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In terms of clothing and purchasing goods, the human beings have normal

inclination to imitate each other. Although I agree with the given statement, I still
believe that there are contradictory but valid points.
To begin with, imitation is a part of the society. People tend to follow trends so as to
increase and show their social status due to the fact that possessing the latest and most
extravagant items is associated with being wealthy. For instance, many youngsters
often crave for designer clothing or the newest Iphones and it is not abnormal to see
long queue of hundreds of people waiting in front of the Apple stores.
Secondly, the human beings are malleable. In other words, we are easily influenced
by others, especially by famous people. When idols wear or use an item, their fans
would follow suit which result in the similarities between each person’s taste in
clothes. Furthermore, there are also tremendous peer pressures from friends that force
human beings to act the same way. People can buy the same thing because their peers
advise them to do that or owing to the fact that they want to buy matching couple
items to prove their friendship or love.
On the other hand, there is a growing trend to appreciate individuality and a person’s
own unique taste in different things. As each person differs from one another, the way
they express themselves varies. Consequently, we may be distinctive as long as
fashion and consumer goods are concerned.
To summarize, trends and role model have a considerable impact on the way people
act, therefore leading to commonality. Having said that, every individual still has their

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