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Structure of the human body and the skeleton, Bluc = joints. A Head (caput) B Thorax (thoracic cavity) C Abdominal and pelvic cavities In contrast to most other mammals the human body is adapted for bipedal locomotion. Three general prin- ciples in the architecture of the human organism are recognizabl 1. The principle of segmentation, which dominates in the trunk. The vertebral column and the thorax consist of relatively equal, segmentally arranged elements. 2. The principle of bilateral symmetry. Both sides of the body are separated by a midsagittal plane and resemble cach other like image and mirror-image. 3. The principle of polarity between the head at one end of the body and the lower extremities at the other. As the center of the information system the head contains the main sensory organs and the brain. The head has predominantly spherical form while the extremities consist of radially formed skeletal clements, the number of which increases distally. A. The skull consists of two parts: 1. a eranial part containing mainly the brain and the sensory organs and 2. a facial part which contains the nasal and oral cavity and the chewing apparatus. The cranial cavity is con- tinuous with the vertebral canal which contains the spinal cord. B. The thorax contains the respiratory and circulatory organs (lung, heart, etc.) but also some of the abdomi- nal organs which are located underneath the diaphragm. C. The abdominal cavity contains the organs of metabolism such as the liver, the stomach and the intestinal tract as well as the excretory and genital organs (kidney. uterus, urinary bladder, etc.). The latter are located prima the pelvic cavity with the exception of the testes. 1 Cranial part 10 Radius ) > Fast pare, PFE SKM YT Egg | Rear 3. Vertebral column 12 Pelvis (cervical part) 1 Wrist COMP) | ang 4 Claviele 14 Fingers (phalanges) | 5 Seapula 18. Thigh (femur) 6 Ribs 16. Patella and knee joint 7 Steraum 17 Ti og 8 Arm (humerus) Ik Fi 9 Vertebral column 1 Taras) ‘umbar part) 20° Metatarsals Positon of the inner organs of the human body (anterior aspect) ‘The main cavities of the body and their contents. Median section through the teunk (female). 1 Sternum 21 Sacral promontory 2 Right ventricle of heart 22 Sigmoidenlon 3. Diaphragma 23. Anal canal 4 Liver 24 Anus 3 Stomach 25. Head (neurocranium) with brain 6 ‘Transverse mesocolon 26 Ascending colon 7. Transverse colon 27 Appendix 8 Umbilicns 28 Facial region (visceroeranium) 9 Mesentery with oral and nasal cavities 10 Small intestine 29 “Trachea and larynx IL Uterus 30 Thorax with the lungs 12 Urinary bladder 31 Heart 13. Pubie symphysis 32_ Surface projection of the diaphragm 14 Left atrium of heart 33. Spleen 15, Caudate lobe of liver 34 Descending colon 16 Omental bursa orlessersac 35. Testis 17 Conus medullaris Pancreas 19 Cauda equina 20 Intervertebral discs (Gumbar vertebral column) ‘Sagittal section through the human body (female), Dew fi Internal organs are removed. UF the mains cavities UF the budy Ay, Cranial eavity Ay Vertcbral canal By Thoracic cavity B, Pericardial cavity Abdominal eavity G Pelviceavity D. Diaphragm Planes of the body 1 Transverse plane 2 Frontal plane 3 Sagittal plane (midsagittal) lat. = Iateral med. medial post. = posterior sup. = superior Position of the inner organs of the human body Claweral aspeen, ‘The three main cavities of the body and their contents. 1. Head (ncuroerenium) with the brain 2. Facial hones with oral and nasal eavities 3. Yertebrat column (cervical part) 4 Thorax with the ungs 5 Heart {6 Surface projection ofthe diaphragm 7 Seapula R Liver 9 Stomach 10 Ascending colon 11 Transverse colon 12 Urcter 13 Appendix 14 Small intestine 15 Ovary, uterine tbe 16 Rectum 17 Uterus 18 Urinary bladder Skeleton 0 5 19 20 a 2 3B 24 25 % a 8 x0 u 2 3 36 37 8 ikeleton of a 5-year-old child (anterior aspect). The zones of the cartilaginous growth plates a In contrast to the adult, the ribs show a predomi horizontal position, seen (arrows), antly Axial skeleton Head Frontal bone Occipital bone Parietal bone Orbit sal cavity svi Zygomatic bone Mandible Trunk and thorax Vertebral column Cervical vertebrae Thoracic vertebrae Lumbar vertebrae Sacrum Coccyx Intervertebral dises Thorax Sternum Rit, Costa cartilage Infrasternal angle Appendicular skeleton Upper limb and shoulder girdle Clavicle Scxpula Humerus Radius Ulne Carpal bones Metical bones Phalanges ofthe hand Loner limb and petvis ium Pubis Ischium Symphysis pubis Femur Tibia Fibuls Patella Tarsal bones Metatarsal bones Phalangesof the foot Caleancus Subscapular fossa Conscoid pr Acromion Spine of seapul Infraspinous fossa ‘Ossification of the seaputa (left: anterior aspect, right: posterior aspect) Cartilage of the iiacerest Ti Cartilage Pubis ‘Acetabulum Ossification of the hip bone (left: medial aspect, right: lateral aspect) 1 Bone tissue (vertebral body) 2 Cartilaginous tissue (ateral epiphysis) 3 Intervertebral dies 1 Bony issue (center of ossification) 2. Vertebral sre (not completely united) 3 Cartilaginous (lateral epiphysis) 4. Sacral canal Ossification of the sacrum (anterior aspect) Ossification of the sacrum Note the five vertebral bones, which are still separated (posterior aspect) from each other. Ossification center in the head of the femur G 1 2. Greater trochanter 3 Head ofthe femur 4 Neck ofthe femur 5. Lateral condyle & Media condyle 7 Antercondylar notch 8 Diaphysis Ossification of the femur (left: coronal section. right piphysis, posterior view of the femur). Arrows: dis X-ray of the upper and lower limb of a newborn child. Loft upper limb, Right Lower limh, Arrows: ossification centers, 1 Scupuls 4 Flbow joint 7 Tibia 2 Shoulder joint -S Uln 8 Fibula 3 Humes 6 Radius 9. Knee joint 19 Femur uns 4 Phalinges 7 Talus 2 Radius S Tibia ® Caleancus 3. Metacarpals 6 Fibula 9 Metatarsals X-ray of hand and foot of a newborn. 0 Phalanges Metaphysis| ‘Spongy bone Medullary cavity m the diaphyis 1 3 4 Compact bone 5. Nutrient exnal 6 7 e Diaphysis Epiphyseal line (remnants of the epiphyseal plate) Epiphysie (head of the fern) 9) Foveaothead 10 “Trabecuiae of spongy bone UL Neck of the femur 12 Greater trochanter 13. Lesser trochanter 14 Amicular surface 15 Periosteum 16 Skin 17 Vastus medialis muscle 18 Sartorius muscle 19 Femoral untery and vein 20, Great saphenous vein 21. Gracilis muscle 2 _Addiuetor longus muscle 23 Adduetor magnus muscle 24 Semimembranesis muscle 25. Semitendinosus muscle 26. Rectus femoris muscle 27 Vastus lateralis muscle 28 Femur and medullary cavity 29. Vastus intermedius muscle 30 Sciatic nerve 31. Biceps femoris muscle 32. Spongy bone trabeculae containing bone marrow 33 Compact bone 34 Osteon with Haversian lamellae 3S. Pericsteum 36 Blood vessels and nerves for periosteum and bone Femur of the adult. Left: the periosteum and the nutrient vessels are preserved. Right: coronal section of the proximal and distal epiphyses to display the spongy bone and the medullary cavity Coronal section through the proximal end ‘Three dimensional representation on the trajectorial of the adult femur, revealing the characteristic lines of the femoral head (according to B. Kummer). trajectorial structure of the spongy bone. MR-Image of the thigh (axial section through the middle of the left thigh, the same level as the CT-Image). ‘The bones of the skeletal system consist of two different parts, the spongy and the compact bone. The spongy bone trabeculae are highly adapted to mechanical forces revealing a trajectorial structure. The intertrabecular spaces are filled with bone marrow. the site of blood formation. The appearance of bones, muscles and soft tisssues is quite different in CT- and MRAmages. The CF-images relate well to radiographs in that areas of great absorption such as bones are white, and those with little Coronal section through the proximal epiphysis of the adult tibia. Note the zone of dense bone at the site of the former epiphyseal plate (dotted line). ‘CTmage of the section through the midlle of the left thigh (axial section). Note the differences between the CT-and MR-Image (see text below). absorption such as fat appear black. In contrast, the intensity of signals in MR-Images, obtained without X-rays but by magnetic forces, is different so that dense areas of bones appear black and soft tissues such as bone marrow and fat appear white (for comparison see ahove figures). A highly innervated periosteum is an essential structure for bone nutrition, blood supply, growth and bone repair. Structure of bones of the skeletal system (after Benninghoff). Note that the compact bone reveals a lamellar structure with Haversian lameliae and canals. Kne joint, Anterior aspect, showing menisci and cruciate ligaments (cut), Quadriceps tendon cut and patella reflected distally A section through the kn Anterior aspect of the right joint in extension Sagittal section through the lower limb and the foot. 2 Anterior cruciate Higament 11 Tibial collateral igament 3. Lateral meniscus 12 Articular cartilage 4 Patella 13 Articula capsule 5 Posterior cruciate ligament 14. Tendon of long head 6 Posterior meniscofemoral of biceps brachii muse Tizamnent 15 Head of humerus 7. Medial meniscus 16 Glenoid labrum 8 Fibulorcollateral ligament 17 Articuar cartilage of 9) Fibula lomoid fos shi Ider joint (anterior view), The anterior part of the articular eapwule hax been removed, 1S Scapul 19 Tats 20 Inverosscous talocalcancal ligament 21 Navicularbone 23 First metatarsal bone 24 Proximal phalany ofthe hallux (ene toe) Distal pala ofthe balun ta tb General architecture of synovial joint with 2ortculating bones and a synovial cavity (ight side, anterior view) ‘Coromal section throught the knee joint. Red line = Articular capsule with synovial membrane. Dotted red line = extension of articular capsule (suprapatellar bursa). 1 Arvcutauing bones: 2) Femur, by Ti 2 Epiphysial fine 3 Articular cartilage 4 Intraarticular ligaments (¢-g-cruciate ligaments) 5. Fibrocarilaginous dish (e.g, meniscus) 6 Collateral ligaments 7. Anticular capsule with synovial membrane {8 Tibiofibular articulation (example of gliding synovial joint) 9) Fibula T Movement Examples ‘A. Fbrous 1 Satores Nomovements. | Sutures the skull 2 Syndesmoses | Nevmowement | Distal ioibul joint 3 Gomphoss | Nomovements. | Rootscf teeth in alveolar process 1B Carttaginous joints ichondkases | Namovements | Epiphyseal plates 2 Symphyses Slight movement | Symphysis pubis intervertebral discs C_Symovsal joins Monasial Intereaepal jim Intertarsa joint Saeroiliaal joint 2 Hinge Inerphotangeat yon Humeroutnar joint “Taloerurl joint 3 Pivot Monaxial Adtanteaxial joint Raioulnar joi tpsordat Bat RRadiocarpal joint 5S. Saddle Biaxial ‘Carpometacarpal joint ‘of the thu 6 Balland-socket_ | Muttianial Shoulder and hip joint 70 28 WA .ypes of joints, Arrows: axes of movement WW Serrate suture 11 Syndesmesis Ssnovial joints (diaethroses) nonanial gingymus A Exteasion B Flexion Saute jon i 14 Pivot joint (me 15 Ball and soc! x joint (multiantl) An articulation or joint is the functional connection between two or more bones. Joints can be divided into two categories depending upon whether the articulating surfaces of the bones are separated by a real cavity Goint cavity) so that they are movable against each other (synovial joints) or whether the bones are firmly connected by fibrous or cartilaginous tissue and practi- cally immovable (fibrous joints, cartilaginous joints, symphysis, etc.). Synovial joints always possess a joint capsule (with a vascularized synovial _membrane). Pn Peme} Bea, Sagittal suture articular cartilages, and a joint cavity. They are grouped scording to the degree of movement they permit. A hinge joint (ginglymus) permits movement in only one plane ‘about a single axis (uniaxial or monaxial), an ellipsoidal joint permits movements in two planes (bi- axial), and ball-and-socket joints permit a range of movements around several axes (multiaxial). ‘The fol lowing survey gives a few examples of these types of articulation. 