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The present study tries to depict the touchstone of the sincere, faithful self that is a
good feature of the poet Abi Talib and his artful psychological discourse with others in terms
of culture, policy, and social situation. By examining his Diwan, this study also attempts to
demonstrate how, at times, Abi Talib appeared to advocate for himself and, at other times, he
appeared to advocate for the Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) because he desired to feel more a
part of that individual.

This thesis examined the ego and other in three chapters, beginning with the
introduction and ending with conclusions and a bibliography. The first chapter describes Abi
Talib's persona and its appearances in his poetry. Thus, the first section analyses the faithful
ego, the contemplating ego, the loving ego, and the anguish ego. Section two depicts the
concept of pride ego in the poetry of Abi Talib (PBUH), and the final section of this chapter
discusses his wise ego of Abi Talib's poetry: The second chapter focuses on (the other). The
first section studies his point of view of Prophet Mohammed (PBUH) as (the other), while in
section two the thesis turns to his point of view of the Quraish tribe as (the other). Abi Talib's
perspective on humanity as (the other) is constructed by humanity and empathy in the third
section. Chapter Three sheds light on types, patterns, interpretations, and manifestations of
his point of view about place as (the other) in its first section, whereas the second section tries
to exemplify the elements and instances of time as (the other) in his verse. The last section of
this chapter deals with nature as (the other) and its types, such as mobile and immobile nature
in Abi Talib’s poetry.

The investigation discovers an effective occurrence of these two concepts (self/other)

in the poetry of Abi Talib (PBUH) by thematically analysing some of his lines and
narratively decoding the codes of the others. This research relies on sources that investigate
the concept of the other and otherness in Islamic culture and art directly and/or indirectly.
These indexed books, theses, and scientific articles provided the researcher with a holistic
vision, such as Representation of the Other: The Image of the Blacks in the Medieval Arabic
Imaginary by Nadir Kazim, The Ego and the Other : Artistic Revelations in Contemporary
Arabic Poetry by Ahmed Yassin Al-Suleimani, and Ego and the Other in the Ten Mu'alagats
by Saad Sami, which was submitted to the council of the College of Arts and other
bibliographies of secondary sources in literature, criticism, biography, and history contributed
to the enrichment and clarification of the context and meaning. The primary source is the
Diwan of Abi Talib bin Abdul Muttalib, which was edited by Sheikh Mohammed Aal Yasin
and closely resembles the most reliable version of this Diwan.

This research has encountered a number of challenges and difficulties, which have
prompted the researcher to work diligently to overcome them by the grace of Allah the
Almighty. The absence of reliable annotations and commentaries for Diwan Abu Talib
exemplified these obstacles. Therefore, the researcher has discovered support for the
interpretations and analyses derived from the literature review and prior studies.

The methodology is a combination of interdisciplinary approaches to poetic text

analysis and perception of the cultural and intellectual heritage throughout the overall literary
output, i.e., text analysis and literary interpretation. This study aimed to reveal the
characteristics of Prophet Mohammed's (PBUH) noble prophetic biography and the evidence
of Abi Talib's faith and conviction found in his poetry. According to various stories and tales
in various editions, the reason for studying Abi Talib's poetry rather than that of others is that
the majority of his poetry emulates the noble themes of social and religious issues rather than
nature and its components, thereby defending Islam and the Prophet Mohamed (PBUH). In
addition, despite scholars' minor reservations about his poetry, he is regarded as one of the
notable veterans who contributed to the enrichment of our Islamic heritage because he is
among the most prominent poets in Arabic literature. The lack of consideration of the ego and
other topic in modern studies pertaining to Abi Talib's poetry prompted this study to
investigate (other), as it is pertinent to the self (ego) of the man and his relationship with his

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