sessions, 2 hours RS. 32
days rest followed by 4 days of odor
exposure preceding 45s underwater [123]
restraint trauma. 4 weeks later, odor Regev-
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- re-exposure then elevated plus Dorsal Dentate Tsur et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ maze before sacrifice Gyrus IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell density no change (2020)
Forced swim, 3 30-minute elevated
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- platform sessions, 2 hours RS. 32 Ventral Dentate [123]
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ days rest followed by 4 days of odor Gyrus IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell density no change Regev-

exposure preceding 45s underwater Tsur et al.
restraint trauma. 4 weeks later, odor (2020)
re-exposure then elevated plus
maze before sacrifice
increased 8-oxo-dG+
fraction; increased PV+ 8-
8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV oxo-dG in females vs
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG males and increased PV [140]
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PV cell intensity in males vs Soares et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Dentate Gyrus IHC number; PV intensity females al. (2020)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day from [150]
GAD67(+/GFP) E15 to E17.5; BrdU injection IP Uchida et
(HET) mice - Juvenile ♂ once at E12 or E15 Dentate Gyrus IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density no change al. (2014)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks Dentate Gyrus stain PV soma area decreased (all) (2017)
[160] Wang
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year Dentate Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased (2019)
Hilus mu-opioid receptor [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- subgranular number in PV-labeled et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♀ RS 4h zone IHC; EM cell dendrites decreased (2013)
mu-opioid receptor
Hilus density in PV-labeled cell [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- subgranular dendrite cytoplasm and et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♀ RS 4h zone IHC; EM plasma membrane decreased in cytoplasm (2013)

♀ mu-opioid receptor increased in proestrus

(proestrus density in PV-labeled cell plasma membrane; [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- and small dendrite cytoplasm decreased in proestrus et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent estrus) RS 4h Hilus IHC; EM and plasma membrane and estrus cytoplasm (2013)
mu-opioid receptor [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- number in PV-labeled et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 4h Hilus IHC; EM cell dendrites no change (2013)
[94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 4h/day for 10 days Hilus IHC PV cell density decreased in males (2013)

[94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- PV cell total dendrite et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♀ (estrus) RS 4h/day for 10 days Hilus IHC area decreased (2013)
mu-opioid receptor [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- density in PV-labeled cell et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♀ (estrus) RS 4h/day for 10 days Hilus IHC; EM dendrites increased (2013)
mu-opioid receptor [94] Milner
Rat (Sprague- ♂♀ density in PV-labeled cell et al.
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent (estrus) RS 4h/day for 10 days Hilus IHC; EM dendrite cytoplasm increased in females (2013)
[22] Clarke
Mouse Total PV cell number; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks CA1 IHC cellular intensity no change (2018)
[24] Csabai
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Dorsal CA1 IHC PV cell density decreased (2017)
[26] Czeh
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Ventral CA1 IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2015)
[26] Czeh
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Dorsal CA1 IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2015)
[28] Deng
Adolescent- SI 8 weeks; 16 days rest and et al.
PV-Cre Mouse adult Adult not stated behavioral tests Ventral CA1 IHC PV cell density decreased (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Early Early Handling and MS: 15 or 180 [31] Dricks
Dawley) postnatal postnatal ♂ mins/day from P2-P14 CA1 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Adolescent- Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ SI 3 weeks CA1 IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2017)
Acute (2h cold or RS) or chronic (21
days SI) stress, or chronic stress decreased by isolation and [35]
Adolescent- with acute stress at the end of PV-immunoreactive combined isolation + acute Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ isolation CA1 IHC number stressors al. (2013)
Maternal stress: GD9 poly I:C
injection (mimics infection); [43]
offspring exposed to 10 days Giovanoli
Mouse variable unpredictable stress from et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult ♂ P30-P40 Ventral CA1-3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2014)

Maternal stress: GD9 poly I:C
injection (mimics infection); [43]
offspring exposed to 10 days Giovanoli
Mouse variable unpredictable stress from et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adult ♂ P30-P40 Dorsal CA1-3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2014)
Greene et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂ SI 8 weeks CA1 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2001)
[54] Harte
Rat (Sprague- et al.
Dawley) Juvenile-adult Adult ♀ SI 11 weeks CA1 IHC PV cell density no change (2007)
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- [59] Hu et
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks CA1 IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2010)
sIPSC frequency and
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- amplitude on pyramidal [59] Hu et
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks CA1 Electrophysiology neurons increased frequency al. (2010)
PV cell density 72 hours Koskinen
SDPS: 5 days defeat then SI until and 2, 4, and 8 weeks et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ measurement CA1 IHC after last defeat no change (2020)
PV+/CSPG+ cell density Koskinen
SDPS: 5 days defeat then SI until 72 hours and 2, 4, and 8 decreased at 72 hours; et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ measurement CA1 IHC weeks after last defeat increased at 8 weeks (2020)
Rat (Tryon CA1 pyramidal Relative Optical Density Krugers et
Maze Dull) Adult Adult ♂ CSD 8 days cell layer IHC of PV stain no change al. (1996)
Gulf war illness model: 4 weeks
daily: 5 mins RS, pyridostigmine [92]
bromide 1.3mg/kg oral, DEET 200ul Megahed
Rat (Sprague- 40mg/kg dermal, and permethrin et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ 200ul 0.13mg/kg dermal. CA1/3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2014)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups et al.
C57/BL6 mice postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Ventral CA1 IHC PV cell density no change (2019)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups c-Fos+ fraction of PV et al.
C57/BL6 mice postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Ventral CA1 IHC cells no change (2019)

MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups IHC and WFA et al.
C57/BL6 mice postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Ventral CA1 stain WFA intensity in PV cells no change (2019)
PV cell density; PV cell [105]
surface area; PV Nowak et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CUS 16 days or CMS 8 weeks CA1 IHC fluorescence intensity no change al. (2010)
SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months PV+ fraction of CSPG+ [125] Riga
SI; controls pair housed for 3 cells; CSPG intensity in et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ months Dorsal CA1 IHC PV cells increased PV+ fraction (2017)
SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months CSPG+ fraction of PV [125] Riga
SI; controls pair housed for 3 CA1 stratum cells; PV intensity in et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ months pyramidale IHC CSPG+ cells increased PV intensity (2017)
Fraction of high-PV increased high-PV
expressing and expressing and decreased
SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months intermediate-low-PV intermediate-low-PV [125] Riga
SI; controls pair housed for 3 CA1 stratum expressing PV+/CSPG+ expressing PV+/CSPG+ et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ months pyramidale IHC and PV+/CSPG- cells cells (2017)
SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months sIPSC frequency and [125] Riga
SI; controls pair housed for 3 CA1 stratum amplitude on pyramidal et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ months pyramidale Electrophysiology neurons decreased frequency (2017)
increased 8-oxo-dG+
fraction; increased PV+ 8-
8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV oxo-dG in females vs
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG males and increased PV [140]
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PV cell intensity in males vs Soares et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days CA1 IHC number; PV intensity females al. (2020)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day from [150]
GAD67(+/GFP) E15 to E17.5; BrdU injection IP Uchida et
(HET) mice - Juvenile ♂ once at E12 or E15 CA1 IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density decreased al. (2014)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV decreased PNN+ fraction [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; of PV cells and PV et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks CA1 stain PV soma area fluorescence (2017)
[160] Wang
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year CA1 IHC PV cell density decreased (2019)
[24] Csabai
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Dorsal CA2/3 IHC PV cell density decreased (2017)

[26] Czeh
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Ventral CA2/3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2015)
[26] Czeh
et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 9 weeks Dorsal CA2/3 IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2015)
[28] Deng
Adolescent- SI 8 weeks; 16 days rest and et al.
PV-Cre Mouse adult Adult not stated behavioral tests Ventral CA2/3 IHC PV cell density decreased (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Early Early Handling and MS: 15 or 180 [31] Dricks
Dawley) postnatal postnatal ♂ mins/day from P2-P14 CA2/3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Adolescent- Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ SI 3 weeks CA2 IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2017)
[54] Harte
Rat (Sprague- et al.
Dawley) Juvenile-adult Adult ♀ SI 11 weeks CA2/3 IHC PV cell density decreased (2007)
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- [59] Hu et
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks CA2/3 IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2010)
[22] Clarke
Mouse Total PV cell number; PV et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks CA3 IHC cellular intensity increased PV cell number (2018)
Adolescent- Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ SI 3 weeks CA3 IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2017)
Acute (2h cold or RS) or chronic (21
days SI) stress, or chronic stress decreased by isolation and [35]
Adolescent- with acute stress at the end of PV-immunoreactive combined isolation + acute Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ isolation CA3 IHC number stressors al. (2013)
Greene et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂ SI 8 weeks CA3 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2001)
Rat (Tryon CA3 pyramidal Relative Optical Density Krugers et
Maze Dull) Adult Adult ♂ CSD 8 days cell layer IHC of PV stain no change al. (1996)
MSEW: MS 4h/day from P2-P5, [99] Murthy
Mouse Early then 8h/day from P6-P16. MS pups et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂ weaned at P17, controls at P21 Ventral CA3 IHC PV cell density no change (2019)

