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Cut the expressions below and put them in correct boxes!

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Is science difficult? Is he Tae-hyung?

Yes, of course. It is a store.
It is at 8 tonight. They are Math, English, and Bahasa Indonesia.
What movie is this? When is the movie on the cinema?
Who is this guy? What subjects are easy?
He is a famous Korean singer. What is the average score?
Are they in movie entitled “Thor”? Is this movie good?
No, he is PSY. Yes. The total score is too low.
It is in Metro. Who is Vika Amelia?
Where is it? What is Qolsa baby?
Is this movie good?

Yes, of course.

When is the movie on the cinema?

It is at 8 tonight.

What is Qolsa baby?

It is a store.

Where is it?

It is in Metro.

Who is this guy?

He is a famous Korean singer.

Is he Tae-hyung?

No, he is PSY.

What subjects are easy?

They are Math, English, and Bahasa Indonesia.

Is science difficult?

Yes. The total score is too low.

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