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© APRC ENGLISH LOCUS OF CONTROL (For Adolescent & Adults) (INTERNAL-EXTERNAL SCALE) Constructed and Standardised by Km. ROMA PAL Research Scholar AGRA COLLEGE, AGRA Education . Cast ve ABE ...Occupation . Name.. Rural/Urban.. . Monthly Income Father/Guardian’s name.... Address........:0::00++ INSTRUCTIONS Some statements are given in this booklet, related to your views. Please go through them carefully. There are two statements in a single item. Please tick (x) mark only to that statement to which you strongly agree. You are required to tick (x) mark to only one statement of each item. Please try to attept all the items. There is no time limit but still try your best to complete it at the earliest. Published By: Agra Psychological Research Cell Tiwari Kothi, Belanganj, Agra-282004 Email :, (2) (a) Eat, drink and make merry should be the life moto (b) Excess of everything is the root of all evils. 2, (a) Success depends on hard work. (b) Success depends on faith in God. (a) One has to attain eligibility for getting a job. 2 (b) Good luck plays a vital role in getting a job. 4, (a) Many of us do not know about nation’s status. (b) Nation's status can be improved by being actively indulged in social, political and economic affairs. 5. (a) Heredity determines ones behaviour. () Behaviour is the outcome of ones experiences. 6. (a) Knowledge leads to attain happiness. (b) Ignorance is the mother of all evils. 7. (a) The road of progress is full of obstacles. (b) Learning from the experiences and continued improvement leads to progress. 8. (a) A well prepared student stands firm even in an unfair test. (©) Often the out of course examination questions makes one feel that studying in really useless. 9. (a) More success leads to more trials. (b) Success is the root of all trials. 10. (a) man can create a paradise on earth only if he works hard. (b) Suffering is the curse to mankind. (a) Children’s misbehaviour are due to lack of appropriate parental control. (b) Children become timid because their parents punish them too i. much. 12. (a) Beauty catches the eye of everyone. (b) Everything has its own beauty. (3) 18. (a) Life is not a bed of roses but is full of difficulties. (b) Life is pleasant for men who possess strong will power and strength to do the work. 14, (a) Nothing can be attained without money. (b) Through strong will power and hard labour man can attain everything. 15. (a) Disobeying the curtoms and age old traditions leads to unhappiness in life. (b) Customs and age old traditions are nothing but imaginary phenomena. 16. (a) Corruptions can be easily wiped out. (b) It is difficult to control the corrupted ones. 17. (a) For me luck has nothing to do with success. (b) Often we just take decision by tossing. 18. (a) Family planning leads to happy life. (b) Men and women are for the procreation of human race. 19. (a) Unhappiness in life is due to bad luck. (b) Misfortunes result from our own mistakes. 20. (a) Marital happiness lies in mutual understanding. (b) Marital happiness is a matter of luck. 21. (a) Fate holds the key to one’s future. (b) Man is the architect of his own destiny. 22. (a) I damn care for anybody. (b) If someone is angry with me I think of some way to make friend again. 23. (a) Man proposes and God disposes, (b) God helps those who help themselves. 24, (a) 1 am punished when I am not guilty. (b) With due care in work nothing can go wrong. (4) 25. (a) Getting a good partner lies in choosing the right question. (b) Marriages are made in heaven. 26. (a) If tilings are well planned and properly implemented, success is certain. (b) Whatever has to happen will happen in every case. 27. (a) People who consider themselves as born unlucky, can never do anything. (b) Popularity and personal efforts helps in success. 28. (a) Only by our good deeds and repent we can attain salvation from sins. (b) Both in holy rivers washes our sins. 29. (a) The ability and grasp of knowledge leads to better performance and achievement. (b) Tough questions help to attain more marks. 30. (a) Despite possibility of not getting success, attempting is worthwhile. (b) Blessings and good wishes improve the chances of success. 31. (a) Before starting, I always plan carefully. (b) Always planning is not wise because things can turn out to bea matter of good or bad fortune. 32. (a) Making people happy is a matter of good luck. (b) Through ones ability and work one can make everyone happy. 33. (a) One who accepts challenges and faces it boldly, attains victory. (b) It is good luck besides efforts to be highly successful. 34. (a) Poverty breeds strife. (b) Proper economic planning and implementation can remove poverty. 35. (a) Respect yourself and you will be respected. (b) Respecting others helps in attaining respect.

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