1. Fibrousjoints A Sutures a) Serrate or dentate suture _ b). Squamous suture (arrows) Parietal bone Sphenoid bene Squama of temporal bone ©) Plane suture (arrow) (palmaris le Digastrie (cmohyoid muscle) Bicipital Tiipitel (biceps brachii muscle) (triceps surae muscle) Multvertral (rectus abdomninis muscle) Bipennate ‘Unipennate Semitendinous (Giialis anterior muscle) (semimembranous (semitendinous muscle) muscle) 1 Long head 2. Short head 3 Gastrocnemius muscle (medial head, lateral bead) Soleus muscle ‘Actilles tendon ‘Vastus intermedius muscle ‘Vastus lateralis muscle Mulicaudal (lexor prof. muscle) ‘Broad, flat muscle (latissimus dorsi muscle) Patella ects femoris muscle Vastus medialis muscle Intermediate tendon ‘Quacriipital (quadriceps ferno Serrated (serratus anterior muscle) Ring-ike (external anal sphincter muscle) “Tendinous intersection Aponeurosis “Tendinous intersection Left half of the pelvis (posterior aspect). Obturator internus muscle as an example of a muscle, the tendon of which daes not act in the direction of the main muscle fibers Its fibers originate at the internal aspect of the obturator foramen, turn around the posterior rim of the ischium and insert at the greater trochanter of the femur. ‘The ischium thereby serves as a pulley. 1 ium 2. Greater trochanter 3 Coeeyx 4 Obturator internus muscle 5 Pubis 6 Femur 1 Digital synovial sheaths of the tendons of fle xor digitorum superfcilis and profundus muscles 2 Digital synovial sheaths ofthe tendon of long flexor pollicis, Jougus muscle 3. Common flexor synovial sheaths of flexor digit sum superticalis ‘and prefundus muscles 4 Plexor retina- ulus ‘The synovial sheaths of the tendons on the pat ‘of the left wrist (colored fluid has been injected). ar aspect Superior oblique muscle of the eyeball, right eye (superior aspect). The tendon of this muscle bends over the trochlea changing its direction so that it becomes attached to the posterior laterall quadrant of the eyeball. 1 Trochlea 6 Superior rectus muscle 2 Medial rectusmuscle 7 Lateral rectus muscle 3. Superior oblique muscle 8 Superior rectus muscle (tendon) 4 Common annular tendon 9 Levator palpebrae superioris, 5 Eyeball muscle (divided) 1 Mesotendon 2. Blood vessels 3. Synovial sheath 4 Tendon 5 Synovial bursa 6 Bone (tuberosity) Structure of a tendon sheath. The synovial membrane which, also forms the mesotendon is indicated in red. (Schematic drawing.) Brain, the spinal cord and the spinal nerves in the fetus (posterior aspect), The nervous system can be divided into three, Lunction- ally distinet parts: 1. the cranial part which comprises the great sensory organs and the brai the spinal cou stves predomi- nantly as @ reflex-organ, and 3. the autonomic nervous system which controls the unvoluntary functions (sub- conscious control) of organs and tixsues The 21 part of the nervous system forms many delicate plexus within the organs, At certain places these plexus contain aggregations of nerve cells (prevertebral and intramural ganglia). The spinal nerves leave the spinal cord a which shows a segmental structure and aly cerebri Medulla oblongata 6 Spinal cord. cervical enkirgement 7 Spinal ganglia 8 Spinal cord, lumbar enlargement 9 Conus medullaris 10 Cauataequina 11 Cervial plexus (formed trom vent ini of C.-C) plexus (Forme! from ventral rami of C.-T.) 13 Lumbosera plexus (formed f2om ventral rami of L,-S,) 14 Sympothetie trunk Schematic drawing to illustrate the three main ‘of the nervous system in neneral regular intervals, forming the 8 cervical, 12 thoracic, 5 lumbar, 5 sacral and a varying number of coceygeal segments, The ventral rami of the first four cervical spinal nerves (C-C,) form the cervical plexus (for innervation of the anterior neck), the ventral rami of the lower cervical spinal nerves (Cs-T)) form the brachial plexus which innerv: rami of the lumbar and s: lumbosacral plexus (L1-S,) which innervates the pelvie and genital organs and the lower extremity. the upper leg, and the ventral cral spinal nerves form the Posterior part of the thorax, Cross-section at the level of the Sth thoracic segment. Spinal nerves and their connections to the sympathetic trunk. Dingeam illustrating the localization of the a” 1'ce functional portions of the nervous aystem Organization of the spinal coed in structurally equal segments ‘which form the paired spinal nerves. A = connections to the nic nervous system: C= ities Cimercostal nerves (brain, spinal cord and autonomic nervous system) ‘Yellow = sympathetic system: red = parasympathetic system, brain: B ~ connections to the autor connections to the trunk and extre ‘and plexus). (Schematic drawing.) 1 Spinal cord 12. Interior vena cava 1 2 Doma root 13. Dorsal ramus of spinal nerve 2 Cerebellum 3 Ventral root 14 Spimal (dorsal root) ganglion 3. Spinal cond 4 Ingercostal eves 15 Body ofthe vertebra 44 Sympathetic trunk and ganglion 5 Sympathetic trunk 16 Aomta 5) Plenus and ganglis of the autonomic nervous system {6 Ganglia ofthe sympathetic trunk 17. Azygos vein 66. Crantal autonernie systern 7 Rami communicantes 1K Diaphragm 7 Gaanial nerves (n, Mand n. VI) 8 ntercostalsatery and vein 19 Left kidney 8 Superior cervical ganglion 9 Subcostalis muscle 20. Spinal nerve 9 Vagus nerve (a. X) 10 Lesser splanchnic nerve 21 Gray matter ofthe spinal cord 10 Sacral autonomic system 11 Greater splanchnic nerve 22. White matter ofthe spinal cord Superficial nerves and vessels of the lowerlegy, illustrating the structural differences between veins and nerves. 1 Crural fascia 3. Superficial cutaneous veins (ercia erie) 1 Perforating vein 2 Cutancous nerves Organization of the circulatory system. Arrows: direction of the blood flow Vessel wallinred = Arteries Vessel wall in blue = Veins Yellow = Lymphatic vessels A. Systemic circulation 1B Hepatic portal circulation 1 Pulmonary vein 12 Sanallntestio 2. Superior vena cava sith capillary nenwork 3 Thorac duct 13. Portal sein 4 Inferior vena eava 1a Mesenteric artery 5 Hepatic vein 15 Superficial temporal artery © Liver 16 Superficial temporal vein 7. Lymphnedes and 17 Auriculoternporal nerve Iymphatie esse 1X Perforating veins for 8 Lung subcutaneous fatty tissue 9) Pulmonary artery 19. Small artery Supertictal nerves and vessels. 1emporal region. Note the 10 Aorta 2 Small nerves, differences between arteries, veins and nerves. 1 Heart (branches of facial nerve) Major vessels of the trunk. The position of the heart is indicated by the dotted line Celize trunk 1 2 3 4 5 6 Inferior vena cava 7 8 Superior mesenteric srtery © Renal vein 10 Common iiae artery 1 Larynx 12 “aches 13. Lett subelavian artery 14. Lett sillry vein 15 Pulmonary veins 16 Diaphragm 17. Suprerenal gland Major arteries of the human body. (Schematic drawing.) Kidney reer Inferior mesenteric artery Femoral vein Pacial artery Superficial palmar arch ‘Common palmar digital arteries Profunda femoris artery Femoral artery Poplitel artery Anterior tibial artery Posterior tibial artery Plantar arch Deep cervical nodes, adjacent to the internal jugular vein. on yy 1 3 4 5 2 6 7 8 9 10 u 8 Lymphatic system, Course of the m: Iymph nodes in the hody. Dotted Iymphatic vessels draining towards the right venous angle and towards the left 1 Submanuibular nodes 1S Internal jugular vein 2 Deep cervical nodes 16 Subelavian vein 3 Right jugular unk " rachiocephalc vei 44 Sublavia trunk is 5. Rioht bronchomedt w 6 Thoracic duct 2 7 Gisterna chyli 2 8 Intestinal trunk 2 9 Right hambe teunk 5 2 Superficial layer of deep fascia wu ue nodes 2A Occipital des 11 Anguinat modes 25 Parotid nodes 12 Axillary nodes 26. Popliteal nodes 15 Descending trunk 14 Descending aorta Lymphatic vessels originate ay blind-ending tubes in the tissue spaces (lymph capillaries) and unite to form larger vessels (Iymphatics). These resemble veins but have a much thinner wall, more valves and are interrupted by lymph nodes at various intervals. Larg ph deep to the mandible and sternocleidomastoid muscle and within the root of the mesentery of the intestine. 1. Corpus callosum 2. Hypothalamus 3 Frontal sinus 4 Cribriform plate 5 Ethmoidal air cells 6 Middle nasal concha 7. Inferior nasal concha & Hard palate 9 Tongue 10. Epiglottis 11 Mandible 12 Mylohyoid mus 13 Tentorium of eerebettum 14. Calearine fissure 15 Cerebral aqueduct 16. Pituitary gla 17 Fourth ventricle 18 Sphenoidal sinus 19. Medulla oblongata 20 Nasopharynx 21 Uvla 22. Dens of axis 24 Constrictor muscle of pharynx 24 Oral part of pharynx 25. Cerebrum (right hemisphere) 26 Calvaria 27 Cerebellum Sagittal section through head and neck (MR-Scan. 23-year-old female, courtesy of PD Dr. A. Heuck, Munich). ‘Sagittal section through the head (schematic drawing). The red line represents the border between the neurocranium and viscerocranium forming the clivus angle. The neural cavity contains the brain; the viscerocranium comprises the orbi the nasal cavity and the oral cavity arranged ‘one beneath the other. 