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To win any time that one plays the lottery

“O Lord Jesus Christ, Who hath said I am the way, the
truth and the life. For behold, thou hast loved truth: the
uncertain and hidden things of thy wisdom thou hast
thus far made manifest to me, which are unveiled on
this very night, just as the unknown is revealed to the
little ones alone, and let him teach me the things to
come and other things altogether, so that I can know all
things if and if it be, thus show me death, adorned with
every good food, a beauteous and welcome orchard, or
some welcome things, but if not, show me a burning
fire, or running water, or whatever other thing please
the Lord, and angels, Uriel, Rubiel and Barachiel, may
you look favorably upon me, and help me to achieve
that which I desire to know, to see, to understand and
to foresee through that God who will come to judge the
living and the dead and the world by fire. Amen.”
You also recite the Lord’s Prayer three times: “Our
Father’s” and “Hail Mary’s” for the souls in purgatory.

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