PV cell density; PV cell [105]
surface area; PV Nowak et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CUS 16 days or CMS 8 weeks CA3 IHC fluorescence intensity no change al. (2010)
8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV increased PV+ 8-oxo-dG
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG in females vs males and [140]
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PV cell increased PV intensity in Soares et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days CA3 IHC number; PV intensity males vs females al. (2020)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day from [150]
GAD67(+/GFP) E15 to E17.5; BrdU injection IP Uchida et
(HET) mice - Juvenile ♂ once at E12 or E15 CA3 IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density no change al. (2014)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV decreased PV [151] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile- IHC and WFA fluorescence intensity; fluorescence and PV et al.
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks CA3 stain PV soma area soma area (2017)
[160] Wang
Mouse Adolescent- CSIS 7 weeks. After stress, mice et al.
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ housed individually for 1 year CA3 IHC PV cell density decreased (2019)
[6] Banasr
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent- et al.
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ CUS 36 days Hippocampus Western blot PV protein content no change (2017)
Mouse Early juvenile, [8] Bath et
(C57/BL6) postnatal adolescent ♂ LB/LN P4-P11 Hippocampus qPCR PV mRNA expression increased at P12 and P16 al. (2017)
Rat (Sprague- Early Juvenile, Western blot; PV protein content; PV Andersen
Dawley) postnatal adolescent ♂ MS 4h/day from P2-P20 Hippocampus IHC cell density no change (2011)
[28] Deng
Adolescent- SI 8 weeks; 16 days rest and Ventral et al.
PV-Cre Mouse adult Adult not stated behavioral tests Hippocampus IHC PV cell density decreased (2020)
[28] Deng
Adolescent- SI 8 weeks; 16 days rest and Dorsal et al.
PV-Cre Mouse adult Adult not stated behavioral tests Hippocampus IHC PV cell density no change (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Early Early Handling and MS: 15 or 180 [31] Dricks
Dawley) postnatal postnatal ♂ mins/day from P2-P14 Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)

PV immunoreactivity; PV decreased
Rat (Sprague- Early IHC; Western cluster number; PV immunoreactivity and [68] Kim et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 3h/day 3 weeks Hippocampus blot protein expression cluster number al. (2020)
Maternal stress: beginning on [86]
GD12, mothers received restraint Lussier
stress 45 mins 3x/d during daylight PV+ fraction of decreased PV+ fraction at and
GAD67-GFP under bright lights. Litters weaned GAD67:GFP+ cells; both ages, increased PV Stevens
Mouse (CD1) - Juvenile, adult ♂ at P24 Hippocampus IHC; qPCR PV:GAD1 mRNA ratio mRNA at P150 (2016)
Gulf war illness model: 4 weeks
daily: 5 mins RS, pyridostigmine [92]
bromide 1.3mg/kg oral, DEET 200ul Megahed
Rat (Sprague- 40mg/kg dermal, and permethrin et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ 200ul 0.13mg/kg dermal. Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2014)
Total PV cell number; [120]
Rat (Sprague- IHC and WFA total PNN+/PV+ cell Pesarico et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS: 6h/day for 10 days Hippocampus stain number no change al. (2019)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV+
fraction of PNNs; PV [152] Ueno
Mouse Juvenile; Adolescent; IHC and WFA fluorescence; PV soma et al.
(C57/BL6) adult adult ♂ CUS 7 days Hippocampus stain area no change (2018)
Rat (Sprague- Daily FS 10 days, RS 1h on days 1, Ventral Gomes et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ 2, and 10 Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- Daily FS 10 days, RS 1h on days 1, Ventral Gomes et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ 2, and 10 Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number decreased al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- Adolescent; Daily FS 10 days, RS 1h on days 1, Ventral IHC and WFA Total PV/PNN+ cell Gomes et
Dawley) Adolescent adult ♂ 2, and 10 Hippocampus stain number decreased in adolescents al. (2019)
increased by CSD in
penicillinase- but not
SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months chABC-treated rats;
SI; controls pair housed for 3 decreased by chABC
months. ChABC or penicillinase treatment compared to
bilateral injection to dorsal penicillinase in both [125] Riga
hippocampus >2 months after last Dorsal stressed and unstressed et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CSD day Hippocampus IHC PV+/PNN+ cell density rats (2017)

SDPS: 5 days defeat then 3 months
SI; controls pair housed for 3 decreased by SDPS in
months. ChABC or penicillinase penicillinase-treated rats;
bilateral injection to dorsal increased by chABC [125] Riga
hippocampus >2 months after last Dorsal sIPSC frequency on compared to penicillinase et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CSD day Hippocampus Electrophysiology pyramidal neurons in SDPS rats (2017)
Ventral qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; Rossetti et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 7 weeks Hippocampus blot PV protein content no change al. (2018)
Dorsal qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; decreased mRNA and Rossetti et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ CMS 7 weeks Hippocampus blot PV protein content protein al. (2018)
Early decreased in left but not [66]
Early postnatal, Dorsal right dorsal hippocampus Katahira et
Mouse (CD1) postnatal juvenile ♂♀ 24h MS on P4 with no food or water Hippocampus IHC PV cell density at both P14 and P28 al. (2018)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day from [150]
GAD67(+/GFP) E15 to E17.5; BrdU injection IP Uchida et
(HET) mice - Juvenile ♂ once at E12 or E15 Subiculum IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density no change al. (2014)
MS: 3h/day from P2-P14, or early [41]
Rat (Sprague- Early handling P2-P14 (moved to different Giachino et
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ cage 15min/day) Ammon's Horn IHC PV cell density no change al. (2007)
Mouse and rat life stages were defined as follows: P0-19 (postnatal day 0-19, where day of birth is P0; juvenile: P20-30; adolescent: P31-60; and adult: P61+.
Abbreviations: BrdU: bromodeoxyuridine; chABC: chondroitinase ABC; CMS: chronic mild stress; CSD: chronic social defeat; CSIS: chronic social instability stress; CSPG:
chondroitin sulfate proteoglycan; CUS: chronic unpredictable stress; EM: electron microscopy; FS: foot shock; GD#: gestational day, where day of fertilization is GD0;
HET: heterozygous; IHC: immunohistochemistry; IP: intraperitoneal; LB/LN: limited bedding/limited nesting; MS: maternal separation; MSEW: maternal separation with
early weaning; qPCR: quantitative polymerase chain reaction; RS: restraint stress; SDPS: social defeat-prolonged stress; SI: social isolation; WFA: Wisteria floribunda

Table 3: PV neuron alterations in other brain regions of stressed animals

Age during Age at

Species manipulation measurement Sex Experimental paradigm Brain Region Method Measure Outcome Reference
Mouse Total PV cell number; PV [22] Clarke et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ RS 6h/day 3 weeks Basolateral Amygdala IHC cellular intensity no change al. (2008)