1 Coronal suture 2. Frontal bone 3 Sphenoid bone 4 Sphenofrontal suture 5. Fahmoid home 6 Nasal bone [Nasomanillary suture 8 Lacrimal bone 9 Lacrimomaxillary suture 1 Zygom Anterior nasa spine Maxia Mandi Mental foramen Mental protuberance Superior temporal tine Inferior temporal line Parietal bone Temporal Bone ‘Squamous suture Lamba sine “Temporal fossa Panietomastoid suture Occipital bone Zygomsatic arch Occipitomasteid suture External acoustic meatus Mastoid process Tympanie portion of temporal bone Condylar process of manchible General architecture of the skull (lateral aspect), The different bones are indicated in color (numbers cf. table) Corenvid process ef mandible 2 Frontal bone (0 19 Parietal bone (light green) 3 Greater wing of sphenoid bone (red) 25. Squama of occipital bone (blue) 19 | 50 Squaia of temporal bone oem) é 5 Evie bone (a rend 3 3 Spo bone (ed) 3 Temporal bene ect squats (oes) = 30 Tympaic portion of temporal bone (dark browe)| Ocspital bone exlaing sama (ie) a 25 | 6 Naslbone white 2 Lactate (elon) . a0 | tetris asa concha i 11 Zygomaic one (light yellow) 4 Palatine bore i 3 Masi (violet) Mandible (white) ice” | rtientmarnin | ee ee ty TT Lateral aspect ofthe disarticulated skull (palatine bone, lacrimal bone, ethmoid bone and vomer are not depicted), Lateral aspect of the sks Frontal bone Glabetta Supracrbital margin Parietal bone Temporal bone (squamous part) ‘Zygomatie process (articular tubercle) Mastoid process Tympani part (tympanic plate) and external acoustic meatus ‘Occipital bone (squamous part) External ocipital protuberance Occipital condyle Sphenoid bone (greater wing) Infratemporal crest of sphenoid Prerygoid process (lateral pterygoid plate) Ethmoid bone (orbital part) LLacrimal bone Manila (body) ‘Alveolar process and tecth Frontal process Anterior nasal spine ‘Mandible (body) Coronoid process 2s % 2 2% 29 3 32 3 M Condslar process Mental foramen Mental protuberance Angle of the mandible Sutures Coronal suture Lambdoid suture Squamous suture [Nasomoxilary suture Frontospheneid suture Sphenosquamosal suture Occipitomastoid suture Anterior aspect of the skull. The skull comprises a mosaic of numerous complicated bones which form the cranial cavity protecting the brain (neurocranium) and several cavities such as nasal and oral cavities in the facial region, The neurocranium consists of large bony plates which clevelop directly from the surrounding sheets of connective tissue (desmo- cranium). The bones of the skull base are formed out of 1 Prontal bone 2 Gtabetla 3 Supracebial margin 4 Supraoebital notch 5 Trochlear spine 6 Parietal bone 7 Temporal bone Nasal bone ot 9 Lacrimal bone 10. Posterior lee UL Ethmoid bone Sphenoid bone 12. Greater wing of sphenoid bone 13-_Lesser wing of sphenoid bone 14 Superior orbital fissure jr orbital fissure a process 18 Iniraoettal foramen 19 Zypomatic process 20, Body of maxilla 21. Alwola process with teeth Nasal easity 22. Anterior nasal aperture 23. Middle nasal conch 24 Inferior nasal conch 25 Nasal septum, vomer ‘Mandible 27. Ramus of mandible 28 Mental foramen 29 Alveolar part with teeth 30 Base of mandible Sutures 32 Frontal suture 38. Coronal suture M_ Frontonasal suture ternasal suture 6 Nasomaxillary stare 37 Zypomaticomaxillary suture 38 Intermanillary suture ossifies cartilaginous tissue (chondroeranium) whi secondarily. The visceral skeleton which, in fish, gives rise to the gills, has in higher vertebrates been trans formed into the bones of the masticatory and auditory apparatus (maxilla, mandible, auditory ossicles and hyoid bone), Anterior aspect of the skull (individual bone wicated by color) The following series of figures are arranged so that the mosaic-like pattern of the skull becomes understand- able. It starts with the bones of the skull base (sphenoid and occipital) to which the other bones are added step by step. ‘The facial skeleton is built up by the ethmoid BRNR 0 Frontal bone Frontonasal suture Frontomxillary so Supraorbital margin Internasal suture Sphenofrontal suture Optic canal in lesser wine ‘of sphenioid bone Superioe oxbital fissure Lacrimal bone ‘Sphenoid bone (great Inferior orbital fissure Nasomaxillary suture Infraorbital foramen. Maxi omer Rody of mandible Parietal bone ‘Temporal bone Sphenazygomatie suture Ethmoid bone Zygomatic bone Nasal bone Zygomaticomanil ‘Midle nasal conch Inferior nvsal comet Anterior nasal aperture ‘Mental foramen ums of mandible ase of mandible Mental protuberance suture Bones Frontal bone (brown) Parietal bone (light green) “Tempor bone (dark brown Sphenoidal bone (red) Zygomatic bone (yellow) Ethmoid bone (dark green) LLacrimal bone (yellow) Vomer (orange) Mail (violet) [Nasal bone (white) Mandible (white) bone to which the palatine bone and maxilla are attached laterally; the small nasal and lacrimal bones fill the remaining spaces extern 1 part of the nose. Cartilages. remai only in the one (from above). Sphenoid and occipital bone in connection with the atlas and axis (Ist and 2nd cervical vertebrae) (left lateral view). Sphenoid bone (anterior aspect) 9 Sphenoid bone (posterior aspect). 45 88 2a Occipital bone (from below) 26 Sphencid bone Grester wing Lesser wing Cerebral or superior surface of greater wing Foramen rotundum Anterior clinoid process Foramen ovale Foramen spinoxum Dorsum sllae Opticeanal CChiasmatic groove (stleus chiasmatis) Hypophyralforsa (sila tursion) Lingula Opening of sphenoidal sinus Posterior cinoid process Prerygoid canal Lateral prerypoid Prerygoid notch Prerygoid hamulus Orbital surface of prester wing Sphenoid erest, Sphenoid rostrum late of plerygoid process Superior orbital fissure Spine of sphenoid Temporal surtace of greater wing Infratemporalerest Occipital bone (Clivus with basilar patt of occipital bone Hypoglossal canal Fossa for cerebellar hemisphere Internal occipital protube Jupular wbercle Condyar canal Jugutar process Foam ‘magnum Groove for transverse sinus Groove for superior sagittal sis Squamous part ofthe eccipital hone Faternal ocspitsl protubersnee Superior nuchal line Inferior nuchal ine Conder fossa Condle Pharyngeal tubercle External ecspitsl crest u a 4 Is 6 ‘Sphenoid, occipital and left temporal bone (trom above) Internal aspect of the base of the skull. The left temporal bone has been added to the preceeding figure Sphenoid bone Lesser wing Foramen rorundum Forumen ovale Foramen spinosum Anterior clinoid process ynophysial fossa (sella tu Lingala 7 ‘Dorsum sellae and posterior einoid process Optic canal Meslat pterygoid plate Lateral pterygoid plate Plerypoid hams Infratemporal crest Temporal bone Sauamous part Carotid latus of facia ca (for the prcater petrosal nerve) Aveuste eminence Groove for the sigmoid sows Mastold foramen ternal couse meatus Zygomatic process Mandibular foses Peteorympanic fissure Canalis musculotubaries bony part of auditory tube) External acvistie meats Styloid process (emoant ooly) Styfomasteid foramen ‘Mastoidcansaiculus Jupular fossa Mastotd process Masud tech Left temporal bone (medial aspect). Left temporal bone (rom above). Sphemvid, occipital and Base of the skull (external aspect). ‘Leff temporal bone (lateral aspect). 37 ” 0 al a “4 “6 46 a ” so si 32 3 7 58 ” “ 6 e G ot Groove for middle meningeal vessels Parietal margin Spero nt Occipital margin Cochlest eanaliculus Aqueduct of the vestibule Apex of the petrous part “Trigeminal impresion Acticular tubercle Parietal noth Grooxe for the superior pettesal sins Occipital bone Chivas Jugular tubercle Condylar canal FForamen magnum Lower part of squamous fccipital bone (cerebellar fons) Internal occipital protuberance Groove for the superior sagittal Internal occipital crest Upper part of squamous occipital bone (ental cen) Condyle Nuchal plane ‘Superior nuchal line External occipital protuberance Jogular foramen Inferior nuchal line Pharyngeal tubercle Sphenonesipial synchondeosis Part of a disarticulated skull (right lateral aspect). The frontal bone and the maxilla are connected with the temporal bone by the zygomatic bone (orange). Sphenoid bone (grcen), palatine bone (red), lacrimal bone (yellow). 1 2 foe 3. Fowsa for lacrinal land 4 Anterior tial foramen 5. Pesterioecthmesf foramen 6 saline 7 Suprarstlnotch 8 Sopraorta margin 9 Ona plate 10. Roof the thei iret 1 Etoile 12 Pavitt margin 13. Groove forsiperiorsgitl sy 14 Sauamous pt of renal bone 15. Frontatcre Frontal bone (inferior aspect) The ethmoidalfoveol ‘ee cover the ethmoidal cavities ofthe ethmovd bone. 1 Zgomate proceso roel tone 19 Juga cerebralia 20 Maxis 21 Fn 2. Lacrimal bone (yellow) 23. Zygomatic tone (orange) 24 230m ‘Temporal bone 25, Squamous part of temporal bone 26. External acoustic meatus 27, Mastoid process 28. Styloid process 29. Mandibutar fossa 30. Articulartabercle 31 Zypomatie process ‘Occipital bone bone (posterior aspect). 32. Squamous part of occipital bone 10 2 Calvaria (superior aspect). Left parietal bone (external asp) Frontal bone Coronal suture Parietal bone Superior temporal ine Parietal foramen Parietal usber or eminence 8 u 2 B rs Calvaria (posterior aspect) Left parietal hone (internal aspect). Sagittal margin Occipital margin Squamous margin ‘Sphenoidal angle Groove for middle meningcal artery Lambdoid suture 15. Occipital bone 16 External occipital 18 Occipitomastoid suture 19 Temporal bone 20. Mastod process 21. Mastoid notch fotuberance Frontal crest Foramen eocum Crata g riform plate of cthioid bone ‘wing of sphenoid bone Less rbitalBssure Superior (Carotid suleus ‘Middle cranial fossa Foramen ovale Foruimen spinosum 9 20 2B « Groove for superior petrosal sinus Jegular foramen Groove for sigmoid sinus Groove for transverse sinus Internal occipital protuberance Marking.of brain convolutions Anterior cranial fossa Anterior cinoid process Optic cana 2 ica (hypophysil fossa) Posterior clinoid process Dorsum sellae Foramen Inceru Groove for greater petronal neve Internal ac Hypoglossal canal Foramen magn Posterior cranial flows 2032125 26 ase of the skull (internal aspect, oblique lateral view from left side) Canals sures and foramina of the hase ofthe shall ‘Superior orbital sure 1 2 Foramen 3 Optic anal 3 Foramen ovale : Foramenspinosum Internal acoustic meatus Sugular 8 Foramen magnim Bones ‘9 Frontal bone (orange) 1 Ethmoid tone (dark green) HL Sphenosatone (red) 12 “Temporal bone (brown) 13 Parita bone (yellow g2ven) 14. Occipital one (ue) Details of hones 15. Crista gall 16 Cribritorm pate 1) Matking of brain comvoutions (romtal bone) 18 Leser wing of sphenoid tone 19) Foramen acerum 20. Hypophysil fossa (la turcica) 21 Anterior elnoid process 22 Depression for trigeminal ganglion 23 Pettows post of temporal bone 24 Groove for sigmoid sis 25 Dorsum sellae (posterior einoid process) ase af the cll (internal aspect, superior view). D6 Greater wing of sphenoid bone, groove fr Individual bones indicated by color. mide meningeal artery 27 Hiypoglossal canat Median section through the skal, right half (internal aspect). Hy Anterior clinoid process Frontal bone 1 Hypophysial fossa (sella turcicu) 3 4 Ethmoidal sie cells 6 fi 8 Superior conch Middle coneha Maxillary hi 9) Inferior concha LL Anterior nasal spine and maxilla 12 Mental spine or genial tubercle 13. Groove for middle meningeal atery 19 20 Dorsum see Internal zcoustic meatus Groove for sigmoid sinus ypoglossal canal Occipital condyle Condylar process Lateral pterygoid plate Medial pterygoid plate Lingulaof mandible Mylohyoid groove Mylohyoid line Submancdibutarfove aspect). Right inferior concha has been removed to show the maxillary hiatus. Left ‘maxillary sinus opened, Bones indicated by colors, Because of the upright posture which the man devel- oped in the course of evolution, the cranial cavity greatly increased in size whereas the facial skeleton decreased. As a result, the base of the skull developed an angulation of about 120° between the clivus and the cribriform plate. The hypophysial fossa containing the pituitary gland lies at the angle formed between these two planes. Frontal sinus Frontal bone Crista gall Nasal bone ‘Sphenoidal sinus Sener comh of tid Middle coneha J bone Frontal process of mani thmoidal bulla ‘Uncinate process axa Greater palatine foramen ‘Alveolar process of maxilla Central incisor Zyeamatic bone Ethmaid bone LLacrimal bone Puerygopzlatine