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hello everyone welcome to learning

literature with pulpa in this video we

are going to talk about the history of

English literature we are going to

discuss all the literary ages from the

Old English period to the postmodern age

now I have got plenty of requests for

this video and so here I am with the

crisp summary of all the literary ages

so if you haven't yet subscribed to my

channel then do subscribe to it and hit

the bell icon so that you never miss an

update let's begin our discussion with

the Old English period which is also

called the anglo-saxon period the

timeline of the period is approximately

from 450 ad to 1066 ye Old English

language was a mixture of native bred

onic language and tribal Germanic

language the anglo-saxons used

alliteration and kennings in their

poetry and low saxon poetry can be

divided into three types so there was

heroic poetry a classic example is be

wolf there was little poetry such as

wanderer and Seafarer

then there was also Christian poetry

such as dream of the root the popular

poets of the old English period are

Kidman and cinemas now send all the

scene came to England in 597 ad and

converted England to a Christian nation

bras developed after Christianity was

spread King Alfred the Great was the key

figure in anglo-saxon prose

he started the anglo-saxon chronicles

which continued from the 9th to 11th

century next we have the anglo-norman

period which started with the Norman

Conquest in 1066 AV it is also called

the am loo

period and it belongs to the Middle

English period the upper-class

started speaking French and the ordinary

people spoke old English universities

were established during the Middle

English period so the Oxford University

was established in the 12th century and

the Cambridge University was established

in the 13th century the popular poets of

the anglo-norman period are the Joffrey

of Monmouth with lemon and the birth

weight and the popular works of the

anglo-norman period are Sir Gawain and

the Green Knight and Alan Knight Engle

within the Middle English period we have

the age of Chaucer the timeline of the

period is from 3040 to 1400 the age of

Chaucer is the opening moment of English

literature Geoffrey Chaucer lived under

the rule of three kings

Edward three Richard two and Henry for

the notable evens during this period are

the Hundred Years War which in LAC

fought with France bland death which is

a bubonic plague caused by dads and the

peasant rebellion the most important

works of Geoffrey Chaucer are the

Canterbury Tales the book of Duchess

Parliament of fowls house of field

Troilus and Cressida and legend of good


other notable poets of the age of

Chaucer are william langland

and john go an important prose work in

the age of Chaucer is wickless Bible

John Wickliffe translated the Latin

Bible into vernacular English after the

age of Chaucer we have the age of

revival the timeline of the period is

between 1480 and 1558 le the notable

during this period our arrival of the

printing press Reformation by Martin

Luther who talked about the in practices

of Catholic Church the followers of

Martin Luther were called protesters

then there was the war of roses between

the two English royalties the House of

York and the House of Lancaster after

the war of roses ended Tudor dynasty

started henry 7 was the first Tudor King

his successor was Henry 8 who married

six times for the son his first wife

Catherine of Aragon gave birth to

daughter Mary his second wife Anne

Boleyn gave birth to daughter Elizabeth

the popular authors of this period are

Erasmus Thomas More William Tyndale and

Thomas Malory next we have the

Elizabethan age which is also known as

the Golden Age of England the timeline

of the Elizabethan age is the reign of

Queen Elizabeth which is from 1558 to

1603 quick Elizabeth was a Protestant

she came to the throne after the violent

reign of her half-sister Queen Mary who

was a Catholic Queen Elizabeth restored

peace and harmony in England

both the Catholics and Protestants

started living in peace the Renison ism

is one of the most important

characteristics of the Elizabethan age

Francis Bacon was the founder of the

scientific movement in realism the

popular poets of the ELSA mythic age are

Edmund Spenser and Philip Sidney drama

flourished during the Elizabethan age

and the famous dramatis of daily Sabbath

an H R Christopher Marlowe Thomas Kyd

and William Shakespeare after Elizabeth

an age we come to the jacobian age the

timeline of the jacobian age is the

reign of King James one from 1603 to

1625 King James one was earlier the King

of Scotland so he was the first Stuart

King so we can see that the Tudor

dynasty came to an end with the reign of

Queen Elizabeth a very important event

that happened during the Jacobean age is

the gunpowder treason which was a blot

upon spray see by a small group of

Catholics to murder

King James one and to restore

Catholicism Guy Fawkes was the main

conspirator in gunpowder treason who was

later arrested

by the king's men after Jacobean H we

have the Caroline age the son of King

James one Charles one became the next

ruler so the timeline of the caroling

age is the reign of King Charles one

which is from 1625 to 1640 King Charles

one took several wrong decisions that

made people throw him out of England and

led to civil war the major dramatist who

wrote during the Jacobean Asian Caroline

age are Ben Jonson George Chapman via

wanton Fletcher

John Webster and Thomas Middleton the

metaphysical poets such as Andrew