Early Open field stress under bright [33]
postnatal; light 15 mins/day from P0- Ebertowska
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ P20, then on P90 Basolateral Amygdala IHC c-Fos+/PV+ cell density no change et al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Early MS 3h/day or early handling Basolateral Amygdala [41] Giachino
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ 15 mins/day from P2-P14 Basal Nucleus IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2007)
Rat (Sprague- Early MS 3h/day or early handling Basolateral Amygdala increased by early [41] Giachino
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂ 15 mins/day from P2-P14 Lateral Nucleus IHC PV cell density handling and MS et al. (2007)
PV+/PNN+ cell density; PV
cell density; PV+ PNN
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PNN+ PV intensity; [42] Gildawie
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day from P2-P20 Basolateral Amygdala IHC and WFA stain PV intensity no change et al. (2019)
PV+/PNN+ cell density; PV
cell density; PV+ PNN
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PNN+ PV intensity; increased PV cell [42] Gildawie
Dawley) postnatal Adolescent ♂♀ MS 4h/day from P2-P20 Basolateral Amygdala IHC and WFA stain PV intensity density in males et al. (2019)
PV+/PNN+ cell density; PV
cell density; PV+ PNN
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PNN+ PV intensity; [42] Gildawie
Dawley) postnatal Adult ♂♀ MS 4h/day from P2-P20 Basolateral Amygdala IHC and WFA stain PV intensity no change et al. (2019)
increased PV+/PNN+
PV cell density; PV+/PNN+ cell density in left and
cell density; Fos+ proportion right BLA, increased [51]
Rat (Sprague- Early Left and Right of PV cells; Fos+ proportion Fos+ proportion of PV Guadagno et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂ LB/LN 9 days Basolateral Amygdala IHC; WFA stain of PV+/PNN+ cells cells in right BLA only al. (2020)
Early Fos+ proportion of PV cells; decreased Fos+ [51]
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; LB/LN 9 days; fear Left and Right Fos+ proportion of proportion of PV cells Guadagno et
Dawley) juvenile Juvenile ♂ conditioning P28-29 Basolateral Amygdala IHC; WFA stain PV+/PNN+ cells in right BLA al. (2020)
PV cell density; PV+/PNN+
cell density; Fos+ proportion [51]
Rat (Sprague- Early Left and Right of PV cells; Fos+ proportion Guadagno et
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♀ LB/LN 9 days Basolateral Amygdala IHC; WFA stain of PV+/PNN+ cells no change al. (2020)
Early Fos+ proportion of PV cells; [51]
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; LB/LN 9 days; fear Left and Right Fos+ proportion of Guadagno et
Dawley) juvenile Juvenile ♀ conditioning P28-29 Basolateral Amygdala IHC; WFA stain PV+/PNN+ cells no change al. (2020)
Electrophysiological Frequency, amplitude, rise
Rat (Sprague- recordings from time, and decay time of [64] Jiang et
Dawley) Juvenile Juvenile ♂ RS and LH 2h/day P22-24 Basolateral Amygdala pyramidal neurons sIPSCs no change al. (2009)
Rat (Sprague- alpha-methyl-5-HT [64] Jiang et
Dawley) Juvenile Juvenile ♂ RS and LH 2h/day P22-24 Basolateral Amygdala application; sIPSC frequency decreased al. (2009)

recording from
pyramidal neurons
SI from P21-P42, then 20
days of group housing
(isolates together, non-isolates
together). On P62, anxiogen
FG-7142 injection 2 hours
before sacrifice to provoke c-
Rat (Sprague- Fos expression in the Anterior Basolateral Total PV cell number; total decreased PV+/c- [82] Lukkes
Dawley) Adolescent Adult ♀ amygdala Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell number Fos+ cell number et al. (2012)
SI from P21-P42, then 20
days of group housing
(isolates together, non-isolates
together). On P62, anxiogen
FG-7142 injection 2 hours
before sacrifice to provoke c-
Rat (Sprague- Fos expression in the Posterior Basolateral Total PV cell number; total [82] Lukkes
Dawley) Adolescent Adult ♀ amygdala Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell number no change et al. (2012)
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; MS 4h/day from P2-P20; LH [83] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ task P41 Basolateral Amygdala Western blot PV protein content no change et al. (2017)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20; LH
Early task P41; allowed to witness
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; another rat in task 1d before [83] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ they did it. Basolateral Amygdala Western blot PV protein content decreased et al. (2017)
ratio of AMPA:NMDA
currents in PV cells; eIPSC
amplitude in PV neurons; decreased
Erbin KO mEPSC amplitude in PV AMPA:NMDA ratio
Mouse neurons; mEPSC frequency and mEPSC [85] Luo et al.
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ RS 2h/day for 3 days Basolateral Amygdala Electrophysiology in PV neurons amplitude (2019)
PV cell mRNA expression of
fgfr2, fgf13, Nrg1, Narp,
PV-Cre Mouse PSD95, Erbin, Erbb2, Erbb4, decreased Erbin [85] Luo et al.
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ RS 2h/day for 3 days Basolateral Amygdala FACS-qPCR GluA1, GluA2 expression (2019)
juvenile; [87] Manzano
Mouse Early adolescent; Nieves et al.
(C57/BL6) postnatal adult ♂♀ LB/LN 7 days Basolateral Amygdala IHC PV cell density increased in juveniles (2020)

Rat (Sprague- Total PV cell number; Total increased PV cell Pesarico et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS: 6h/day for 10 days Basolateral Amygdala IHC and WFA stain PV+/PNN+ cell number number al. (2019)
Forced swim, 3 30-minute
elevated platform sessions, 2
hours RS. 32 days rest
followed by 4 days of odor
exposure preceding 45s
underwater restraint trauma. 4
weeks later, odor re-exposure increased in affected [123] Regev-
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- then elevated plus maze vs unaffected rats and Tsur et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ before sacrifice Basolateral Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell density control (2020)
c-Fos+ fraction of PV
cells increased by
acute stress and
chronic + acute [124]
Rat (Sprague- RS: 6h/day for 10 days. Acute PV cell density; c-Fos+ stress, decreased by Reznikov et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS 2h on day 11 then sacrifice Basolateral Amygdala IHC fraction of PV cells chronic restraint alone al. (2008)
Rat (Long- Early Early Anterior/Mid PV cell density; PV stain Santiago et
Evans) postnatal postnatal ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Basolateral Amygdala IHC intensity no change al. (2018)
Rat (Long- Early Early Posterior Basolateral PV cell density; PV stain Santiago et
Evans) postnatal postnatal ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Amygdala IHC intensity no change al. (2018)
Rat (Long- Early Anterior/Mid PV cell density; PV stain Santiago et
Evans) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Basolateral Amygdala IHC intensity no change al. (2018)
Rat (Long- Early Posterior Basolateral PV cell density; PV stain Santiago et
Evans) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Amygdala IHC intensity no change al. (2018)
Percentage of pyramidal
neuron membrane receiving
contact from PV terminals;
PV terminal number per um
of pyramidal cell membrane;
EM stains for PV average length of PV [131]
Rat (Long- Early and excitatory terminal contacts onto Santiago et
Evans) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Basolateral Amygdala synapse terminals pyramidal cells decreased (all 3) al. (2018)

Percentage of PV cell
membrane contacted by PV decreased
and excitatory terminals; PV percentage of
and excitatory terminal membrane contact by
EM stains for PV number/um of PV cell PV cells; decreased [131]
Rat (Long- Early and excitatory membrane; excitatory PV terminal number Santiago et
Evans) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ LB/LN P8-P12 Basolateral Amygdala synapse terminals terminal length onto PV cells per um of membrane al. (2018)
8-oxo-dG+ fraction of PV increased PV
cells; PV+ cell 8-oxo-dG intensity; 8-oxo-dG+
Rat (Sprague- Early intensity; PV cell number; PV fraction increased in [140] Soares
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile ♂♀ MS 4h/day 19 days Basolateral Amygdala IHC intensity females vs males et al. (2020)
c-Fos+ proportion of PV decreased WFA+ [155]
cells; WFA+ proportion of PV proportion; increased Vazquez-
Rat (Sprague- cells; c-Fos+ proportion of c-Fos+ proportion of Sanroman et
Dawley) Juvenile Adolescent ♀ 1 week SI Basolateral Amygdala IHC; WFA stain WFA+ PV cells WFA+ PV cells al. (2020)
CSIS 7 weeks. After stress,
Mouse Adolescent- mice housed individually for 1 [160] Wang
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ year Basolateral Amygdala IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2019)
Early Open field stress under bright [33]
postnatal; light 15 mins/day from P0- Ebertowska
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ P20, then on P90 Lateral Amygdala IHC c-Fos+/PV+ cell density decreased et al. (2020)
SI from P21-P42, then 20
days of group housing
(isolates together, non-isolates
together). On P62, anxiogen
FG-7142 injection 2 hours
before sacrifice to provoke c-
Rat (Sprague- Fos expression in the Ventrolateral Lateral Total PV cell number; total [82] Lukkes
Dawley) Adolescent Adult ♀ amygdala Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell number no change et al. (2012)
SI from P21-P42, then 20
days of group housing
(isolates together, non-isolates
together). On P62, anxiogen
FG-7142 injection 2 hours
before sacrifice to provoke c-
Rat (Sprague- Fos expression in the Ventromedial Lateral Total PV cell number; total [82] Lukkes
Dawley) Adolescent Adult ♀ amygdala Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell number no change et al. (2012)
SI from P21-P42, then 20
days of group housing
Rat (Sprague- (isolates together, non-isolates Dorsolateral Lateral Total PV cell number; total decreased PV+/c- [82] Lukkes
Dawley) Adolescent Adult ♀ together). On P62, anxiogen Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell number Fos+ cell number et al. (2012)

