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Reflection Activity

Having learned the physical development of infants and toddlers and Maslow's hierarchy of needs, as a
future parent or as a caregiver of children.

1. What you should do more often for infants and toddlers?

- I think, I’ll guide them because infants and toddlers are not fully developed mentally, their minds are
not open to things, and they have difficulties in understanding especially infants and teaching them
different things that are up to their mental capacity and in the sense that they can understand, give
them attention so that we observe their changes and they’ll be taught to do simple lessons that their
little body can do.

2. What you should refrain from doing to facilitate their growth and development?

- Being an irresponsible parent and forcing them to do the things they don’t like, influencing them, and
teaching them to do bad things. For infants, not giving them too much attention might have a negative
effect on their development.

3. Which practice can enhance cognitive development among toddlers? Justify your answer

a. Shared reading

b. Early enrolment in found school

c. Making the child compete with other toddlers

d. Buying expensive toys for the toddler

Early enrollment in found schools, so that they’ll be taught at an early age, and enhance their way of

4. What does the social phenomenon of attachment mean in an infant's and toddler’s healthy socio-
emotional development? Explain your answer.

Based on my research, a tendency to seek and maintain closeness to a specific figure, particularly during
stressful situations. Bowlby (1969), defined attachment as the affectional bond or tie that an infant
forms with the mother.

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