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*THE CHALLENGE⁰ Create an infographic in english with recommendations to promove

physical activities and good eating habits, use the present simple the vocabulary related to the
topic, include images.

- Staying in good physical condition -

The problem identified is that there are people who do not perform
physical activity a week, which has many consequences for their
health... Given this, some recommendations to promote physical
Walk for a few minutes, in an open
Establish movement exercises (jump
rope, sit-ups, etc)
Up and down stairs.

Do domestic activities (they are

considered physical activities).

- Feeding healthy -
The problem identified is that about the lack of healthy habits of people...
For this, some healthy habits:

Avoid excess fried and/or fat.

Include physical activity in your

daily routine.
Drink enough fluids.

Eat varieties of fruits and/or

A good breakfast every morning.

NAME: Marco Antonio Huamani Zapata DATE: 05/10/21

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