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How are the characters of Della and Mathilda developed

->> changed and built upon

1. At the beginning
2. at the end

Della – How is Della character developed ?

- beginning:
+ Desperate/concerned about buying a gift
+ her hair (physical characteristic) -> valuable
- end:
+ Concerned her husband won’t (motivation) love her without her hair
+ Her hair is cut => Her husband becomes the most prized “possession”

* Transition point: she sacrifices her prized possession, but discovers that it was for nothing, because
Jim has sold his watch => the gift becomes useless.
==> INDIRRECT: Author wants to draw more attention to the character reactions to their situation, and
add depth to the character
==> DIRECT: Highlight important traits, but doesn’t dominate our perception of the character

Mathilde - How is Mathilde character developed

- beginning:
+ Dramatic(D), selfish(D), miserable(D), arrogant(D), vain(D), beautiful(I) => the reason to become vain
+ Thinks she is deserving of best things in life (D)
+ In denial about her poorness (I)
+ Proud/Pride (I) – not telling madam festial about the necklace
- end:
- Cannot afford to care about her appearance anymore(D)
- Hard-working(D)(I)
- No longer too proud to admit losing the necklace(I)
- Humble (I) => she works to get money to pay off the debt

* Transition point: Getting into debt

How to choose what to talk about;
+ Must be important to the plot, theme, lesson of the story

+ One example at :
-> beginning
-> end
+ Must have a clear cause of change (pin point the development of the character)
=> conflict
=> surroundings change

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