fossa Maxillary sinus Lateral prerygoia plate Medial pterypoid plate “Third molar tooth Prerygois harmulus wo premolar teeth Bones (indicated by eotors) Frontal bone (yellow) [Nasal bone (white) Ethmoid bone (dark green) Lacrimal bone (yellow) Inferior nasal eancha (pink) Palatine bone (0 Maxila (violet) Mandivie (white) Parietal bone (light green) ‘Ternporal bone (brown) SSphenoid bone (re) Petrous part of temporal bone (brown) Cceipital bone (bivey Ala of vomer (ight brown) Part of the disarticulated base of the skull. Ethmoid, sphenoid an Green = sphenoid bone; yellow = ethmoid bone. ! oceipital bones (from above). Ethmoid bone (lateral aspect), posterior portion to the right 1 3 1 6 w Crista gat (Cribrtorm plate Euimoidal ai ells Middle conch Perpendicular plate (pant of mal way Onbital plate Greater wing Anterior linen process Posterior cinoid process Forumen ova Foramen spinosuim Linguts of the spheroid Optic eanal Toherculum seve Foramen rotundlum (right sce) Hypophysal fossa (sella ttcia) Dosim selae Carotid sues Spltenooecipital sychondnons {ator perso ple Gy Greater wing of phenol bane (nasilary su er Wing-of sphenwid bone (orbital surface) Superior orbital fissure ~~ id bone (anterior aspect) Occipital one 28 Jugulercubescle 29. Jugular process 30 Mastoid margin 31 Posterior cranial fossa 32 Lambdoid margin 33. Totrajugular process 34 Condylar canal 35-_Laterat part of occipital bone 36 ypoglossa canal 37 Foramen magnum cccpitl crest 39. Squamous par of ocipital bone 40) ternal ccipital protuberance Maxita 42. Infraortital groove 43, Masallary taberesty with foramina 44. Frontal proces 46. Infraorbital margin 47 Anterior nasal spine 48. Zyeomatie process 49 Abeolar process Palatine bone 50. Orbital process SI Sphenopulatine notch 52. Sphenoidal process 53, Perpendicu 51 Horizontal pate 58. Pyramidal process Disarticulated base of the skull (anterior aspect), Gircen = sphenvid bone; yellow = ethmoid bone; red = palatine bone xia, ethmoid and pata bone (lateral aspect) Ethmoid bone (oblique anterior aspect) (Schematic drawing.) Ethmoid bone 1 Crista galt 2. Orbital plate 3 Middle eoncha Palatine bone 4 Horizontal plate ofp S$. Greater palatine canal latine hone 6 Pyramid process 7 Maxillary process 8 Orbital process 8 Sphenoplatine natch 10. Perpendicular plate of palatine bone 11 Coneba eest 12 Nasal crest 13. Sphenoidal process Sphenoid bone 14 Greater wing 15. Superior orbital fissure 16 Greater wing (orbital surfac ceipital be 18 Squamous part of occipital bone Part of a disarticulated skull base, similar to the foregoin 19. Maxillary wuberosty cethmoid bone; red = palatine 20 Frontal process 21 Orbital surface 22 Infraorbtal margin 28 Infra 24 Zypomatic process 25. Alveolar process palatine bone. Green sphenoid bone; yellow tal groove Left palatine bone (medial aspect. posterior aspect to the left) 2 2 Pa Left patatine bone (anterior aspect) Right maxilla and right palatine bone (Iatersl aspect) 2 Dorsumsetlae 3. Superior orbital fissure 4 Leserwing 5 Greater wing (orbital surface) 6 Lateral prygoid plate 7 Medial plerypotd pace Ethmoid bone 8 Crista gal 9 Ethmoidal arcetls 10 Pecpendicular plate 11 Orbital plate Palatine bone 12 Horizontal plate (nasal crest) Manilla 18 Frontal process 14 Inferior orbital fissure 15 Infraorbita 16 Orbital s 17 Infraorbital foramen roan 19. Anterior lacrimal crest 2 Canine fossa 21 Alveolar process with teeth 22 Anterior nasulspine 2 24 Lacrimal groove vations formed by roots of tet) 25 Maxillary tuberosity wth alveolar foramina 26 Palatine process of manila Part of a disarticulated skull. ‘The left ms 13 28 10} 6 26 25 2 infraorbital canal, Left maxilla (lat Left maxilla (posterior aspect) e mosaic of the facial bones [spheroid bone (green), ethmoid bone (yellow), and palatine bone (red)] is scen from the anterior lateral aspect. 28 24 18 w ‘Left maxilla and patatine bone (medial aspect). 1 4 # 39 Occipital Done Groove for superior sagittal sinus al cceipital protuberance Inte Iniernal occipital crest Sphenoid bone Greater wing (temporal surface) Dorsu Se ‘Nae : Lesser wing Superior erital sure Greater wing (ortital surface) Ethmoid bone Eehmoidal si cells Crista gall Orbital plate Maxie Frontal process Inferior orbital fissure Alveolar process with teeth Anterior Infraorbital groove Zypowatic process Location of infracrbital foramen Inferior nasal meats sal spine Maxillary hiatus (eading to weil Third molar Conchal crest Body of maxilla Nasal crest sinus) Palatine bone Orbital process Sphenopalatine notch Sphenoidal process Perpendiculae Concha exest, Horizontal plate Pyramidal process Frontal bone Squamous part Supraorbital foramen Front note Frontal spine Inferior nasal conch Inferior nasal eoncha with manitlry process 6 34 25 96 24 26 ulated base of skull (medial aspect). Green ~ sphenoid bone; yellow = ethmoid bone; red = palatine bone: maxilla Part of a disa natural colored Part of a disarticulated base of skull. The same specimen as shown above ‘but wilt frontal bone (oblique lateral aspect) Part of a disarticutated skull, showing the connection of the palatine bone (red) and the maxilla with ethmoid bone (yellow) and sphenoid bone (light green) (anterior aspect). Frontal bone Palatine bone Masia 1 Squamous port 10 Orbital process 19 Infraorbital groove 2 Inferior temporal line U1 Perpendicular plate 20. Infraorbital foramen 3 Temporal surface 12 Conchal crea 21 Zygomatie process 4 Supraortital foramen 13 Nasal crest 22 Alveolar process with tect 5. Zygomatic process 14 Horizontal plate 24. Palatine process Occipital bo Left inferior nasal concha 6 Squamous part Ethmoid bone 24 Anterior part of 15 Orbital plate inferine concha, Sphenoid bone 16. Ethwoidal aie cell 7 Greater wing (temporal surface) 7 Midile concha 8 Optic canal within the lester wing 8 Perpendicular plate 9 Lateral pterygoid plate (part of bony nasal septurs) Anterior view of a disarticulated skull, showing the connect of the maxilla with the frontal and zygomatic bones. Yellow cethmoid bone; red = palatine bone; green = sphenoid bone Bony palate and teeth of the maxillae (from below). Frontal bone 1 Squamous part 2 Frontal notch 3. Supeaortits $ Supraorbital margin 5 Zysomatie process 6 Frontal spine Sphenoid bone Greater wing (orbital surface) Foramen rotundum 10 Lateral pterygoid plete 11 Medial pterygoid plate Fthmoid bone 12 Orbital plate 13 thmosdl aie colts 14 Middle conehs Palatine bone 15 Horizontal plate 15a Nasal crest, 16 Pyramidal process 17 Lesser palatine foramen 18 Greater palatine foramen ‘Zygomatic bone 19 Front provess 2) Orbital surface a 22 Frontal process 23. Palatine process 24 Zygomatic process fossa 25 Alveolar process tect 26 Jugs alveoaria 27. Iafraortital foramen 28 Infraoebat 29 Anterior nasal aperture 30) Anterior nat span Incisive bone 31 Centra incisor and incisive bon or prema 32 Incisive fosca 33 Alaof the vomer ‘Sutures an choanae 34 Median patatine suture 35 Transverse palatine suture 36 Choarae ‘Anterior view of both maxillae, forming the anterior bony aperture of the nase 2192 93:24 25 Paramedian section through the skull, right side (latei aspect), Frontal and maxillary sinus are opened. Mlustration of canals and foramina connected with the right orbit and pterygopalatine fossa (compare the above figure). The greater wing of sphenoid bone (green) is shown as being transparent, Brown all bones yellow = ethmold bone; red = lacrimal bone: light red = inferior nasal concha; violet = maxilla: orange = palatine bone. Occipital bone Temporal bone (petrous port) nal acoustic meas Carotid canal Hypoplosal canal Occipital condyle Late I plate of peerypoid process Dorsun of sella turcien Sella reic 0; Posterior and anterior ethmoidal foramen ‘Orbital plate of ethmoidsl bone Nasal be NNasotacrimal canal Uneinate process ‘conch fe conal c cess) Maxillary sinus Anterior nasal spine Alveolar process of malls Prerygopalatine fossa “Tuberosty of maxilla With alveolar foramina Prerygoid or Vi Lesser palatine F part of a disarticulated skull. zygomatic bone: yellow cethmoid bone ercen = sphenoidal bone. The arrows indicate the locations (of the lacrimal bone (11) and the nasal bone (17) 13 1+6——> Left orbit (anterior aspect) 2 a = 4 2s bone Nasal spine of frontal bone Zypoma Mania Frontal process of mil thn Perpendicular plate of ethmoid bone Site of lacrimal bone Laci groove of lacrimal bone Posterior lacrimal crest, ome for lerienal se Lacrisal hams [Nasolocrimal canal Site of nasal bone Nasal foramina of nasal bone Ameri nasal spine of maxila Vomer Greater wing of phenvid one Anterior and posterior ethivoidal foramina Opticeanal Superior orbital fissure Inferior orbital fissure Infrvorbitl groove Intreoebial foramen Left lacrimal bone (anterior aspect) Left nasal bone (anterior aspect), Lateral wall of the nasal cavity. Median section through the skull 1 6 2 7 Se. Right inferior nasal concha (media tothe left. pect). Anterior part Right inferior nasal concha (lateral asp to the right. ‘Anterior part Palatine bone Manila b To page 49: Blue Light preen Tight brown Dark brown Red Dark green Light blue Pink Orange Violet White White Inferior meatus Ethmoid ai cells Sphenoid sinus Superior nasal conch Middle nasal conch Masillary hiatas Inferior nasal concha Palatine process ofthe maaills Occipital bone Parietal bone Frontal hone Temporal bone Sphenoid bone Ethmoid bone Nasal bone Interior concn Vomer Manilla Palatine bone Mandible Inferior Concha and Vomer Ethmoidal process ‘Anterior part of conch Inferior border ‘Ala of vomer Posterior horde of nasal septum Lactimal Posterior part of eoncha nillary prowess omer (posterior aspect). 