FG-7142 injection 2 hours
before sacrifice to provoke c-
Fos expression in the
Forced swim, 3 30-minute
elevated platform sessions, 2
hours RS. 32 days rest
followed by 4 days of odor
exposure preceding 45s
underwater restraint trauma. 4
weeks later, odor re-exposure [123] Regev-
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- then elevated plus maze Tsur et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ before sacrifice Central Amygdala IHC PV+/c-Fos+ cell density no change (2020)
CSIS 7 weeks. After stress,
Mouse Adolescent- mice housed individually for 1 [160] Wang
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ year Central Amygdala IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2019)
Early Open field stress under bright [33]
postnatal; light 15 mins/day from P0- Posterolateral Cortical Ebertowska
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ P20, then on P90 Amygdala IHC c-Fos+/PV+ cell density no change et al. (2020)
Early decreased in
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; MS 4h/day from P2-P20; LH anhedonic vs non- [84] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ tests P40-41 Amygdala Western blot PV protein content anhedonic et al. (2018)
decreased in
Rat (Sprague- Juvenile- anhedonic vs non- [84] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ SI 3 weeks Amygdala Western blot PV protein content anhedonic et al. (2018)
Mouse Early [48] Goodwill
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN Orbitofrontal cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased et al. (2018)
Mouse Early Ventral Orbitofrontal [48] Goodwill
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN cortex IHC PV cell density decreased in females et al. (2018)
Mouse Early Lateral Orbitofrontal [48] Goodwill
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN cortex IHC PV cell density decreased in females et al. (2018)
Dorsolateral [155] Varga
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ CMS 4 days Orbitofrontal cortex IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2016)
Lateral Orbitofrontal [155] Varga
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ CMS 4 days cortex IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2016)
Medial Orbitofrontal [155] Varga
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ CMS 4 days cortex IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2016)
Ventral Orbitofrontal [155] Varga
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ CMS 4 days cortex IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2016)

Mouse PV cell density; c-Fos+ decreased c-Fos+ [19] Chen et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 2h/day for 7 days Barrel cortex IHC fraction of PV cells fraction of PV cells al. (2018)
stimulation of PV
cells; slice
PV-Cre Mouse recording from [19] Chen et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 2h/day for 7 days Barrel cortex pyramidal neurons oIPSC amplitude no change al. (2018)
Current injection to
electrophysiological decreased at high (≥
PV-Cre Mouse recording from PV 300pA) but not low [19] Chen et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ RS 2h/day for 7 days Barrel cortex cells Firing frequency current injection al. (2018)
Cre-dependent DREADD
injection to bilateral barrel
PV-Cre Mouse cortex; 7 days of CNO DREADD activation Dendritic spine formation [19] Chen et
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ injection then RS 2h/day Barrel cortex of PV cells; IHC and elimination decreased elimination al. (2018)
Mouse Early Somatosensory [48] Goodwill
(C57/BL6) postnatal Adult ♂♀ LB/LN from P4-P11 cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change et al. (2018)
Maternal RS: 45 mins 3x/day Primary
from E15 to E17.5; BrdU Somatosensory
GAD67(+/GFP) injection IP once at E12 or cortex - 10 sagittal decreased in section [150] Uchida
(HET) mouse - Juvenile ♂ E15 sections IHC PV+/GFP+ cell density 4 et al. (2014)
Rat (Sprague- Somatosensory [77] Lee et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS 2h/day for 3 weeks cortex IHC PV cell density decreased (2015)
PV cell density; PNN+
Somatosensory fraction of PV cells; PV
Mouse Juvenile- cortex layers 2/3, 4, fluorescence intensity; PV [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks and 5/6 IHC and WFA stain soma area no change al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV
Mouse Juvenile- Motor cortex layers fluorescence intensity; PV [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) adolescent Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks 2/3 and 5/6 IHC and WFA stain soma area no change al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV+
Mouse Juvenile; Adolescent; fraction of PNNs; PV [152] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) adult adult ♂ CUS 7 days Primary Motor cortex IHC and WFA stain fluorescence; PV soma area no change al. (2018)
[155] Varga
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ CMS 4 days Primary Motor cortex IHC PV cell density no change et al. (2016)

100pA current injection-
induced PV cell firing
frequency; resting PV cell
Mouse Nucleus Accumbens membrane potential; PV cell increased firing [164] Xiao et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ 3 weeks UCMS Shell Patch clamp action potential threshold frequency al. (2020)
Rat (Sprague- Thalamic Reticular Pesarico et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS: 6h/day for 10 days Nucleus IHC PV stain intensity increased al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- Pesarico et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ RS 6h/day for 10 days Habenula IHC PV stain intensity increased al. (2019)
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; MS 4h/day from P2-P20; LH Dorsal Raphe [83] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ task P41 Nucleus Western blot PV protein content decreased et al. (2017)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20; LH
Early task P41; allowed to witness
Rat (Sprague- postnatal; another rat in task 1 day Dorsal Raphe [83] Lukkes
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ before they did it. Nucleus Western blot PV protein content no change et al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV decreased PNN+
Mouse Visual cortex layers fluorescence intensity; PV fraction of PV cells in [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) Juvenile-adult Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks 2/3, 4 and 5/6 IHC and WFA stain soma area layer 2/3 al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV
Mouse fluorescence intensity; PV decreased PV [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) Juvenile-adult Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks Perirhinal cortex IHC and WFA stain soma area fluorescence intensity al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV
Mouse Dorsintermed fluorescence intensity; PV [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) Juvenile-adult Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks Entorhinal cortex IHC and WFA stain soma area no change al. (2017)
PV cell density; PNN+
fraction of PV cells; PV
Mouse Dorsolateral fluorescence intensity; PV decreased PV [151] Ueno et
(C57/BL6) Juvenile-adult Adolescent ♂ SI 5 weeks Entorhinal cortex IHC and WFA stain soma area fluorescence intensity al. (2017)
Mouse and rat life stages were defined as the following: early postnatal: P0-19 (postnatal day 0-19, where day of birth is P0; juvenile: P20-30; adolescent: P31-60; and
adult: P61+. Abbreviations: CMS: chronic mild stress; CNO: clozapine N-oxide; CSD: chronic social defeat; CSIS: chronic social instability stress; CUS: chronic
unpredictable stress; EM: electron microscopy; FACS: flow-associated cell sorting; HET: heterozygous; IHC: immunohistochemistry; IP: intraperitoneal; KO: knockout;
LB/LN: limited bedding/limited nesting; LH: learned helplessness; LHb: lateral habenula; MS: maternal separation; qPCR: quantitative polymerase chain reaction; RS:
restraint stress; SI: social isolation; VTA: ventral tegmental area; WFA: Wisteria floribunda agglutinin.

Table 4: Animal PV neuron alterations under enrichment paradigms

Age during Age at

Species manipulation measurement Sex Experimental paradigm Brain region Method Measure Outcome Reference
(Sprague- Juvenile- Prelimbic [29] do Prado
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ EE P21-P36 cortex Western blot PV protein content no change et al. (2015)
Rat Early
(Sprague- postnatal- MS 4h/day from P2-P20; EE Prelimbic [29] do Prado
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ P21-P36 cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males et al. (2015)
Rat Early MS 4h/day; 500uM TAT2A
(Sprague- postnatal; microinjection into PFC every Prelimbic rescued MS-induced [39] Ganguly et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂ other day from P31-P39 cortex IHC PV cell density decrease al. (2015)
Prelimbic Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased (2016)
Rat FLX 10mg/kg twice daily IP for
(Sprague- 15 days, then brains collected Prelimbic [141] Song et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ on day 35 cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2019)
SI 21 days; FLX 15mg/kg/day, [148]
CLZ 20mg/kg/day, or vehicle Prelimbic decreased by SI in vehicle Todorovic et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP during stress. cortex IHC Total PV cell number but not CLZ or FLX treatment al. (2018)
density decreased by MS,
Rat Early MS 4h/day P2-P20; IL-10 rescued by IL-10; fraction
(Sprague- postnatal; intraventricular infusion from Prelimbic PV cell density; fraction of PV increased by MS, rescued by [163] Wieck et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂ P30-P38. Sacrifice on P40 cortex IHC cells co-expressing NR2A IL-10 al. (2013)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; Prelimbic [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later cortex IHC PV cell density Decreased by S-ketamine al. (2015)
(Sprague- Juvenile- Infralimbic [29] do Prado
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ EE P21-P36 cortex Western blot PV protein content no change et al. (2015)
Rat Early
(Sprague- postnatal- MS 4h/day from P2-P20; EE Infralimbic [29] do Prado
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ P21-P36 cortex Western blot PV protein content decreased in males et al. (2015)

