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Romero, M., Lepage, A., & Lille, B. (2017).

Computational thinking development through creative programming in higher

education. ​International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education​, 14(1), 42.

ID Components Subcompone Subcomponent title

Component title nts
CTc1 Understanding CTc1sc01 Understanding a situation
a situation and CTc1sc02 Choose a point of view for analysing the situation
identifying its (angle)
CTc1sc03 Distinction of different types of components (objects,
attributes, functions, events, patterns).
CTc1sc04 Entity identification
CTc1sc05 Entities’ attributes or parameter identification and
their changes over time (when dynamic)
CTc1sc06 Entities’ functions identification and their parameters
CTc1sc07 Identification of similar entities
CTc1sc08 Identification of events
CTc1sc09 Identification of temporality (duration, parallelism,
loop) of objects, attributes, functions and events
CTc1sc010 Identification of relations between entities
CTc2 Ability to CTc2sc01 Awareness of the importance of sketching and
organize and modelling before implementing
model a CTc2sc02 Selection of an appropriate media to express data
situation models and relations
CTc2sc03 Data modelling in a way that represents the situation
CTc2sc04 Optimal organisation of data
CTc3 Understanding CTc3sc01 Describing an algorithm in a natural language
code and CTc3sc02 Understanding an algorithm
being able to CTc3sc03 Understanding and identifying the computational
code a situation concepts in the context of an algorithm: blocks,
from a given objects, instructions and operators
representation CTc3sc04 Algorithm creation according to the data
CTc3sc05 Evaluation of an existing piece of code and propose
CTc4 Systems and CTc4sc01 Understanding the features and components of
technology different technologies (computer, robot…)
literacy CTc4sc02 Distinction between software and hardware
CTc4sc03 Identification of software and hardware features and
limits (feature scope)
CTc4sc04 Understanding technologies under electronics,
networks and systems approaches
CTc4sc05 Understanding complex information systems
CTc5 Capacity to CTc5sc01 Choose an appropriate language according to the
create a context
computer CTc5sc02 Identifying the function (or code block) for a certain
program. objective.
CTc5sc03 Programming using techniques offered by the
selected language
CTc5sc04 Hand over an error-free program
CTc6 Ability to CTc6sc01 Analysis of errors leading to improvement of the
engage in the computer program
evaluation and CTc6sc02 The problem is solved in the new version of the
iterative program.
process of
improvement of CTc6sc03 Iterative and optimizing programming approach
a program. CTc6sc04 Implement reinitialisation codes to make the program
go back to init state

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