1 Crista gall 2. Caitwitorm plate ‘of ethmoid hone 3. Perpendicular plate 4 Vomer Ala ofthe vomer Palatine bone (perpendicular process) 7 Palatine bone (horizontal plate) 8 Mandible 9. Nasill bone 10 Spheroigal sinus 11 Hypophysil fossa (sllatwrciea) 12 Grooves forthe middle meningeal artery Cartilages of the nose 18. Lateral nasal cartilages 14, Greater alar cartilage 15 Lesser afar carulages 6 Septal 17 Location of nasal bene Paramedian sagittal section through the skull including the nasal septum. Cartitages of the nose (right anterior aspect). Arrow = nostril, Cartilages of the nose. framed by nasal wing, Schematic diagram of the external nose By 2 ns> Internal carotid artery within carotid eanal and internal jugular vein within the venous part of jugular foramen Stylomastoid foramen (facial nerve) Jugular foramen (glossopharyngeal, vagus and accessory nerves) F Hypoglossal canal (hypoglossal nerve) mo 1 Incisive canal 2 Median palatine suture 3 Palatine process of manilla 4 Palatomanillary suture 5 Greater and lesser palatine foramina (© Anterior orbital sure 7 _Midileconcha (process of ethmoid bone) 8 “Vomer 9 Foramen ovale 10 Groove for auditory tube U1 Prerygeid canal 12. Siyleid process 13. Carotid canal 14. Stylomsteid foramen 15. Jugular foramen 18 Groowe for cxcp 17 Ocepital condyle 18. Condylarcanal 19 Nuchat plane 20. External occipital protuberance 21 Zygomatic arch 22 Lateral plerygoid pate 23. Medial pterygoid plate 24 Mandibular fossa Base of the skull from below). The individual bones are 25. Pharyngeal tuberele indicated by different colours 26. Superior nucha 27 Masteid process 28 Inferior nuchal line D0. Mastoid notch 30 Foramen magnum 31 Incisive bone or premanila (dark violet) 32 Maxita (i0!ct) 33. Palatine bone (white) 34 Vomer (orange) 35. Sphenoid bone (ved) 36. Zygomatic bone (yellow) 37 Temmporal bome (bro¥n) 38 Occipital tone (hive) 39. Palatine process of maxilla 40 Vomer 41 Spheroid bone 42 Petrowe part of temporal hone 43, Baslar part 44 Lateral part} of occipital bone 45. Squamous part 46 Mandible 47. Zygomatic arch 48 Choana 49. Pterygoid process of sphenoid bone Carotid canal External acoustic meatus (tympanie annulus) ‘Sphenoidal fontanelle Parietal bone ‘Mastoi¢ fontanelle ‘Skull of the newborn (inferior aspect). ae? 65432 Normal position of teeth. Dentition in centric occlusion (lateral view), Lower teeth of the adult (superior aspect) Table of dentition. Erupti Cental incisor Lateral incisor Canines Fist premolars or bieuspids Second premolars or bicuspids First molars Second molars Third molars ‘Amticular tubercle Mandibular fosss Head of mandible Condstar process of deciduous and permanent teeth (after C. Rose according to A. Kréincke), Primary dentition Manilla Mandible (Deciduous teeth) months post partum months 1. Central incisor 03 86 2. Lateral incisor 4 3. Cuspid incisor 195 20.1 4. First molar 158 16.5 5. Second molar 248 245 Secondary dentition —_ years and months. years and months (Permanent teeth) 9 é 8 1. Central incisor 78 ein 67 2. Lateral incisor Si 8677 3. Cuspid incisor Re wiz 4. Fist premolar ws Bs 5. Second premolar 11/42 6. First molar 7 WG 65a 7. Second molar mS BL Cranial Skeleton Frontal tuber or eminence Parietal tuber or eminence Occipital tuber or eminence Squamous part of temporal bone Greater wing of aphencid bone Facial sheleton 6 Manilla 7 Manslible 1 Zygomatie bone 9) Nasal bone Sutures and fontanelles 10 Frontal suture 12 Sagittal suture 13. Lambdoid suture Skull of the newborn (anterior aspect) 14 Anterior fontanelle 15 Posterior fontanelle 16. Snhenoidal fontanell 17 Mastoid fontanelle [Base of the skull 18 Frontal bone 19. Ethmoid bone 201 Sphenoid bon 21 Hypophysal fossa (se 22, Doraum sellac 23 Temporal bone 24 Mastoid fontanelle 25. Occipital bone turcica) t to the In the newborn the facial skeleton, in contr cranial skeleton, appears relatively small. There teeth presenting. The bones of the cranium are sepa- rated by wide fontanelles. Skull of the newborn (superior aspect). Calvaria, Skull of the newborn (lateral aspect). Base of the skull of the newborn (internal aspect) Lateral aspect of the facial bones. Mandible and teeth in the position of occlusion. Upper and lower jaw occluded. ible of the adult (superior aspect) u Mandible of the adult (anterior aspect) Right half of my ible (medial aspect) ‘Temporal bone 7 Temporal fossa (grester (frontal process) wing of sphenoid bone) 8 ‘Lacrimal bone Infratemporal erst 9 Nasal bone Tnfratempora toss 10. Laesimal groove Zyeomatic arch 11 Maxi Frontal bone (eanine fossa) 12 Alveolar Mandibte process of manila Mandibular noteh Ramus ofthe mandi Masseteric tuberenity Angle ofthe mane Coreneid process Alveolar process including teeth Oblique line Mental foramen ‘Mental protuberance Head ofthe mandible Genial tubercle oF mental sine Mandibular foramen (entrance to mandibular canal) Molohyoid suleus Mylohyoid tine Submandibular fossa Sublingual fossa ‘Temporomandibular joint, sai Ligaments of temporomandibutar joint. Left half of the head (medial aspect). Zygomatic arch Articulorcopaule External acoustie metus {Lateral ligament Mandibular neh ‘Stylomandibularfgsment Ramus ofthe mandible Zygomatic bone Coronei process Artcularcartiage of condor process Stvloid process Mandibular fins Articular dice Anticuar tubercle Lateral per Condy lar prose ‘Groove for sigmoid sinus Mandibular nerve Lateral pterygoid muscle Styloid process ‘Sphenomandibular ligament ‘SeylomandibatarFigament Mylohycid groove Ethmoidal air cells Ethmeidal bulla Hiatus senilonaris Midale meatus Inferior nasal conch LLimen nasi ‘Vestibule with ais Inferior meatus Hard palate Solt palate Vestibule of era cavity Lower lip Mandible 1 Insular lobe and temporal lobe 2 Temporalis muscle 3 Articular disc of femporomandibular joint 4 Maxillary artery and pterygoid ‘venous plexus 5 Parotid gland 6 Mandible 7. Medial pterygoid mascle 8 Masseter muscle 9 Submandibular gland 10. Thyroid gland 11. Stermocteidomastoid muscle 12 Hippocampus 13. Internal carotid artery and spheroid bone 14 Pharyngeal tonsil 15. Pharynx 16. Thyroid cartilage 17 Rima gloticis 18 Cricoid eartiage 19 Hard palate and palatine glands 20, Oral cavity 21. Upper molar 22 Oral vestibule 23. Lower molar 24 Platysma muscle 25 Maxillary sinus 26. Superior longitudinal muscle of tongue 27 Transverse muscle of tongue 28 Buccinator muscle 29 Inferior longitudinal muscle of tongue 30 Sublingual gland 31 Genioglossus muscle 32. Mastoid process 33. Styloid process 34. Stylomandibnlar Hgoment 35 Artivuar capsule 36 Lateral gament 37 Zygomatic arch 38 Sphenomandibular ligament 39° Mancibular foramen Coronal section through the head Joint (right side, anterior aspect). 25 96 37 Ligaments related to the Coronal section through the oral cavity temporomandibular joint ‘Temporalis and masseter muscles. The temporal fascia has been removed, the temporomandibular joint severed 1and the zygomatic arch displayed 1 Galea aponeurotica 2 Temporatis mincte 3. Occipital belly of eceipitofrontais muscle 4 Temporomandibula joint 5. external acoustic meatus © Deep layer of masseter muscle 7 8 9 Superficial layer of masseter muscle Stylohyoid muscle Posterior belly of digastric musele 10 Internal jugular vein and external cerotid artery 11. Sternockeidomastoid muscle 12 Frontal belly of ocapitofrontalis muscle 13. Depressor superciii muscle 1% Orbicularis oculh muscle 15 Transverse part of nasalis muscle 16 Levator labii superiors alaeque nasi muscle 17 Levator labit superioris muscle 18 Levater anguli oris muscle 19 Zygomaticus major muscle 20. Orbicularis ovis musele 21 Buccinator musele 22 Depressor lab inferioris muscle 23. Depressor anguliorés muccle 24 Submandibular gland 25. Lateral nasal cartilage 26 Greater alar cartilage (lateral part) 27 Lesser alar cartilages 28 Greater alae cartilage (medial part) 29 Iniraortital nerve 30 Anterior belly of digastric muscle 31 Hypoplossal nerve and hyoglossus muscle 32. Superior thyroid artery 3 Zypomatic arch Mi Internal carotid artery 35 Common carotid artery ‘Temporalis muscle and tempo- romandibutar joint. The zygomatic arch and the masseter muscle have been partially severed to display the insertion of the temporalis muscle. ‘Medial and tateral pterygoid muscles. A portion of the mandible and the zygomatic arch has been removed revealing the pterygoid region or infratemporal fossa 1 2 3 4 Preriosteum ‘Temporal muscle Zypomatie arch Articula capsule of Lemporomancibulas joint Lateral pterygoid muscle (upper and lower head) ‘Medial pterygoid muscle Styloglossus muscle Stylohyoid muscle Posterior belly of igastric muscle Masseter muscle (severed) Mandible ‘Sternodleidemsstoid muscle COrbicularis oculi muscle Orbits ers mustte Bucrinator muscle Deprestor anguli ors muscle Depressor lab Inferioris muscle romandibulae joint Head of mandible Anterior belly of digastric muscle “Mylohyoid muscle Hyoid bone Effect of the muscles of mastication on the temporomandibuilar joint (arrows), 1. Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis ‘masele 2. Corrugator superciii mnscle 3. Palpebral part of orbicularis ocult muscle 4a Transverse part of nasalis muscle 4h Alar part of nasalis muscle 5. Levator labi superiors alaeque nasi muscle (6 Levator abi supertoris muscle 7. Zygomaticus major muscle 8 Levator anguli ris muscle 9) Parotid duct 10. Orbicularis ors muscle UL Masseter muscte 12 Depressor angulioris muscle 13. Mentalis muscle 14 Sternocleidomasteid muscle 15 Procerus muscle 16. Depressor supercilt muscle 17 Orbital part of erbicutaris ‘cali muscle 18 Zygomaticus minor muscle 19. Buecinator muscle W_ Risorius muscle 21 Depressor Ibi inferioris muscle 22. Platysma muscle 23 Galea aponeurotica 24 ‘Temporoparietalis muscle 25. capital belly of occipitotrontals musde 26. Parotid gland with fascia 27 "Temporal fascia 28 Orbicularis oculi muscle 2) Parotid duct, masseter muscle Facial muscles (schematic drawing). Left side: Facial muscles. Sphincter like muscles surround the orifices of, superficial layer; right side: deeper layer. the head, Radially arranged muscles work as their antagonists, Facial muscles (lateral aspect) Platysma muscle (oblique lateral aspect). Superficial lamina of cervical fascia partly removed. Sopra- and infrahyoid muscles. (Schematic diagram.) Galea sponeurotica “Temporal fsscin “Tendon of temporalis muscle Zygomatic arch Lateral pterygoid plate “Tensor veli palatini muscle (styloid process) Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx Beytoglosas muscle Posterior belly of digastric muscle Stylohyoid muscle ‘Longus capitis muscle ‘Sternocleidomastoid muscle (refiected) Inferior constrictor of pharynx Frontal belly of occipitofrontais muscle ‘Orbital part of orbiculars oculi muscle Baccinator mascle Deprestor anguli oris muscle Mylohyoid muscle ‘Anterior belly of digastric muscle ‘Thyrohyoid muscle ‘Sternohyoid muscle Omohyoid muscle Hyoid bone Stemnothyroid muscle Supra- and infrahyoid muscles, pharynx IT. Buccinator muscle removed oral cavity opened. External acoustic meatus ‘Tensor velipalatin muscle Styloid process Superior constrictor muscle of pharynx Stylopharyngeus muscle (divided) Middle constrictor muscle of pharynx ‘Sternocteidomastoid muscle Greater horn of hyoid bone Longus capitis Inferior constrictor muscle of pharynx. “Temporal fascia ‘Tendon of temporalis muscle B 1% 15 16 7 18 9 a 2 B ‘Orbicutaris ocult muscle ‘Zygomatic arch Lateral pterygoid plate Parotid duct Gingiva of upper jaw (without teeth), buccinator muscle (divided) Prerygomandibular raphe “Hyoglossus muscle Mylohyoid muscle Anterior belly of digastric muscle (hyoid bone) Stemohyoid and thyrobyoid muscles ‘Omohyoid muscle Coronal section through cranial, nasal and oral eavity atthe level of sphenoidal sinus. Prerygoid and palatine muscles (posterior aspect) “Temporalis muscle Sphenoidal sinus Nasopharyms. Masseter muscle ‘Superior longitudinal. transverse and vertical muscles of tongue “Hyoglessus muscle ‘Geniobyoid muscle ‘Corpus callosum (caudate nucieus) Optic nerve Cavernous sinus Zypomatie arch Cross section of lateral pterygoid muscle and maxillary artery ‘Section of medial pterygoid muscle Soft palate Mandible and inferior alveolar nerve ‘Septum ofthe tongue Mylohyoid muscte Submandibular gland Phatysma muscle Foramen magnum, vertebral artery and spinal cord ternal carotid artery Head of mandible Styloid process Inferior alveolar nerve Lingual nerve and ehorda tympani ‘Medial pterygoid mascle Uvula Anterior belly of digastric muscle (cut) Condy of occipital bone Mastoid process Lateral pterygoid muscle