Rat Early MS 4h/day; 500uM TAT2A
(Sprague- postnatal; microinjection into PFC every Infralimbic rescued MS-induced [39] Ganguly et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♂ other day from P31-P39 cortex IHC PV cell density decrease al. (2015)
Mouse Infralimbic [65] Karpova et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ 10mg/kg/d oral FLX 30 days cortex IHC; WFA stain PV+ fraction of PNN+ cells no change al. (2014)
Infralimbic Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Rat FLX 10mg/kg twice daily IP for
(Sprague- 15 days, then brains collected Infralimbic [141] Song et
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ on day 35 cortex IHC PV cell density decreased al. (2019)
SI 21 days; FLX 15mg/kg/day, [148]
CLZ 20mg/kg/day, or vehicle Infralimbic decreased by SI in vehicle Todorovic et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP during stress. cortex IHC Total PV cell number but not CLZ or FLX treatment al. (2018)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; Infralimbic [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later cortex IHC PV cell density no change al. (2015)
Total PV cell number; total
PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV+
fraction of PNN+ cells; decreased PV+/PNN+ cell
Medial perisomatic PV and number; decreased
Mouse IP injection of 20mg/kg FLX Prefrontal synaptophysin puncta densities perisomatic [52] Guirado et
(GAD-GFP) Adult Adult ♂ daily for 2 weeks cortex IHC; WFA stain on pyramidal cells PV+/synaptophysin+ puncta al. (2014)
Medial [63]
Mouse Adolescent- Dried bonito broth (10%) intake Prefrontal Jargalsaikhan
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ 53 days cortex IHC PV cell density increased et al. (2016)
PV cell density; PV+/PNN+ cell
Mouse FLX 15mg/kg/day IP for 3 Medial IHC and WFA density; PNN+ fraction of PV [107] Ohira et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ weeks Frontal cortex stain cells decreased (all) al. (2013)
SI 21 days; FLX 15mg/kg/day, Medial [148]
CLZ 20mg/kg/day, or vehicle Prefrontal decreased by SI in vehicle Todorovic et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP during stress. cortex IHC Total PV cell number but not CLZ or FLX treatment al. (2018)
MS 4h/day; treatment with
Rat Early COX-2 inhibitor NS-398
(Sprague- postnatal; (8mg/kg) every other day IP Prefrontal [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ from P30-P38; LH task P41 cortex Western blot PV protein content increased al. (2017)

MS 4h/day; treatment with
COX-2 inhibitor NS-398
(8mg/kg) every other day IP
Rat Early from P30-P38; LH P41;
(Sprague- postnatal; allowed to witness another rat Prefrontal [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ in task 1 day before they did it. cortex Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2017)
Mouse 10mg/kg ketamine IP; 1 week Prefrontal [109] Okine et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ rest Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased in males al. (2020)
Mouse 10mg/kg ketamine IP; 1 week Prefrontal [109] Okine et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ rest; 4 weeks UCMS Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased in males al. (2020)
Lurasidone 3mg/kg/day oral for Prefrontal [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ 5 weeks cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change et al. (2018)
CMS 7 weeks + lurasidone
3mg/kg/day oral during last 5 Prefrontal [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ weeks of CMS cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change et al. (2018)
decreased by SI alone, no [132]
SI 7 weeks with 5mg/kg/day Prefrontal change in apocynin alone or Schiavone et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂♀ oral apocynin cortex Western blot PV protein content SI + apocynin al. (2009)
decreased by SI alone, no [132]
SI 7 weeks with 5mg/kg/day Prefrontal change in apocynin alone or Schiavone et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂♀ oral apocynin cortex IHC PV immunoreactivity SI + apocynin al. (2009)
Rat IFS 15 mins on day 0, then EE IFS reduced PV protein, EE +
(Sprague- 2h/day for 30 days. Brains Prefrontal IFS rescued normal amount. [145] Sun et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ collected on day 46 cortex Western blot PV protein content No change for EE alone (2016)
Neuregulin-1 infusion to lateral
ventricles same time as Prefrontal decreased by ketamine but [158] Wang et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ ketamine 10mg/kg IP cortex Western blot PV protein content not ketamine + neuregulin-1 al. (2014)
Ketamine 10mg/kg IP; brains Prefrontal decreased 0.5h but not 2h [170] Zhou et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ harvested 0.5 and 2h after cortex IHC PV fluorescence intensity after ketamine treatment al. (2014)
Ketamine 10mg/kg IP; brains Prefrontal decreased 0.5h but not 2h [170] Zhou et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ harvested 0.5 and 2h after cortex Western blot PV protein content after ketamine treatment al. (2014)
Apocynin 5mg/kg/day oral for 7
days; ketamine 10mg/kg IP on
day 8; brains harvested 0.5 Prefrontal decreased by ketamine alone [170] Zhou et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ and 2h after ketamine cortex IHC PV fluorescence intensity but not apocynin + ketamine al. (2014)
Frontal PV cell firing frequency 10, 30, increased after ketamine at
Mouse 10uM ketamine bath Association and 50 mins after ketamine injected currents of 50, 100, [102] Ng et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ application cortex Electrophysiology infusion 150, 200, and 250 pA (2018)

AAV Frontal
injection of 8 hours RS; 10mg/kg IP Association
Cre- ketamine at 4 and 8 hour cortex layers GCaMP6f signal PV cell intracellular calcium increased by RS + ketamine [102] Ng et al.
GCaMP6f Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ marks 2/3 recording (average ∆F/Fo) vs RS + saline (2018)
increased elimination at day 7
RS vs no RS; decreased
formation at day 5 and day 7
RS vs RS + ketamine;
Frontal decreased net change in PV
10mg/kg IP ketamine or saline, Association PV bouton elimination, bouton number at day 5 and
Mouse followed by 6h RS for 1, 2, 5, cortex layers In vivo PV axonal formation, and net change in PV 7 RS compared to no RS [102] Ng et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ or 7 days 2/3 bouton imaging bouton number group. (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- CNO and ketamine 10mg/kg Frontal DREADD
tdTomato injection into PV-hM3D or PV Association activation/inhibition
Mice hM4D rats, followed by 6h RS, cortex layers of PV cells; PV cell dendritic spine increased by PV cell [102] Ng et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ for 2 days 2/3 Microscopy elimination rate inhibition (2018)
PV-Cre;Ai9- CNO and ketamine 10mg/kg Frontal DREADD
tdTomato injection into PV-hM3D or PV Association activation/inhibition PV cell dendritic mushroom, increased mushroom spine
Mice hM4D rats, followed by 6h RS, cortex layers of PV cells; stubby, and thin spine elimination in PV-inhibited [102] Ng et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ for 2 days 2/3 Microscopy elimination rate mice (2018)
Cingulate Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months cortex IHC Total PV cell number increased (2016)
SI 21 days; FLX 15mg/kg/day, [148]
CLZ 20mg/kg/day, or vehicle Cingulate decreased by SI, SI+FLX, Todorovic et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP during stress. cortex IHC Total PV cell number and SI+CLZ al. (2018)
decreased by SI in vehicle
SI 21 days; FLX 15mg/kg/day, Dorsal but not CLZ or FLX txt; [148]
CLZ 20mg/kg/day, or vehicle Peduncular increased by CLZ alone vs Todorovic et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP during stress. cortex IHC Total PV cell number CLZ + SI al. (2018)
Mice EE: running wheel and Enviro-
(C57/BL6 * Dri bedding added (timeline Dentate [4] Anstotz et
NZB) Adolescent ♂♀ not stated) Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2018)

