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Learning is one way that you can be creative with your friends.

Learning with friends is

certainly very exciting and fun. Moreover, when studying in groups, you don't just have to study,
you can still play while learning together. We have been learning since we were in kindergarten
until now. There are several benefits of learning, among others: learning to listen to the opinions
of others; improving the ability to work together; training us to communicate with fellow
students, and training ourselves for new ways or ideas.

First of all,I feel it myself. If we study in groups, we can hear the opinions of members
about the problems discussed. That way, we also do what is called deliberation before the
answers that have been agreed upon by all group members.

Secondly, Working together means doing activities carried out by several people to
achieve a common goal. By studying in groups, we can also practice cooperation skills with
other group members and work together to carry out activities that will be beneficial because we
do it together, so that difficult jobs can become easy jobs.

Furthermore, Since we started elementary school, we have been able to communicate

with friends. This group study can also be a place to practice our ability to communicate with
other members, because it is certain that in group learning we will give our opinions to other

Finally, How to answer questions was already known long ago. However, did you know
that if we study online here you will find many ways and ideas for 1 problem because all group
members will respond to it in their own way.

In conclusion, From the benefits that I have explained, it is certain that group learning has
many benefits, both for ourselves and for fellow group members.

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