Auditory tube and levator vel paatini muscle “Tensor vei patatia muscle 1 Superficial temporul artery and auriculotemporal nerve 2. Middle meningeal artery 3. Maxillary artery 4 Facial nerve (alvdeu and rerteteu) 5. External carotid artery 6 Stylohyoid muscle 7. Digastric muscle (posterior belly) 8 Internal carotid artery and carotid sus Uranett of plossoplia yea 9. Sternocleidomastoid muscle 10 Common carotid artery 11 Temporalis muscle 12 Pleeyyeplatie nna 13. Posterior superior alveolar artery 14. Deep temporal artery 15 Infraorbital artery 16 Buccal nerve 17 Inferior alveolar artery aun eave 18 Pagal artery 19 Submental artery 20 Hyoid bone 2L_ Superior thyroid artery (divided) Dissection of maxillary artery. Mandible and lateral pterygoid muscle partly removed Main branches of maxillary uttery. (Schematic drawing.) R B Supesficial temporal artery Branches ofthe first part Dee; tympanic artery ‘Middle meningeal artery tricular artery and anterior Branches ofthe second part Deep temporal branches Prerypoid branches Masscteric artery Buccal artery Branches ofthe thd part Posterior supen roel astery ‘Sphenopalatine a tothe ngsal eavity Descending palatine artery Artery of the pterygoid canal tery sy and branches Base of the skull with cranial norves (internal aspect). Bath cerebral hemispheres and upper part of the stem removed. Incision on the right tentorium eerebelli to display the cra space, Superior sagittal sinus with fax cerebei Hypophysial fsa, infundibulum, and 1 2. Olfactory bul diaphragma sellse 3 Otfuctory tract 13. Dorsum sellae 4 Optic nerve and internal carotid artery 14 Migbrain (dividew) 5. Anterior cinoid process and anterior 15 Trigeminal nerve (n. V) attachment of tentorium cerebelli 16 Facial nerve (n. VIN), nervus intermedius. and 6 Oculomotor nerve (x. 11) vestibulocochtear nerve (1. VILE) 7 Abvducens nerve (2. VI) 7 8 Tentorial notch (incisura tentori) 8 © “rochloar nerve (a. LV) » 10 ‘Tentorium cexebe! 2» I Falk cerebri and confluence of sinuses Frontal lobe ‘Temporal lobe Midbrain (divided) (Cerebyal aqueduct rium of corpus callosutn ‘Occipital lobe Otfactory bah Olfactory tract Optic nerve and optic chiasma {nfunaitolom calomotor nerve (n.11) Mamillary body Substanti nigra Trochlear nery n.1¥) IV aA vI Inferior aspect of the brain with cranial nerves. Midbrain divide: Olfactory nerves = Opticnerve Oculomotor nerve = Trochlear nerve Trigeminal nerve Abducens nerve vil vut 10 " 2 13 4 16 Facial nerve Vestibulocechlear nerve Glossopharyngeal nerve Vagus nerve Accotcory nerve Hypoglossal nerve Cranial nerves: Bra n Ginkerior aspeet), Olfactory suleus (termination) Ortwtal gyri “Temporal lobe Straight oyruc Olfactory trigone and inferior temporal sulcus Mecial ocsipitotemporal gyrus Prahippocampal gyrus, mamillary body, and interpeduncular fossa 9 Abducens nerve (n, VI) 10 Pyramid 11 Lawer part of olive 12. Cervical spinal nerves a Cerebellam Tonsil of cerebellum Cceipital lobe (posterior pote) Sli of frontal lobe Optic nerve (0.12) and anterior perforated substance Optic tract culomotor nerve (0, {H1) Trochlewr nerve (n. IV) Trigeminal nerve (nV) 2% a » 0 u Facial nerve (a. VID) Vestibulocochlear nerve (n. Vi Flocculus of cerebellum re(n. X) Hypoglossil nerve (9. X11) Accessory nerve (n, XI) Vermis of cercbetlu pharynx with cranial nerves (posteri Falx cerebn ‘Occipital lobe Straight sinus “Tentoriumeercbell “Transverse sinus Rhomboid fossa Medula eblongats Posterior belly of digastric muscle Internal carotid artery Pharyes(encdle conctrictor manele) Hyoid tone (greater horn) ‘Teochlear nerve (1. IV) Pacial nerve (0. VID), ‘vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIII) aspect). Cranial cavity opened and cerebellum removed. Clossopharyageal nerve (0. IX) and vagus nerve (A. X) ‘Accessory nerve (intracranial portion) (n. XI) ypoglossat nerve (intracranial po fo XIN) 8 Accessory nerve (n. XI) Hypoglossal nerve (1. X11) 20 Vagus neeve (0. X) 8 External ca ‘Ani cervcalis (Superior root of hypoglossal nerve) Glossopharyugent nerve (a. 1X) and stylopharyngeus muscle Note the zygomaticolacrimal anastomosis (arrow). 1 2 3 4 3 6 Frontal lobe Supraorbital nerve ‘Lacrimal gland Lacrimal nerve Lateral rectus muscle (divided) Optic werve and short ciliary nerves Cranial nerves innervating extraocular muscles (lateral aspect) (Schematic drawing.) Cranial nerves of the orbit and pterygopalatine fossa. Left orbit (lateral aspect), Inferior oblique muscle Zygomaticnerve Inferior branch of oculomotor nerve and inferior roetus muscle Infraorbital nerve Posterior superior alveolar nerves Branches of superior alveolar plexus adjacent 10 ‘mucous membrane of maxillary sinus ‘Contra wvleue of insu Superior rectus muscle Periorbita (roof of orbit) [Nasociliary nerve Ciliary ganglion ‘Gcalomotor nerve (9-111) ‘Trochlesr nerve (1.1V) Ophthalmic nerve (0.V)) “Abducens nerve (a. VP) (divided) “Trigeminal nerve (1. V) “Trigeminal ganglion ‘Maxillary nerve (a. V2) and foramen rotundum ‘Mandibular nerve (0. Vs) Extemal acoustic meatus Prerygopalatine nerves Deop temporal nerves Buccal nerve Masseterienerve Auriculotemporal nerve Trochlea and superior oblique muscle Cranial nerves of the orbit (superior aspect). Right side: superficial layer, left side: middle layer of the orbit (superior le and frontal nerve divided and reflected). Tentorium and dura mater partly removed, Frontal sinus (enlarged) Frontal nerve (divided and reflected) Superior rectus muscle (divided) and eyeball Superior oblique muscle Short ciliary nerves and optic nerve (0.1) Nasosiliary nerve “Abducens nerve (n. VI) and lateral reetus muscle (reflected) ‘Geulomotor nerve (a. 111) “Trochlear nerve (0. TV) (Crus cerebri and midbrain Inferior wall of the third ventricle connceted with cerebral aqueduct Lateral and mecial branch of supraotbital Supratrochlear nerve Superion rectus nscte Lacrimal nerve Frontal nerve Ophthalmic nerve (n. V1) (Opie chiasma and internal carotid artery "nigeria gation ‘Trigeminal nerve (n.V) Tentorial notch Falx cerebri Cerebellum (Cranial nerves af the skull base. The brain stem was divided and the tentorium fenestrated. Both hemispheres were removed. Olfactory trat Dissection of the trigeminal nerve in its entirety. Lateral wall of cranial cavity, lateral wall of orbit. zygomatic arch and ramus of the mandible have been removed and the mandibular canal opened. Frontal lobe of eerebrum Sapraorbital nerve Lacrimal gland Eyeball ‘Optic nerve and short ciliary nerves External nasal branch of anterior ethmoidel nerve Giiary gangtion Zygomatic nerve 10 Infrsorbit 11 Infraorbital foramen and ‘of infraorbital nerve exminal branches 4 15 6 7 18 1 2 Prerygopalatine ganglion and plerygopalatine nerves Posterior superior alveolar Superior deal plexus ‘Buccinator muscle and buccal nerve Inferior dental plexus Mental foramen and mental nerve Anterior belly of digastric muscle ‘Ophthalmic nerve (0. V,) Ocalommotor nerve (n. 11D) ‘Trochlear nerve (n.1V) ‘Trigeminal nerve and pons 2 24 2 2 x 31 3 P Manatary nerve (8. V:) “Trigeminal ganglion ‘Mandibular nerve (n. V3) ‘Auriculotemporal nerve Extemal acoustic meatus (divided) Lingual nerve and chord tympani Mylohyoid nerve Medial pterygoid muscle Inferior alveolar nerve Posterior belly of digastric muscle Stylohyoid muscle Stemodleidomastoid muscle 1 Frontal nerve 2. Lacrimat plana and eyeball 3. Lacrimal nerve 4 Lateral rectus muscle [5 Giiary gangtion iateral to opti nerve 6 Zygomaticnerve inferior branch of eculomotor nerve ‘8 Ophthalmic nerve (0. V;) 9 Maxilary nerve (n. V3) 10 Trigeminal gangtion 11. Mandibular nerve (n. V3) 12. Posterior superior alveotor nerves 13. Tympani cavity, external acoustic ‘meatus. and tympanic membrane 14 Inferior alveolar nerve 15. Lingual nerve 10. Facial nerve (n. VID) 17 Vagusnerve (7X) 18 Hyportossal nerve (n. Xi) and superior root of arsa cervicalis 19 External carotid artery 20) Otactory tae (0.1) 21 Optic nerve (n. 1) (intracranial pat) 22 Oeculomotor nerve (0. I) 23. Abdneens nerve (n. V1) 24 ‘Trochlearnerve(n. 1) 25. -Wigemiaatnesve (0. V) 26. Vestibulocochlear nerve (n. VIN and facial nerve (VIN) 27, Glossopharyngeal nerve (a. IX) (leaving brain ste) 28 Rhomboid fos0 29 agus nerve (0. X) (leaving brain stem) 30 Hypogtossal nerve (n. XM) (leaving Cranial nerves in connection with the brain stem. Ll side (lateral superior ‘medulla oblongata) aspect). Left half of brain and head partly removed. Notice the location of, 31 Accessory nerve (n. XI) (ascending trigeminal ganglion. from foramen maga) 32. Vertebral artery ‘33. Spinal ganglion and dura mater (of spinal cord 34. Accessory nerve (n. XI) 35. Internal enrotid artery 36 Lateral and medial branch of supraorbital nerve 37 Infratochlear nerve 38 Infraorbital nerve 29 Pherygopalatine ganglion and middle superior alveolar nerve 440. Middle superior alveolar nerves (entering superior dental plexus) 41 Buccal nerve 42. Mental norve and mental foramen 43. Auniculowemporal nerve 44. Otic ganglion (dotted tne) 45. Chorda tympani 46 Mylohyoid nerve 4 Subemandibular gland 48 Hyoid bone =8 BBoo Wwe 8s Main branches of trigeminal nerve. (Schematic drawing of figure on opposite Page.) Dissection of facial nerve in its entirety. Cranial cavity fenestrated; temporal lobe partly removed. Pacial canal and tympanic cavity opened, posterior wall of external acoustic meatus removed Branches of facial nerve: a = temporal branch; b = zygomatic branches; ¢ = buccal branches; <4 — marginal mandibular branch. 