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Academic Year: 2022-23 Year and Sem: SE III

Subject: Computer Graphics Lab Course Code: CSL303

Topic: Animation of Windmill

Ayush Kargutkar (22)
Shreyash Gharge (19)

Basic idea of the project:

We have implemented animation of a rainbow in computer graphics using

C programming language with the help of Turbo C software.

Technology Used:

Turbo C, it is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for

programming in C language. In Turbo C graphics, we use graphics.h
functions to draw different various shapes (like circle, rectangle, etc.),
display text in different format, fonts and colors. By using graphics.h we can
make programs, animations, and games.

Functions used:

• Graphics Driver: It is a pointer to an integer specifying the graphics

driver to be used. It tells the compiler that what graphics driver to
use or to automatically detect the drive. In all our programs we will
use\DETECT\macro of graphics.h library that instruct compiler for
auto detection of graphics driver.

• initgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,”C://tc//BGI”): This function is used for

initializing graphics mode.
• setcolor(n): A function from graphics.h header file which sets the color of
the pointer

Screenshots of the output:


We have used Turbo C as our graphics software for implementing

mini-project for displaying windmill. Turbo C makes it easier to learn,
explore and implement the concepts of computer graphics. By using
the above-mentioned concepts and various functions that are
explained, a windmill is implemented with animation using Turbo C.
Hence, we have understood the basic idea of the project.
Video of the Output:

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