5 weeks' daily psychosocial
conflict; FLX (15mg/kg/day) or
Tree Shrew SLV-323 (20mg/kg/day) oral
(Tupaia treatment daily for latter 4 Dentate Decreased by stress; rescued [27] Czeh et al.
Belangeri) Adult Adult ♂ weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number by FLX and by SLV-323 (2005)
FLX 15mg/kg/day or CLZ
Adolescent- 20mg/kg/day with SI for 3 Dentate decreased by FLX + SI [34] Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number compared to SI al. (2017)
[47] Gomes da
Juvenile- Dentate Silva et al.
Rat (Wistar) adolescent Adult ♂ Physical exercise 40 days Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2010)
CUS 3 weeks. Anhedonic Dentate
subgroup given escitalopram gyrus hilus
Adolescent- (5mg/kg/day) or vehicle IP for and granule [58] Holm et al.
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ 5 weeks cell layer IHC PV cell density no change (2011)
Rat [96]
(Sprague- Early Oral FLX 10mg/kg/d from P2- Dentate PNN+ fraction of PV cells; total Mukhopadhyay
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile; adult ♂ P21 Gyrus IHC; WFA stain PV cell number no change et al. (2020)
Rat (Long- Physical exercise 30 min/day Dentate [103] Nguyen
Evans) Adult Adult ♂ for 5 weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change et al. (2013)
SI 6 weeks with anhedonic rats
given tianeptine 10mg/kg/day Dentate increased by tianeptine + SI [118] Peric et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP for last 3 weeks Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number vs SI alone al. (2018)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Dentate 5HT-induced change in PV cell [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Gyrus Electrophysiology membrane potential decreased (hyperpolarized) al. (2020)
18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
PV-TRAP in 1% saccharine drinking
Mouse water; 5HT5A receptor Dentate 5HT-induced change in PV cell [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ antagonist administered Gyrus Electrophysiology membrane potential no change al. (2020)
18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
PV-Cre in 1% saccharine drinking
Mouse water; PV cell-specific 5HT5A Dentate 5HT-induced change in PV cell [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ receptor KO Gyrus Electrophysiology membrane potential no change al. (2020)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Dentate 5HT-induced PV cell firing [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Gyrus Electrophysiology frequency decreased al. (2020)

18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
PV-Cre in 1% saccharine drinking
Mouse water; PV cell-specific 5HT5A Dentate 5HT-induced PV cell firing [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ receptor KO Gyrus Electrophysiology frequency no change al. (2020)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml 5HT-induced PV cell Kv
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Dentate channel potassium current [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Gyrus Electrophysiology amplitude decreased al. (2020)
18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
PV-Cre in 1% saccharine drinking 5HT-induced PV cell Kv
Mouse water; PV cell-specific 5HT5A Dentate channel potassium current [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ receptor KO Gyrus Electrophysiology amplitude no change al. (2020)
Change in PV cell Kv channel
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml potassium maximum current
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Dentate amplitude after 200nM PMA or decreased in FLX-treated but [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Gyrus Electrophysiology 200nM PMA+30uM 5HT bath not vehicle-treated mice al. (2020)
Dentate Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months Gyrus IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Dentate [135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days Gyrus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
Dentate [135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days Gyrus IHC PV cell density increased al. (2020)
Early Total PV cell number;
Mouse Prenatal, early postnatal; Mothers given oral FLX Dentate PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV [153] Umemori
(C57/BL6) postnatal juvenile ♂♀ 11.3mg/kg/d from GD7-P7 Gyrus IHC; WHA stain intensity in PV+/PNN+ cells no change et al. (2015)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; Dentate [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later Gyrus IHC PV cell density decreased by S-ketamine al. (2015)
Mouse [5] Antila et al.
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ Isoflurane anaesthesia 30 mins CA1 IHC FosB intensity in PV+ cells increased (2017)
5 weeks' daily psychosocial
conflict; FLX (15mg/kg/day) or
Tree Shrew SLV-323 (20mg/kg/day) oral
(Tupaia treatment daily for latter 4 [27] Czeh et al.
Belangeri) Adult Adult ♂ weeks CA1 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2005)
FLX 15mg/kg/day or CLZ
Adolescent- 20mg/kg/day with SI for 3 increased by FLX vs vehicle; [34] Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ weeks CA1 IHC Total PV cell number decreased by FLX+SI, CLZ, al. (2017)

and CLZ+SI vs vehicle;
decreased by FLX+SI vs FLX
[47] Gomes da
Juvenile- Silva et al.
Rat (Wistar) adolescent Adult ♂ Physical exercise 40 days CA1 IHC Total PV cell number increased (2010)
Total PV cell number; total
Mouse IP injection of 20mg/kg FLX PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV+ [52] Guirado et
(GAD-GFP) Adult Adult ♂ daily for 2 weeks CA1 IHC; WFA stain fraction of PNN+ cells decreased (all) al. (2014)
Mouse [65] Karpova et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ 10mg/kg/d oral FLX 30 days CA1 IHC; WFA stain PV+ fraction of PNN+ cells decreased al. (2014)
Rat [96]
(Sprague- Early Oral FLX 10mg/kg/d from P2- PNN+ fraction of PV cells; total decreased fraction in Mukhopadhyay
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile; adult ♂ P21 CA1 IHC; WFA stain PV cell number juveniles et al. (2020)
Rat (Long- Physical exercise 30 min/day [103] Nguyen
Evans) Adult Adult ♂ for 5 weeks CA1 IHC Total PV cell number increased et al. (2013)
SI 6 weeks with anhedonic rats increased by tianeptine and
given tianeptine 10mg/kg/day tianeptine + SI vs their [118] Peric et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP for last 3 weeks CA1 IHC Total PV cell number vehicle controls al. (2018)
Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months CA1 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days CA1 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days CA1 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
Early Total PV cell number;
Mouse Prenatal, early postnatal; Mothers given oral FLX PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV [153] Umemori
(C57/BL6) postnatal juvenile ♂♀ 11.3mg/kg/d from GD7-P7 CA1 IHC; WHA stain intensity in PV+/PNN+ cells no change et al. (2015)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later CA1 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2015)
5 weeks' daily psychosocial
conflict; FLX (15mg/kg/day) or
Tree Shrew SLV-323 (20mg/kg/day) oral
(Tupaia treatment daily for latter 4 Decreased by stress; rescued [27] Czeh et al.
Belangeri) Adult Adult ♂ weeks CA2 IHC Total PV cell number by SLV-323 (2005)

FLX 15mg/kg/day or CLZ
Adolescent- 20mg/kg/day with SI for 3 increased by FLX + SI and [34] Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ weeks CA2 IHC Total PV cell number CLZ + SI vs SI alone al. (2017)
SI 6 weeks with anhedonic rats increased by tianeptine and
given tianeptine 10mg/kg/day tianeptine + SI vs their [118] Peric et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP for last 3 weeks CA2 IHC Total PV cell number vehicle controls al. (2018)
[47] Gomes da
Juvenile- Silva et al.
Rat (Wistar) adolescent Adult ♂ Physical exercise 40 days CA2/3 IHC Total PV cell number increased (2010)
Rat (Long- Physical exercise 30 min/day [103] Nguyen
Evans) Adult Adult ♂ for 5 weeks CA2/3 IHC Total PV cell number increased et al. (2013)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days CA2/3 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days CA2/3 IHC PV cell density increased al. (2020)
5 weeks' daily psychosocial
conflict; FLX (15mg/kg/day) or
Tree Shrew SLV-323 (20mg/kg/day) oral
(Tupaia treatment daily for latter 4 Decreased by stress; rescued [27] Czeh et al.
Belangeri) Adult Adult ♂ weeks CA3 IHC Total PV cell number by SLV-323 (2005)
increased in basket cells and
PV-Cre fraction of PV cells expressing PV cells overall (not [30] Donato et
mice Adult Adult ♂ EE Dorsal CA3b IHC low amounts of PV chandelier cells) al. (2013)
PV-Cre [30] Donato et
mice Adult Adult ♂ EE Dorsal CA3b IHC Total PV cell number no change al. (2013)
PV-Cre Inhibitory puncta densities onto [30] Donato et
mice Adult Adult ♂ EE Dorsal CA3b IHC PV dendrites increased al. (2013)
PV-Cre activation of PV fraction of PV cells expressing [30] Donato et
mice Adult Adult ♂ EE Dorsal CA3b cells; IHC high amounts of PV increased al. (2013)
FLX 15mg/kg/day or CLZ
Adolescent- 20mg/kg/day with SI for 3 increased by FLX + SI and [34] Filipovic et
Rat (Wistar) adult Adult ♂ weeks CA3 IHC Total PV cell number CLZ + SI vs SI alone al. (2017)
Mouse FLX 10mg/kg/day SC for 21 Godavarthi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ days starting at P90 CA3 IHC Total PV cell number no change al. (2014)
Rat [96]
(Sprague- Early Oral FLX 10mg/kg/d from P2- PNN+ fraction of PV cells; total decreased fraction in Mukhopadhyay
Dawley) postnatal Juvenile; adult ♂ P21 CA3 IHC; WFA stain PV cell number juveniles et al. (2020)