1. Trochlear nerve 2. Facial nerve with geniculate ganglion 3 Cerebellum (right hemisphere) 4 Occipital belly of eccipitofrontalis and eater occipital nerve 5. Facial nerve at stylomastoid foramen 6 Splenius capitis muscle 7 Cervical branch of facial nerve 8 Sternocleidomastoid muscle and ‘etromanclbular vein 9. Orbiculars oculi muscle 10. Chorda tympani LL external acoustic meatus 12 Facial artery 13 Mastoid air cells 1“ 1s Posterior auricular nerve 15 Nucleus and genu of facial nerve Facial nerve. (Schematic drawing of the dissection above.) (Cranial nerves in connection with the brain stem (oblique-lateral aspect). Lateral portion of the skull, brain, neck and facial structures, lateral wall of orbit and oral cavity have been removed. The tympanic cavity has been opened. The mandible has been divided and the muscles of ‘mastication have been removed, opucuse 2. Oculomotor nerve (0.11) 3 Lateral rotus muscle and inferior branch of oculomotor nerve Mallews and chords tympant ‘Chonda tympani, fara nerve (0. VE vestibulococilear nerve (0. VII) ‘Glosopharyngeat nerve (0. XI) Lingual nerve and inferior alveolar nerve Sryoid process and stylobyoid muscle Styoglomus mescte Lingual branches of glossopharyngeal {inal branet or hypo 12. External carotid artery 13 Superior root of arsa cervicalis (branch of hypoglossal nerve) 14. Lateral ventricle with choroid plexus and cerebral peduncle 15 ‘Trochlear nerve (9. IV) 16 Trigeminal nerve (n. V) 17. Fourth ventricle and homboid fossa 18 Vagus nerve (n.X) 10 Accessory nerve (9. XI) 20 Vertebral artery ‘21 Superior cervical ganglion 2 23 2 FS 6 2 Hypoydensal nerve (8. X11) Spinal ganglion with dural sheath Dura mater of spinal cord Internal carotid artery and carotid sinus branch of plessopharyngeal Dorsal roots of spinal nerve ‘Sympathetic trunk Branch of cervical plexus (ventral primary ramus ofthicd cervical spinal nerve) Asa cervical, Lateral superficial aspect of the face. Peripheral distribution of facial nes ‘a= temporal branch; b = zygomatic cial region of the face. Note the facial plexus within the parotid gland. ischematic drawing.) Temporoparietalis muscle lal Use of supertclal temporal artery and vein and auriculotemporal Occipital belly of eccipitofrontalis muscle and greater occipital nerve Fatal nerve Lesser occipital nerve and ockiptal artery ‘Transverse facial artery Masseter muscle Parotid land and great ouriculor nerve Sternocieidomastoid muscle and ‘external jugular vein Splenius capitis muscle Branches of cervical plexus Angular artery (terminal portion of facial artery) ‘Orbicalaris ecu muscle Levatorlabi superiors alaeque nasi muscle Facial artery and zygomaticus ‘minor muscle Levatoranguli oris muscle ‘Zygomaticus major muscle ‘Orbiculars orie muscle and superior ruse labial artery Parotid duct Risorius muscle and inferior labial artery 1. Medial branch of supraorbital nerve 2. Nasalis muscle 3 Levator Inbi superiorie alaeque nasi muscle 4. Orbicutaris oculi muscle 5) Levator lab superions| muscle 6 Facial artery and vein 7 Zygomaticus minor and ‘major muscle 8 Transverse facial artery 9 Orbieularisoris muscle 10. Ruccal nerves depressor abit inferioris muscle, facial artery and vein 11 Parotid and and duct, ‘and masseter muscle 12, Depressor angult oris muscle 13 Transverse cervieal nerve 14 External jugular vein 15 Piatysma omcte 16 Supraclavicular nerve 17. Galea aponeurotica 18 Lateral branches of the supeaorbital nerve 19 Frontal belly of ‘cipitofrontalis muscle and branches of superficial temporal vein and artery 20. Superficial temporal artery find vein 21 Auriculotemporal nerve 22. Zypomatico-orbital artery ‘and temporoparietals muscle 2 Lesser occipital nerve 24. Occipital belly of, ‘occipitofrontalis muscle 23. Cesipital vein and occipital artery 26 Great auricular nerve and sternocleidomastoid muscle 27 Trapedius muselo Superficial layer of the head and neck, Parotid fascia removed. Branches of facial nerves 5) “Gree poles nares = temporal branch: b = zygomatic branches; ¢ = buccal branches; d = marginal 29 Geniculate ganglion mandibular branch. 30 Chorda tympani 531 Posterior auricular nerve 32. Stylomastoid foramen S topage 6 2 Depressor labi interiors muscle 2. Depressoranguli ris muscle 24. Phaysrna mache 25. Terminal branches of transverse cervical nerve 26 Cerncal branch of facil nerve 27 Onbculatis ors muscle eh SEnBeAcoe eat aa Facial nerve. Main branches. retromandibutar vein (Schematic diagram.) Lateral superficial aspect of the face. The parotid gland hes been removed to display the parotid plexus of the facial nerve. ae ~ branches of facial nerve: a xl branch; b = zygomatic branches: ¢ = buccal branches: d = marginal mandibular branch; ¢ = cervical branch. Sepertidal temporal artery and 10. Reteemandbular vein aureuotemporal nerve 11 Hypoplosal nerve and tenockidomastcd 24 Zjgomaticusminor muscle Posterior auricular artery ad nerve anery Buccal fat pad. zypomaticus msjor muscle and temporoparictals muscle 12. Great sacar nerve and infrootital nerve Ociptal artery Internal carotid artery Orbicuars orf muscle Facil nerve (0. Vl) (paroi plens [) External carotid artery ‘Parotid duct and maseeter muscle 2 Temporal branches Common carotid artery cea artery and nerve b Zsgomatc branches aches of ceva plexus Buceirstor muscle cel branches Superior laryngeal artery and vein Risorus musce € Marginal mancibulr branch External jugular vein and Facial artery and vein fe Cervical branch sernocieldomastond muscle Submental artery and depresiorsnguli Posterior auricular neve Frontal branch of superficil temporal artery, orismusce Pteroe anielae sry Intrl branch of supraorbital nore. and 33. Mylohyoid nerve and mplohyid muscle Digssrc muse (posterior belly) frontal belly of occiptofontalis muscle 34__Digastri muscle (anteron Lesser octal nerve Medial branch of supranrbital acre Posterior aricaat vein Dorsal nas artery Superior thy artery Angular artery and mtais muscle 37 Stemotyoid muscle Lateral superficial aspect of the face. Masseter muscle and tempor artery and nerve, Galea aponcuroti Temporal fascia “Temporalis muscle Parietal branch of superficial temporal ‘Auriculotemporal nerve Frontal branch of superficial temporal perfil temporal ein Zygomatic arch Articular dis of temporomandibul joint lead of mandibte Masseterc artery and nerve Mandibular notch Masseter muscle (divided) External carotid artery Great auricular nerve Facial nerve (reflected) Frontal belly of occipitofrontalis muse ‘Medial branch of supraorbital nerve Angular artery Orbicularis oculi muscle Infraoebital nerve fascia have been partly removed to Zygomanicus major suse ‘Maxillar artery ‘oronoid process Parotid dct (divided) Buccal nerve Facial artery and vein Mental nerve Mandibular branch of facial nerve ical branch of facial nerve Transverse cervical nerve (communicating branch with facial nerve) and sternodleidomastoid muscle Deep dissection of facial and retromandibular regions. The coronoid process together hhave been removed to display the maxillary artery. The upper part of the mandibular canal has been opened. Parietal branch of the superficial temporal artery Frontal branch of the superficial temporal cautery Auriculotemporal nerve Manillary artery Superficial eraporal artery ‘Communicating branches between facial and auriculotemporal nerves Facial nerve Posterior auricular artery and antes auricular branch of superficial temporal artery {Internal jugular vein Mylohyoid nerve Posterior belly of digastric muscle Great auricular nerve and stemocleidomastoid External jugular vein Retromandibular vi Submandlibular gland Temporal fase ‘Temporalis tendon Deep temporal arte Sphenopalatine artery Posterior superior alveolar antics th the insertions of temporalis muscle Masceteric artery and nerve luceal nerve and artery Lateral pterygoid Transverse facial artery and parotid duct (divided) Medial pterygoid Facial artery Lingual nerve Inferior alveolar artery apd nerve (mandibular canal apened) lal belly of ccipitofrontalis muscle Depressor supercilii muscle ‘Temporais musc Orbicularis oculi muscle ‘Nasalis muscle Infraorbjtal artery LLevator labii superiors alaeque nasi cus minor muscle LLevatorlabi superiors muscle Infraorbital artery and nerve and [posterior superior alveotar artery ygontaticus major muscle Lingual nerve Inferior alveolar artery and nerve Buccinator muscle ery and branches of trigeminal nerve (n. V). Depressor anguli oris muscle Medial pterygoid muscle and mylonyotd nerve Depressor lab inferioris muscle Hypoglossal nerve and hyoglossus muscle ‘Mylonyote muscie ‘Anterior belly of diggsstric muscle ‘Sternohyoig muscle Thyrohyoid muse Galea aponeurotica Lateral pterygoid muscle und deep temporal artery Maxillary artery Internal jugular vein Styloglossus muscle Splenius capitis muscle Posterior belly of diagastri ‘muscle and occipital artery ‘Superficial temporal artery 2 Stploayuid musete External carotid artery tromandibular vein Superior thytoid artery Inferior corstricter muscle of the fenestrated. Transverse section through oral cavity and phary infer jor alveolar nerve and artery is Jar regions after removal of mandible. Peer i . The location of \icated by a needle soid muscles removed, temporalis muscle Superficial temporal artery and auriculotemporal nerve Temporal tendon, deep temporal nd vein Maxillary artery Middle meningeal artery Occipital artery Inferio 8. Great auricular nerve ard sternocieidomasteid muscle Hypoglosal nerve and superior roet of Supratrochlear nerve and medh branch of supraorbital artery Angular artery Posterior superior alveo Facial artery Parotid duet (divided) and buccinater muscle Buccal artery and nerve Para- and retropharyngeal regions. The mandible trigeminal nerve and its ganglion are displayed, Mylohyaid nerve Lingual nerve and submandibular ganglion ‘Mental nerve and mental foramen Inferior alveolar nerve Mylohyoid muscle (divided) a hypoglossal nerve ‘Submental artery and vei Submandibular gland Superior thyroid artery (Comenon carotid anery Buccinator muscle Masseter muscle and mandible Entrance of mandibular canal Medial pteryzoid muscle Platine vorsl (Oral vestibule “Tongue Inferior alveolar nerve, artery and vein Paryngeal constrictor muscle 1d the lateral wall ofthe orbit have ben removed. The main branches of the Phang Tener of cerebellus “Trigeminal nerve and gargion Mandibular nerve Superficial vernporal artery Atictotempora nerve ad mile meningeal artery Facial nerve (vided) Misseter muscle Superior root of ans ceri Lateral branch of sopeort Ophthalmic nerve Lact gland Gary ganglion ae short ilar nerves Angular artery Inferior branch of orlomotor nerve Maaary nerve Infraorital nerve “Anterior superior albeoarreree Pesteror superior alveolar nerve Rotropharyngesl a Parietal branch of superficial temporal arcery ‘Auriculotemporal nerve [emporalis muscle tendon and zygomatic arch (cut) ‘Mandibular nerve (x. Va) Mido meningest artery Chords tympani Mylohyoid nerve Inferior alveolar norve Lingual nerve Pomerior auricular artery Facial none Siyloglossus muscle (cut) Great auricular nerve Maxillary ary, external carotid artery, and stylopharyngevs muscle Posterior belly of digastric muscle Styloid process and facial artery Vagus nerve (n. X) Accessory nerve (a, X! Hypoglossl nerve (0. XH) and retromancibular vein (ett) Stylohyoid muscle and slessopharyngeal nerve (n. 1X) Facial vein 30 3 2 B a 33 a 2 20 37 38 20 4 a 2 8 ae sublingual regions. The mandlible has been completely removed. 