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2. In what ways does the company reflect the diversity of national cultures?

Siemens mirror their variety of national subculture is thru Diversity and

inclusion which might be a crucial part of their corporate approach. Social
media, instant news, and powerful voices. Employees, customers, partners,
and press will hold brands to higher standards.
Culture is the underlying values that direct how people behave. Cultural
diversity in the workplace is a result of practices, values, traditions, or beliefs
of employees based on race, age, ethnicity, religion, or gender.
 Diversity in the workforce refers to specific groups of people who have
typically experienced discrimination. To help these employees overcome
barriers at work, many companies have created diversity and inclusion
 Create written policies – Companies should include their policy in
relation to diversity in their employee handbook. The policy should contain
information about non-discrimination laws, the code of conduct, and the
compensation and benefits policy.
 Provide sensitivity training – Employees should be provided with
sensitivity training to create a better workplace culture. Sensitivity training can
help employees to value views that are different, understand words, and
actions that cause offense and what needs to be done if they’ve been
 Create an accountability plan – Use regular surveys to check in on your
progress and have a plan in place for how you’re going to ensure staff uphold
these policies.
 Address micro-aggressions – Examples might be commenting on how
well an ethnically diverse person speaks English. Use trainings to help address
these mico-aggressions
 Impose a zero-tolerance policy – After employees have received the
handbook and training about diversity issues, the company needs to set the
tone about how violations will be dealt with. Employees should be aware that
inappropriate behaviour will not be tolerated and every reported incident will
be taken seriously.

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