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THE DEV! ELOPMENS AND EVOLUTION OF LANGUAGE Itis now generally accepted that communication among members of animal species is widespread, and most vertebrates transmit information by acoustic signals. Acoustic SIGNALS LiL i * Acoustic signals are a noise that animals produce in response to a particular situation. iy The variety and ingenuity of this communicative systems have stimulated a great deal of research in animal communication and its comparison with human Sotto If we accept the single modern human species Cee) oo OEE Rac aCe eel UC) evolution living organisms have undergone for more than a billion years, then we may also be likely to assume that human speech is the result of long, cumulative evolutionary process that shaped communicative behavior throughout the animal kingdom. COMMUNICATION AND ITS CHANNEL Communication among members of animal species is universal because it is important to their survival, it takes place whenever one organism receives a Pye RUC eoe are RMU MODEL OF COMMUNICATION (1940's) aos co cos cs art Bary EEA eis ized aaeg = SAY my IN geo TO m- These components take into account the entire process of transmitting information, namely, who is transmitting say what in which to whom and with what effect. The model appears to be rather simple and straightforward but because communication is by no means uniform, some discussion is in order. CHANNEL OF HUMAN COMMUNICATION Cec COE Ca| Social insects include certain species of bees and warps and all ants and termites, the Pee eeu Co eee ariel eur oer Runa ee cece ere Le Loe KARL VON FRISCH (1886-1982) ea ¢ beehive is located at the center, with three sources of nectar (A, B, and C) appearing in various directions from the beehive. The three tail-wagging dance diagrams at bottom right show how the direction the foodsource from the hive is ef alercre Male RU ROE LY a point of reference pee ee te ee so i Pais sy Two Major Ca: F BIRD VOCALIZA’ ongs and Calls PTCA ec Aon WANA Coe ates Olirstae are RuitenesKecelu Cer than calls. Mie nac Uthat Re ks eure cuit etc oon imminent, takeoff or landing, and the like. -ATION AMONG NONHUMAN PRIMATES AND OTHER VERTEBRATES COMMU! The greatest amount of research on animal communication since world war Ii has been devoted to nonhuman Cees a RM The physical similarities between the great apes and humans has long intrigued observers, suggestions that apes could be taught to speak have been made several centuries ago. DOCU Oe Tae Ch Lo) Per cd + Learned four words (mama, papa, cup, and up) ANN JAMES PREMACK AND DAVID PREMACK (1972'S) ORC enc Ca aE Ey See ACen RT) Reena ee mn ele ed PSO CSehs ichirunniccurren ri Acute] Cone e ecm isearer eae COMMU! -ATION AMONG NONHUMAN PRIMATES AND OTHER VERTEBRATES PUR gd) * Sarah, was taught to write and read by means of plastic. eae Ren eee UL cu) cote Mate Streeters sae eacireureR ude Peete M Utusan eee Demand "When does communication system become AT eeu on amen u menu decal cura ORT Ce eS Meneses eeu Mtr and acoustic as well as olfactory and tactile. One may refer to the communication system that preceded full-fledged language as prelanguage. eect ed rae M AU ean Lee eRe a ale Meee) Tiree ae Mene te ation cette eM CaO Cena contact. Lr A att) Soe ester Une eae Mec Meu) PRU UM ore ee esi ueen cs imental Rileh ore ue omnoms Conte acco Use and manual singing and unintelligible "speech" involving the use of meaningless syllables for the Nee MMe aS hM ge clclsel celery Teese Neogene os

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