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Sai Gon Language Center Class: Pineapple

My name is:
Date: Teacher’s feedbacks
Unit 1: They’re from Australia
Grammar: Subject pronouns and be
(am/ is/ are)

Task 1: Fill in the table.

1. This is a woman, …………… 28
She’s ……….
England It’s a country
years old. She’s from …………..
in Europe. We can see Big Ben here. The

Daria, 28 capital of English is London. She speaks


2. This is a woman, ………….. She’s ……….

years old. She’s from ………….. It’s a
country in Europe. We can see many
Spanish bulls here. The capital of Spain is Ivanka, 27
Madrid. She speaks ………….

3. This is my friend,……….. She’s ……….

years old. She’s from ………………. It’s a
country in Europe. We can see many
Matryoska dolls here. The capital of
Rose, 25 Russia is Moscow. She speaks …………..

1 Teacher: Edeline - Willa

Sai Gon Language Center Class: Pineapple

Task 2: Read and answer the questions.

Canada Geese are large blue and white birds. When autumn arrives,
they have to fly south where the weather is warmer. The winters are
so cold in Canada that the birds will die if they stay there.
Last spring, Bill found sixteen young Canada Geese on his farm.
They didn’t have parents. Bill thought, 'These young birds won't
know what to do in the autumn.
Bill had a small plane and he taught the birds to follow him.
During the summer, he went on trips in his plane and the young
geese flew after him.
When the cold weather arrived in autumn, Bill flew to Virginia in
the United States. The geese followed him all the way. Bill left the
geese in Virginia and he returned home.
This spring, Bill was waiting for the birds to come back. They didn't
arrive, so Bill flew to Virginia to get them. He found them for two
weeks but he couldn't find them.

2 Teacher: Edeline - Willa

Sai Gon Language Center Class: Pineapple
1. What are Canada Geese?
Canada Geese are large blue and white birds.
2. Do Canada Geese fly south where the weather is warmer in
3. How many Canada Geese did Bill find?
4. Did they have parents?
5. What did he teach them to do?
6. Did Bill leave the geese in Virginia?
Task 3: Fill in the gaps (Present simple tense).
1. I (be) ____________ at school at the weekend.
2. She (not study) _____________ on Friday.
3. My students (be not) ______________ hard working.
4. He (have) ______________ a new haircut today.
5. I usually (have) _______________ breakfast at 7.00.
6. She (live) ______________ in a house?
7. Where (be) _______________ your children?
8. My sister (work) ______________ in a bank.
9. Dog (like) ______________ meat.
10. She (live)_______________ in Florida.
11. It (rain)______________ almost every day in Manchester.
3 Teacher: Edeline - Willa

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