Marvell John Donne and George Herbert

also wrote during the Jacobean and

Catalan age next we have the Civil War

and the Commonwealth period the timeline

of the period is from 1640 to 1660 so

the Civil War took place between King

Charles one and the Parliament of

England Oliver Cromwell a few

leading the Parliament in 1649 Oliver

Cromwell executed King Charles one after

which he became the Lord Protector of

England theatres were banned during this

period the most important writers who

wrote during the Civil War and

Commonwealth period are John Milton the

author of Paradise Lost and John Bunyan

daughter of pilgrims progress next we

have the restoration age the timeline of

the restoration age is from sixteen

sixteen to seventeen hundred King

Charles - with the son of King Charles

one was restored to the throne of

England in 1660 the ban on theatres was

also lifted in 1660 the restoration age

is also called the age of Dryden the

popular writers who wrote during this

period are of mystery John Dryden

William Congreve John Vanbrugh Afra Bell

and Thomas Wright after the restoration

age is the Enlightenment age which is

also called the age of reason the age of

sensibility neoclassical age and

Augustine age the timeline of the

Enlightenment age is wrong 1780 to 1798

Ely this is the age of prose and reason

there was a scientific revolution during

the Enlightenment Age with scientists

such as Newton and gal coffee houses

started which led to the publication of

magazines The Dictionary of English

language was published by Samuel Johnson

during this period writers commonly rode

satires the most notable writers during

the Enlightenment age are Alexander Pope

Jonathan Swift Richard Steele

Joseph Edison Samuel Richardson Daniel

Defoe and Henri filming next is the

Romantic Age litical Valley a collection

of poems by William Wordsworth and

samuel taylor coleridge was published in

1798 and it marks the beginning of

Romantic Age Industrial Revolution

started during the Romantic Age due to

the harmful effects of industrial

revolution such as pollution

materialization and dehumanization of

labels writers started looking towards


there was an idealization of rural life

that is village life feelings and

emotions became extremely important

writers wrote in plain and simple

language so that ordinary people can

easily understand it the Romantic poets

are William Wordsworth Sally Taylor

Coleridge Robert Southey PB Shelley Lord

Byron's and John Keats the popular

novelist of this period are Jane Austen

Horace Walpole Walter Scott and Richard

Sheridan after the Romantic Age we have

the Victorian age the timeline of the

Victorian age is the reign of Queen

Victoria which is from 1837 to 1901 it

is called the next Golden Age of Britain

after the anisa bathin age as Industrial

Revolution flourished there was a

deterioration in the working conditions

of poor people this is the reason in the

Victorian age there was a British

working class movement writers such as

Charles Dickens and Elizabeth Gaskell

started talking about the social

condition of England in their novels

Charles Darwin

the origin of species in the Victorian

age which completely changed the way

people looked at God and religion so

there was a clash between faith and

reason in the Victorian age the popular

poets of the Victorian age are Alfred

Lord Tennyson Robert Browning Matthew

Arnold DG Rosetti and Gerald Maggie

Hawkins and the popular novelist of the

Victorian age are Charles Dickens George

Eliot William Maccabees Sacre all the

three bronze sisters Charlotte Bronte

Emily Bronte and bronze Thomas Hardy and

Oscar Wilde modern age started after the

Victorian age from 1901 society became

fragmented in the modern age the world

war 1 took place between 1914 and 1918

and people saw massive destruction in

the First World War

then there was the Great Depression

which occurred from 1929 to 1930 when

stock market crashed and it affected the

global economy morning writers such as

TS Eliot saw a decline in civilization

and degradation in humanity modern

writers also became interested in the

functioning of the human mind

after Sigmund Freud published the

interpretation of Dreams in 1900 this

led to the stream of consciousness

novels there was non-linearity in plots

symbolism was used by many writers some

notable modern writers are TS Eliot WB

Yeats James Joyce Virginia Woolf Joseph

Conrad George Orville Ian Foster

jeej Lawrence so finally we have come to

the last literally age the post

modern age which started after the

Second World War in 1945 Britain lost

its power and the United States of

America became a super barn with create

economic everything was fragmented and

disordered writers started celebrating

the absurdity and disorientation instead

of finding logic and rationality the

theater of absurd angry young man

theater and confessional poetry became

very popular some popular writers of the

postmodern age are Samuel Beckett Harold

Pinter John Osborne

Ted Hughes Philip Larkin undertow

Christie Somerset Maugham Doris Lessing

and Angela Carter so that's it for this

video I discussed the summary of all the

literary ages in the forthcoming videos

I plan to take each literary age and

then talk about the political situation

and literary characteristics of the age

in detail so if you found this video

helpful then you'll like it and share

with your friends and don't forget to

subscribe to my channel stay tuned to

learning literature with Pumbaa and

thanks for watching


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