PV cell density; PV+/PNN+ cell
Mouse FLX 15mg/kg/day IP for 3 IHC and WFA density; PNN+ fraction of PV decreased PV cell density [107] Ohira et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ weeks CA3 stain cells and PV+/PNN+ cell density al. (2013)
SI 6 weeks with anhedonic rats increased by tianeptine and
given tianeptine 10mg/kg/day tianeptine + SI vs their [118] Peric et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP for last 3 weeks CA3 IHC Total PV cell number vehicle controls al. (2018)
Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months CA3 IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later CA3 IHC PV cell density no change al. (2015)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days Subiculum IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days Subiculum IHC PV cell density increased al. (2020)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days Hilus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
[135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days Hilus IHC PV cell density no change al. (2020)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Subgranular [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water zone IHC 5HT5A+ fraction of PV cells no change al. (2020)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking Subgranular [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water zone IHC pKv3.1b+ fraction of PV cells increased al. (2020)
18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml
PV-Cre in 1% saccharine drinking
Mouse water; PV cell-specific 5HT5A Subgranular [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ receptor KO zone IHC pKv3.1b+ fraction of PV cells no change al. (2020)
decreased by VPA and VPA
Daily FS P65-P74, RS 1hr on + stress at 12 weeks old;
Sprague- P65, P66, P74; VPA IP Ventral decreased by VPA + stress at [46] Gomes et
Dawley rats Adult Adult ♂ 300mg/kg or vehicle P60-74 Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number 16 weeks old al. (2019)
decreased by VPA and VPA
Daily FS P65-P74, RS 1hr on + stress at 12 weeks old;
Sprague- P65, P66, P74; VPA IP Ventral IHC and WFA decreased by VPA + stress at [46] Gomes et
Dawley rats Adult Adult ♂ 300mg/kg or vehicle P60-74 Hippocampus stain Total PV/PNN+ cell number 16 weeks old al. (2019)

[47] Gomes da
Juvenile- Silva et al.
Rat (Wistar) adolescent Adult ♂ Physical exercise 40 days Hippocampus Western blot PV protein content increased (2010)
Total PV cell number; total
PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV+
fraction of PNN+ cells;
perisomatic PV and
Mouse IP injection of 20mg/kg FLX synaptophysin puncta densities decreased PV+/PNN+ cell [52] Guirado et
(GAD-GFP) Adult Adult ♂ daily for 2 weeks Hippocampus IHC; WFA stain on pyramidal cells number al. (2014)
Mouse Adolescent- Dried bonito broth (10%) intake Jargalsaikhan
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ 53 days Hippocampus IHC PV cell density increased et al. (2016)
7h/day exposure to roman
Rat (Wistar- chamomile essential oil or a- increased by roman [72] Kong et al.
Kyoto) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ pinene vapors for 14 days Hippocampus qPCR PV mRNA expression chamomile and a-pinene (2017)
2D gel then mass
Rat proteomics on
(Sprague- Adolescent- Paroxetine 5mg/kg/day hippocampus [89] McHugh et
Dawley) adult Adult ♂ injection for 12 days Hippocampus samples PV protein expression decreased 1.3-fold al. (2009)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml Translating
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking ribosome affinity [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Hippocampus purification (TRAP) PV cell 5HT5A receptor mRNA no change al. (2020)
PV-TRAP 18 days oral FLX 0.167mg/ml 5HT5A receptor protein level in
Mouse in 1% saccharine drinking membrane-bound fraction of [127] Sagi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂♀ water Hippocampus Western blot hippocampal lysate increased al. (2020)
PV protein content; PV cell [135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ EE 40 days Hippocampus Western blot; IHC density no change al. (2020)
PV protein content; PV cell [135] Serra et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile Adult ♂ Exercise 40 days Hippocampus Western blot; IHC density increased protein and density al. (2020)
Rat IFS 15 mins on day 0, then EE IFS reduced PV protein, EE +
(Sprague- 2h/day for 30 days. Brains IFS rescued normal amount. [145] Sun et al.
Dawley) Adult Adult ♂ collected on day 46 Hippocampus Western blot PV protein content No change for EE alone (2016)
Neuregulin-1 infusion to lateral
ventricles same time as decreased by ketamine but [158] Wang et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ ketamine 10mg/kg IP Hippocampus Western blot PV protein content not ketamine + neuregulin-1 al. (2014)
SI 6 weeks with anhedonic rats increased by tianeptine and
given tianeptine 10mg/kg/day Dorsal tianeptine + SI vs their [118] Peric et
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ IP for last 3 weeks Hippocampus IHC Total PV cell number vehicle controls al. (2018)

Lurasidone 3mg/kg/day oral for Dorsal qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; PV [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ 5 weeks Hippocampus blot protein content decreased mRNA et al. (2018)
CMS 2 weeks, then anhedonic
rats received 5 more weeks
CMS + lurasidone 3mg/kg/day Dorsal qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; PV [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ oral Hippocampus blot protein content no change et al. (2018)
Lurasidone 3mg/kg/day oral for Ventral qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; PV [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ 5 weeks Hippocampus blot protein content no change et al. (2018)
CMS 2 weeks, then anhedonic
rats received 5 more weeks
CMS + lurasidone 3mg/kg/day Ventral qPCR; Western PV mRNA expression; PV [126] Rossetti
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ oral Hippocampus blot protein content no change et al. (2018)
Mouse Basolateral Godavarthi et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ FLX 10mg/kg/day SC 24 days Amygdala IHC Total PV cell number no change al. (2014)
Mouse Adolescent- Dried bonito broth (10%) intake Basolateral Jargalsaikhan
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ 53 days Amygdala IHC PV cell density increased et al. (2016)
Mouse Basolateral [65] Karpova et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ 10mg/kg/d oral FLX 30 days Amygdala IHC; WFA stain PV+ fraction of PNN+ cells decreased al. (2014)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20;
treatment with COX-2 inhibitor
Rat Early NS-398 (8mg/kg) every other
(Sprague- postnatal; day IP from P30-P38; LH task Basolateral [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ P41 Amygdala Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2017)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20;
treatment with COX-2 inhibitor
NS-398 (8mg/kg) every other
day IP from P30-P38; LH task
Rat Early P41; allowed to witness
(Sprague- postnatal; another rat in task 1d before Basolateral [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ they did it. Amygdala Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2017)
Basolateral Piquero et al.
Rat (Wistar) Adult Adult ♂ EE 2 months Amygdala IHC Total PV cell number no change (2016)
Early Total PV cell number; decreased PV+/PNN+ cell
Mouse Prenatal, early postnatal; Mothers given oral FLX Basolateral PV+/PNN+ cell number; PV number at P17 but not P24; [153] Umemori
(C57/BL6) postnatal juvenile ♂♀ 11.3mg/kg/d from GD7-P7 Amygdala IHC; WHA stain intensity in PV+/PNN+ cells other measures unchanged et al. (2015)

Basolateral Total PV cell number; large and increased total and small PV [154] Urakawa
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adult ♂ EE 35 days Amygdala IHC small PV cell number cell number et al. (2013)
c-Fos+ proportion of PV cells; decreased c-Fos+ proportion
Rat WFA+ proportion of PV cells; c- of PV cells; decreased c- [156] Vazquez-
(Sprague- Basolateral Fos+ proportion of WFA+ PV Fos+ proportion of WFA+ PV Sanroman et
Dawley) Juvenile Adolescent ♀ 1 week EE Amygdala IHC; WFA stain cells cells al. (2020)
Lateral [154] Urakawa
Rat (Wistar) Adolescent Adult ♂ EE 35 days Amygdala IHC Large and small PV cell number no change et al. (2013)
decreased by SI alone, no [132]
SI + 7 weeks with or without Nucleus change in apocynin alone or Schiavone et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂♀ 5mg/kg/day oral apocynin Accumbens Western blot PV protein content SI + apocynin al. (2009)
decreased by SI alone, no [132]
SI + 7 weeks with or without Nucleus change in apocynin alone or Schiavone et
Rat (Wistar) Juvenile-adult Adult ♂♀ 5mg/kg/day oral apocynin Accumbens IHC PV immunoreactivity SI + apocynin al. (2009)
(Sprague- R- or S-ketamine 10mg/kg IP; Nucleus [166] Yang et
Dawley) Adolescent Adolescent ♂ sacrifice 30 mins later Accumbens IHC PV cell density no change al. (2015)
Mouse EE, RS 2h/day, or both for 7 increased in EE and EE+RS; [19] Chen et al.
(C57/BL6) Adolescent Adolescent ♂♀ days Barrel cortex IHC c-Fos+ fraction of PV cells decreased in RS (2018)
High-PV and low-PV cell increased low-PV cell density
Early density; high-PV and low-PV and low-PV/PNN+ cell
Mouse Early postnatal, EE from late pregnancy until Lateral IHC and WFA PNN+ cell density density in early postnatal and [106] O'Connor
(C57/BL6) postnatal adult ♂♀ P21 Striatum stain adult mice et al. (2019)
Early High-PV and low-PV cell increased low-PV cell density
Mouse Early postnatal, EE from late pregnancy until Medial IHC and WFA density; high-PV and low-PV and low-PV/PNN+ cell [106] O'Connor
(C57/BL6) postnatal adult ♂♀ P21 Striatum stain PNN+ cell density density in adults et al. (2019)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20;
treatment with COX-2 inhibitor
Rat Early NS-398 (8mg/kg) every other
(Sprague- postnatal; day IP from P30-P38; LH task Dorsal Raphe [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ P41 Nucleus Western blot PV protein content increased al. (2017)
MS 4h/day from P2-P20;
treatment with COX-2 inhibitor
NS-398 (8mg/kg) every other
Rat Early day IP from P30-P38; LH P41;
(Sprague- postnatal; allowed to witness another rat Dorsal Raphe [83] Lukkes et
Dawley) adolescent Adolescent ♀ in task 1 day before they did it. Nucleus Western blot PV protein content no change al. (2017)

