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Hello everyone my name is Nhat Anh and I am from class 10 ADN2 So Today I am going to give

you a speech about an event in my life that has affected my sense of identity. Well, I believe
that every person has an eye-opening moment or moment that defines who they are, or how
they think and behave, personally, I also have gone through such life-changing experiences, and
I would like to share one of them today with you.0
It happened a quite long time ago, specifically during 2018’s summer vacation, I went to EF
which stands for Education first to England in Eastbourne for 3 weeks. What made that special
was that for the first time I had to travel without the help of my parents or close relatives, of
course, I went there with a small group of 5-6 students with the support of the tutor. I can
clearly recall that when I parted with my family, I sobbed so hard that everyone could notice me
in an enormous airport. The flight took around an hour and a half because I was still residing in
Poland at the time, and on the whole, it went smoothly. When I arrived at an EF academy I
noticed numerous students of different ages they were mostly graduates of high school from
diverse nationalities Such as Germany, Greece, France China and many more. Furthermore, I
had to share a room with a 14-year-old Czech teenager whose name, as I remember, was
Adamek. Well, He supported me with several things, including getting up early to go to school,
demonstrating where the school is located, washing garments, and exedra. And I still owe a
word thank you. You know, It took me about a week to completely adapt to a new independent
life. Turning back to the topic, I had the opportunity to meet loads of people from different
nations as well as local citizens. What is more, I could visit places that I usually saw on the
television screen. In particular, I traveled to London as part of the tour so that I could visit
Oxford University, experience the London Eye, and observe Big Ben and Buckingham Palace
from the outside of course. In the academy, I also took part in a lot of events and sampled a
variety of local cuisine. Since that educational tour, I have improved my English and I also got
more responsible for my work, being more self-assured or independent and flexible when
dealing with problems which are part and parcel qualities in order to achieve my future goals, I
So, to sum up I definitely enjoyed that trip, to be honest, and would go back there again if I had
the chance. Seeing the colorful lifestyle of the locals, overcoming personal problems, and
having a chance to see spectacular scenery was something I will never forget. that experience
also has shaped my personality as well as altered my outlook on knowing myself. So that’s the
end of my speech about an event in my life that has impacted my sense of identity. Thanks for
watching and bye


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