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Name: Shesa Lou Suan Viñas Grade and Section: BSCE – 2A

Subject: STS 11 Date: September 22, 2022


Direction: Analyze the picture and discuss the difference between the two
images presented, and relate how humans transformed their environment.
Write your answers on a clean sheet of paper.

As I analyze the picture above it gives me the idea about the

relationships between human activity and the environment. Our environment
refers to our immediate surroundings as well as the features of the
neighborhood where we reside. The wider natural world, including the land,
the sea, and the atmosphere, is also included. Since the very beginning of
human history, individuals have interacted with their environment. Over
instance, for ages, humans have cleared forests in order to cultivate crops,
altering the ecosystem in the process. On the other hand, there are a variety
of ways in which the environment impacts humans. A straightforward
illustration is how we alter our attire in response to cold or hot weather. We
will discuss some of the ways that people affect their environment in this part
as well as the ways that our surroundings affect us, both favorably and
unfavorably. Physical environment elements that support life and well-being
include a favorable climate, easy access to clean water, fertile soil, etc. It is
more challenging for people to exist, nevertheless, in hostile areas with scarce
water, a scorching heat, and barren terrain. We are also impacted by
significant natural occurrences like earthquakes, floods, and drought that
cause harm to homes, property, and agriculture. These have the potential to
cause injury, fatality, and the ruin of livelihoods, as well as to force the eviction
of people. Additionally, they can harm water supplies and pipes,
contaminating the water and escalating the spread of diseases transmitted by
water. Natural resources come in a variety of forms that we use every day.
For our survival, humans need food, water, and energy for a variety of needs,
including everything from domestic cooking to large-scale industrial
operations. The manufacture of all the things we use, such as our clothing,
vehicles, structures, tools, etc., requires a variety of resources. Take a
straightforward instance. As you read this Module, consider the resources that
were utilized to create a notebook similar to the one you might be using right
now. Water and wood were required as raw ingredients for the creation of
paper, along with energy. Soil, water, and a place to grow were necessities for
the trees that provided the wood. Your notebook may contain materials
created from several sources, such as ink, metal staples, or other parts. As
the population grows and consumption per person rises with socioeconomic
growth, our need for resources is great and it is expanding. As a stewardship
of our environment we need to take care of it so that we can gain a healthy
food from our ecosystem.

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