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Name : Muhammad Shafwan Ikmal

NIM : 11920110350

Major : Hukum Keluarga A

Task : Make a Summary

Corona Virus: Asian countries are facing a second wave of import cases

South Korea, China and Singapore are Asian countries facing the second wave of corona
virus, brought by people who come from abroad. China, reported 34 new cases among people
who had just returned to China. Singapore also reported 47 new cases, of which 33 were
imported. In South Korea three people from the national fencing team tested positive for the
corona virus after returning from competition in Hungary. Japan reported three new cases on

Several Wuhan residents who had been locked up in their homes for six weeks were
allowed to leave. And a hospital has reopened in Beijing to quarantine suspected corona virus
cases. In Hong Kong, newcomers must wear electronic bracelets to track their movements.
Malaysia, which is partially locked, has infected 710 people with the virus, the worst in
Southeast Asia. Many cases were related to a religious event in Kuala Lumpur, in February.

Japanese officials have also urged people to remain cautious and stay at home. And senior
Malaysian health officials are begging people to stay home and protect themselves and their
families. The World Health Organization (WHO) says the majority - 80% - has occurred in
Europe and the Western Pacific region, which includes much of Asia.

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