Thalamic PV cell density; PV+/PNN+ cell
Mouse Reticular IHC and WFA density; PNN+ fraction of PV [107] Ohira et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ FLX 15mg/kg/day IP 3 weeks Nucleus stain cells no change al. (2013)
Mouse Adolescent- Dried bonito broth (10%) intake Superior Jargalsaikhan
(C57/BL6) adult Adult ♂ 53 days Colliculus IHC PV cell density increased et al. (2016)
CSD alone increased number
Number of spikes elicited by of spikes in resilient and
100pA current injection in susceptible mice, prevented
CSD 10 days followed by PV(VP-->LHb) cells; ratio of by FLX; decreased ratio in
Mouse 20mg/kg/day FLX IP or vehicle Ventral excitatory:inhibitory inputs onto resilient and FLX-treated [71] Knowl et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ for 14 days Pallidum Electrophysiology PV(VP-->LHb) cells mice compared to susceptible al. (2017)
Number of spikes elicited by decreased spike number in
100pA current injection in resilient and FLX (FLX vs.
CSD 10 days followed by PV(VP-->VTA) cells; ratio of susceptible only) mice but not
Mouse 20mg/kg/day FLX IP or vehicle Ventral excitatory:inhibitory inputs onto susceptible; ratio increased in [71] Knowl et
(C57/BL6) Adult Adult ♂ for 14 days Pallidum Electrophysiology PV(VP-->VTA) cells susceptible mice al. (2017)
Mouse and rat life stages were defined as the following: early postnatal: P0-19 (postnatal day 0-19, where day of birth is P0; juvenile: P20-30; adolescent: P31-60; and
adult: P61+. Abbreviations: CLZ: clozapine; CNO: clozapine N-oxide; CMS: chronic mild stress; CNO: clozapine N-oxide; CSD: chronic social defeat; CSPG: chondroitin
sulfate proteoglycan; CUS: chronic unpredictable stress; DREADD: designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs; EE: environmental enrichment; FLX:
fluoxetine; IFS: inescapable foot shocks; IHC: immunohistochemistry; IL-10: interleukin-10; IP: intraperitoneal; LHb: lateral habenula; mRNA: messenger ribonucleic acid;
MS: maternal separation; qPCR: quantitative polymerase chain reaction; RS: restraint stress; SI: social isolation; SC: subcutaneous; VP: ventral pallidum; VPA: valproic
acid; VTA: ventral tegmental area; WFA: Wisteria floribunda agglutinin.

Table 5: PV neuron alterations in post-mortem samples from patients having died with mood disorders

Sex Disorder Brain region Method Measure Outcome Reference

WFA PV cell density; PNN+ fraction of PV [1] Alcaide et al.
5M, 6F MDD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex stain cells; PV+ fraction of PNNs no change (2019)
[9] Beasley et al.
9M, 6F MDD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex IHC Total PV cell number no change (2002)
decreased in layer 6, no change in other [67] Khundakar et al.
4M, 7F MDD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex layers 2-6 IHC PV stain intensity layers (2010)
[21] Chung et al.
22M, 18F MDD Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased (2018)
[138] Sibille et al.
10M, 9F MDD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression no change (2012)
[122] Rajkowska et al.
8M, 6F MDD Orbitofrontal Cortex, Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex IHC PV cell density decreased in Orbitofrontal Cortex (2007)
PV cell density in different layers; PV [23] Cotter et al.
9M, 6F MDD Brodmann Area 24 IHC cell clustering no change (2002)
matched [70] Knable et al.
with control MDD CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4, Entorhinal Cortex, Subiculum IHC Total PV cell number; PV cell density no change (2004)
[139] Smiley et al.
9M, 8F MDD Tpt Auditory Association Cortex IHC PV cell size; PV cell density no change (2016)
WFL [147] Tanti et al.
9M DS-CA Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex stain PNN+ fraction of PV cells increased vs depressed-suicide and controls (2020)
[149] Tripp et al.
26M, 25F MDD Subgenual Anterior Cingulate Cortex, Amygdala qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased in subgenual anterior cingulate (2012)
WFA PV cell density; PNN+ fraction of PV [1] Alcaide et al.
5M, 8F BD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex stain cells; PV+ fraction of PNNs no change (2019)
[128] Sakai et al.
1M, 4F BD Brodmann Area 9 IHC PV cell density no change (2008)
Total PV cell number; PV+/NR2A+
cell density; NR2A density in PV [12] Bitanihirwe et al.
8M, 10F BD Brodmann Area 9 layers 2-6 ISH cells no change (2010)
[21] Chung et al.
22M, 18F BD Right Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased (2018)

decreased, but unchanged after exclusion of
subject pairs with potential confounding [138] Sibille et al.
10M, 9F BD Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex qPCR PV mRNA expression factors (2012)
Low GABA decreased vs controls and non-low GABA [157] Volk et al.
20M/15F marker BD* Brodmann Area 9 grey matter qPCR PV mRNA expression marker subjects (2016)
GABA [157] Volk et al.
20M/15F marker BD* Brodmann Area 9 grey matter qPCR PV mRNA expression decreased vs controls (2016)
matched Lateral, Basal, Accessory Basal, and Cortical Nuclei of [11] Berretta et al.
with control BD the Amygdala IHC PV cell density 66% decrease in Lateral Nucleus (2003)
Lateral, Basal, Accessory Basal, and Cortical Nuclei of [116] Pantazopoulos
7M, 4F BD the Amygdala IHC PV cell density; Total PV cell number no change et al. (2010)
PV cell density in different layers; PV [23] Cotter et al.
9M, 6F BD Brodmann Area 24 IHC cell clustering increased clustering (2002)
matched [70] Knable et al.
with control BD CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4, Entorhinal Cortex, Subiculum IHC Total PV cell number; PV cell density decreased PV cell number in CA2 (2004)
[73] Konradi et al.
5M, 9F BD CA1, CA2/3, and CA4 IHC Total PV cell number decreased in CA1 and CA4 (2011)
PV soma size; Total PV cell number; [117] Pantazopoulos
6M, 4F BD Entorhinal Cortex IHC PV cell density decreased PV cell number and density et al. (2007)
Parasubiculum; Deep Entorhinal Cortex; Total [159] Wang et al.
4M, 9F BD Entorhinal Cortex IHC PV cell density decreased (2011)
Superficial Entorhinal Cortex; Subiculum; Pre- [159] Wang et al.
4M, 9F BD subiculum IHC PV cell density no change (2011)
[144] Steullet et al.
9M, 6F BD Thalamic Reticular Nucleus IHC Total PV cell number decreased (2018)
All studies were conducted with samples from adults, with a mean age ≥ 35 years. Abbreviations: BD: bipolar disorder; DS-CA: depressed-suicide + child
abuse history; GABA: gamma-amino butyric acid; IHC: immunohistochemistry; ISH: in situ hybridization; MDD: major depressive disorder; qPCR:
quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Low GABA marker and non-low GABA marker BD subjects were divided by quantifying GAD67, PV, SST, and
Lxh6 mRNA.


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