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Oh my little bumble-bee,

I am so happy to see,

How you smile so joyfully,

How you shine so brightly..

But I plead youuu…

Do not lose hope so easily,

Do not get too weary,

We made a pinky-sweary,

I hope you remember my lovely,

Yellow bumble bee 

I wish all the beautiful moments in life you see..

Do not get s ared of the reality..

Its just a matter of time ,really

when those dreams beyond infinity…

would turn completed truly and sincerely..

hard work and consistency…

would ome a lot handy,

trust me…trust meee..

oh never do worry

we don’t have lives many..

be who you want to bee

at the end..that’s how you and me..

begin and end

messages of hope we send

how dope it would be,

Hi future, what am I gonna be?

Daddy’s little bumble beee or Miss Jennifer Honey…

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