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How To Live Essay

The choice of cost and want affects my ability to calculate and cover the expenses of my need
and wants. It also makes me realize how hard and easy it is to figure out the cost of living on my
own for one month. Such as the price of grocery, insurance, self-need and wants, and the
experiences. It like a simulator, but a too realistic simulator. I do glad that that this project was
presented to me or else, I would be kind of senseless, or you could say dumbfounded when it
comes to real life. If I had $200 dollars less, I would really cut it off in the entertainment section.
Why? Maybe a $399 Damascus is just for shows, and the almost $500 gamming laptop is just
for when I don’t get bored. Do I need it? Absolutely not, and the saving for the 13k Louis Vuiton
jacket is not something I would treasure on later. Is it essential? Why would a Louis Vuiton
jacket be essential to 22 years old? In any circumstances, no luxury need is essential to anyone,
including billionaire.
What if I can add another $200 into my stated amount? I will use the money to buy a scythe.
Now, why a scythe, you might ask? Let me ask you, Mr. Maguire, how many people can you
name that have a scythe in their house. Is it considered as a farming tool? Absolutely? So was
kunai until the Japanese say nope, I will use this as a weapon, and now a kunai is the most
popular amongst the teenager and middle schooler. So back to my scythes statement, I love
scythes, especially the huge one. I’m talking about the 6ft tall stick with a 9ft long blade
protruding from the side of it. Now, every time someone come over, they will either realize that
I’m a psychopath, or an absolute badass. So in regard of this whole paragraph, the extra $200
will come into my entertainment.

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