22. Hypoplensal netve (n. X11) and hhyoplossus muscle 2B_ Superior thytoid antery 24 Superior laryngeal artery and internal xymgeal nerve 25 Internal jugular vein 26 Common carotid artery and superior oat of ans cervcalis 27. Inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle 28 Midle temporal artery 20 Deep temporal nerves and posterior deep temporal artery 30 Anterior deep temporal artery 31 Masscterie nerve 22. exterior supenior alveolar branches of smasillory artery and nerve 33. Plerygoid branches of mandibular 34 Posterior superior alveotar artery 35. Lateral plerypoid plate and medial pterygoid muscle Infraorbital nerve and artery Buccal nerve Facial artery Parotid duct ees 1 Skin 2 Galen spemeuraticn 3. Pericranium (periosteum) 4 Skull with diploe 5. Dura mater 6 Subdural space 7. Arachnid mater 8 Subarachnoid space 9 Arachnoid granulations 10. Superior sagittal sinus 11 Pia mater with cerebral vesels 12 Fabs cetebri 13 Cerebral cortex 14 Arachnoid and pia mater with cortical vesels 15. Frontal belly of occipitofrontal muscle 16 Branch of middle meningeal artery 17 Lateral and medial branch of supeaonbital nerve 18. Orbicularis oculi muscle 19 Zypomatico-orbital anery 20 Auriculotemporal nerve, superficial temporal artery and vein 21 Superior auricular muscle 22 Occipital belly of cccipitofrontais muscle 23. Branches of greater occpical mrve Nerves and blood vessels of the scalp. Scalp and meninges are demonstrated by a 24 Occipital artery and vein series of window-like openings. A coronal section theongh the vertex of the ks the arrangement of the meninges and vessels of the brain. ‘Together the arachnoid mater and the pia mater form the Jeptomeninx. showing 40. Levator vlipaltini muscle Gingiva and buccinator muscle 42 Ascencung pharyngeal artery nd superior pharyngeal constrictor muscle (pteryeopharyngeal pat) Lingual nerve Submandibatar ganglion and tongue Palatoglossus muscle Deep lingual artery RaRS 28 Greater ocipitel nerve 26. Stemocleidomastoid muscle Cross-section of the scalp and the meninges. The rubsrachnoid space is shown, a a * st 3 3s ‘Submandibular duct and penioglossus muscle Geniohyoid nerve and muscle Mylohyeid muscle ‘Anterior belly of digastric muscle Hyoid bone ‘Thyrobyoid muscle Omobyoid muscle (superior belly) ‘Stemohyoid muscle Maxillary artery ‘Median sagittal section through the head 2 Fealx cerebri ‘Corpus callosum and septum pellucidum Interveatricular foramen and fornix (Choroid plexus of third ventricle and ternal cerebral vein ‘Third ventricle and interthalemic adhesi neal body and colicul of the midbrain Cerebral aqueduct ‘Mamnllary body and basilar artery Straight sinus Fourth ventricle and cerebellum ons and falx corebeli Medulla oblongata Central canal nd neck. Cerebellomedallary cistern ers ofthe axis (odontoid process) Spinal cord Superior sagittal sinus Anterior cerebral artery Frontal sis Crista gal Optic chiasma Pituitary sland (bypophysis) Superior nasal eoncha (Middle nasal concha and sphenoid Inferior nasal cancha tube Superior longitudinal muscle of tongue Verticel muscle of the tongue vue Genioglossus muscle Pharynx Epiglottis Geniohyoid muscle Mylohyoid musele Hyoid bone Vocal fold and sinus of larynx Esophagus 9 15 16 10 1 Pals cercbi 2. Pastion of middle meningeal artery and vein 3. Teteral carotid artery 4 Optie nerves (011) ——. 3) Frontal sinus 6 Oculomotor nerve (0 Il) 7 Diploe 8 Dura mater 9 Superior sgital sinus 10 Straigh snus 3 11 “Teigenninal nerve (n. V) 1" 12. Facial and vestbulocochlear nerve (6. VI and». Vint) 13. Tentorium cerebelli 14 Pieaitary gland (hypophysis) 15. Inferior sagittal sins 16 Sige sinus 17 Confluence of sinuses 18 Inferior petra sinus 19 Transverse sinus 20, Superior petos sinus 21 Cavernous and intercavernous sinuses Dura mater and venous sinuses (left lateral aspect), (Schematic drawing, ) ‘Cranial cavity with cura mater (the right cerebral hemisphere has been removed) 2. Frontalsines Hypophysial fossa with pituitary nd ‘Sphenoidl sinus [Nasal evity Soft palate (uvula) Oral cavity “Tongue skin Calvatia Dura “Tentorium cerebelli Confluence of sinuses Infratentoral space (cerebellum and part of the brain stern have been removed) Vertebral cansl Frontal branch of middle meningeal artery and veins idle meningeal artery Diptoe Parictal branch of middle eallartery and vein Ccaipitl pole of left hemisphere covered with dura mater ‘Median section through the head. Demonstration of dura mater covering the crani Brain and spinal cord are removed (right half of the head, as seen from medial). Dissection of dura mater und meningeal vessels. Left half of calvaria removed. 1. Calvaria and skin of the scalp 2. Dura mater (divided) 3. usition of lateral sulcus 4 Frontal lobe covered by arachnokd snd pia mater 5. Frontal sinus 6 Olfactory bull 7 Sphenaldal seme Dura mater on clivus and basilar artery 9 Alas (anterior aren, divided) 10 Soft palate 1 Tongue 12. Efiplottis 13 Vocal fold 14 Position of central suleus 15 Superioe cerchral veins 16 Tentorium (divided) 17 Cerebellum 18 Cerebettomedutary cistern 19 Position of foramen magnum and spinal cord 21 Imenverebral ise Dissection of the brain with pia mater and arachnoid in situ. The head is cut in half except for the brain, which is shown in its entirety 1 Superior cerebral veins 2 Position of centrat suicus 3. Position of lateral sulcus and ‘stern of lateral, cerebral Fossa 4 Frontal pole 5 Lateral sueus (arrow) 6 ‘Temporal pole 7 Pons and basilar 8 Vertebral arteries 9 Superior anastomotic vein 10 Occipital pote 11 Inferior cerebral veins 12. Hemisphere of cerebellum 13) Medulla oblongats [Brain and brain stem, median section. Frontal pole to the right. ‘Median section through the head. (MR-Scan, cf. section on opposite page.) Parictal lobe Thalamus, third ventrile and Medaita oblongats Central suleus Corpus eallosum Frontal lobe Fornix and 2 yportatames ‘Optic chiasma Midbrain “Temporal lobe Pons Fonuth venti ‘Spinal cord Inferior concha and nasal cavity Alveolar process of maxilla Tongue Ders of axis (Oral part of pharynx Alveolar process of mandible Epiplons Frontal lobe of eerebrun ‘Occipital lobe of ected (Compas callosum Anterior commissure [Lamina terminalis Optic chiasma Hyporttams ‘halamus and thied ventricle 9 Collcai of the midbrain 10 Midheain (inferior portion) 11 Coretta 12 Pons 13 Fourth ventricle 14 Medulls oblongata 15 Contral canal 16 Spinal cord ‘Median section through the head. Regions of the brain. Falx cerebri removed, ‘Scheme of bruin divisions (cf table) Red = choroidal plexus (Schematic drawing) 1 Telencephalon (yellow) with Iateral ventricles 2. Diencephalon (orange) with IMI ventncte, ‘optic nerve ane retina 3 Mesencephelom (bine) with cerebral aqueduct 4 Metencephalon (green) with IV ventricle ‘5 Myelencephslon (yellow-green) TL. Mesencephalon 3. Mesencephalon (colliculi, (midbrain) cerebral peduncles. tegmentum) IIT Rhomnbencephalon 4, Metencephal (pos, (bindbrsim) | <___enebalm) 5. Myelencephalon (medulla cbtonsata) ‘Main divisions of the brain HII = primary brain vesicles; 1-5 = secondary brain vesicles Midbrain, pons and medulla oblongata are collectively termed the Drain stem. 1 Spe lobe 2. Frontal lobe 3. Superficial middle cercbral vein and stern of lateral cerebral fossa 4 Temporal lobe 5 Occipital lobe 6 Inferior cerebral veins and Uransverse occipital suleus 7 Infer Cerebellum Medulla oblongata Brain with pin mater. Cerebral veins (bluish). In the lateral sulcus the cistern of the lateral fossa is recognizable. Frontal lobe to the lef. Anterior cerebral artery ‘Middle cerebral arteries Arachne Cortex Internal carotid artery Frontal lobe (white matter) Posterior cerebral artery Caudate nucleus Internal capsule Insular bobe Claustrum Artenes of the Dram, Coronal section. Areas supplied by cortical and central arteries. Dotted lines indicate boundaries of arterial supply areas; arrows: direction of blood flow. 4 Coronal section through the right hemisphere showing, arachnoid, pia mater,and the arterial blood supply (anterior aspect). 15. Pall 6 18 Pellucd septum 19 Lateral ventricle 20, Optic eas ostriate artery sie artery callosum Arteries of the brain, 1 Insula 2 Midae cerebral urtery [2 branches: 2) Parietal branches, Temporal branches] 3 Basilar artery 4 Vertebral artery 5. Cental sulcus 6 Occipital lobe 7 9 Superior cerebellar artery Corbet Anterior cerebral artery Ethmoidal arenes 11 Ophthalmic artery 12 Internal carotid artery 14 Posterior communicnting setery 14 Posterior cerebral artery 1S Amterior inferior corebellar artery 16. Yesterior inferior cerebellar aetery Cerebral arteries. Lateral aspect of the left hemisphere. The upper pa of the temporal lobe has been removed to display the insula and cerebral arteries 1 Interventrcular foramen Septum pellacidurn Frontal lobe Anterior cerebral artery Maillary boxy ‘Geulomotor nerve (9.11) Pons 10 Rater artery 11 Compas callosum 12 Fornin 13 Choroid plexus 14 Thied ventricle 15 Pineal hody 16 Tectum and cerebral aqueduct 17. ourth ventricle 1 Cerebellum (arbor vitae, vers) 19 Median aperture of Magendie 20. Medill eblongata Median seetion through the brain and brain stem. Cerebral arteries injected with red resin. Anterior communicating anery Left anterior cerebral artery Internal carotid artery Pons and left superior cerebellar artery 5 Anterior inferior cerebellar artery 6 Posterior inferior cerebellar artery Medlls oblongata 8 Right anterior cerebral vt 8 Obfactory tract 10 Optic nerve HL Middle cerebral artery 12 Tnfunditulura 13 Oculomoter nerve and posterior communicating artery 14 Posterior cerebral artery 15 Basilar artery and abducens nerve (0. VI) 16 Anterior spinal srtery 17 Vertebral artery 1 Cerebellum 19 Labyrinthine arteries 20 Posterior spinal artery © 21g superior cerenettar artery 22, Olfactory bulb Arteries of the brain (inferior aspect). Frontal pole above; right temporal lobe and cerebellum partly removed. Arteries of the base of the brain, arterial circle of Willis. (Schematic drawing.) Anterior cerebral artery Anterior communicating, artery ‘Middle cerebral artery Posterior communicating amtery Oculomotor nerve “Trochleae nerve Fostesivs veel antey ‘Trigeminal nerve Internal auditory artery Facial nerve and vestibulacochlear nerve Glomopharyngeal nerve ond ‘agus nerve Hypoglossal nerve Accessory nerve Anterior inferior cerebellar Falx cerebri Optic nerve Optic chiasma Infundibulumn and pituitary Anterior choroidal artery nd choroid plexus Bailar artery Abducens nerve Medulla oblongata Inferior sagital sinus Tentorium cerebell Superior sagittal sinus and cenfence of sinuses Anterior spinal artery 28 Internal carotid artery ‘Superior cerebellar artery 30. Antetior inferior cerebellar rior inferior cevebellar Base of the cranial cavity (internal aspect). Left tentorium has been cut Arterial circle of Willis (superior aspect). (Schematic drawing.) ‘Contalsuleus Precentral gyrus Precentral suleus Frontal lobe Anterior ascending ramus of lateral suleus AAnierior horizontal ramus lateral sulcus Lateral suleus “Temporal lobe Parietal lobe Postcenteal gyrus Posteentalsuleus Occipital lobe Cerebellum Superior frontal sulcus ‘Midae frontal gyrus Lunate suleus Longitudinal fissure ‘Arachnoid grenulations Brain, left hemisphere (lateral aspect). Frontal pote to the left Pink = Frontal lobe Blue Parietal lobe Green = Occipital lobe Yellow Temporal lobe Dark red = Precentral gyrus Dark blue = Postcentral gyrus Brain (superior aspect). Right hemisphere with arachnoid and pia Brain (superior aspect). Lobes of the left ‘mater. ewisphere indicated by color; 1 js covered with arachnoid and pia mater. 1 Premotor ares 2 Somatomotor area 3. Motor speech area of Broca 4 Acoustic area (red: high tone: blue: low 5 Somatosensory area 6 Sensory speech area of Wernicke 7. Reading comprehension area me) Brain, left hemisphere (lateral aspect). Main cortical areas are colored, The lateral sulcus has been opened to display the insula and the inner surface of the temporal lobe. 1 Precentral gymic 2 Precentral sulcus 3. Superior frontal gyrus 4 Centrat sulcus 6 7 8 Middle frontal gyrus Inferior frontal evrus Ascending ramus Horizontal ramus sulcus 9 Posterior ramus of lateral 10. Superior eemporal gyrus 11 Middle temporal gyrus 12 Inferior temporal gyrus 13. Parietal lobule 14. Posteentral sulcus 15 Posteentral gyrus 16. Supramarginal gyrus 17 Angular gyrus 18 Occipitallobe 19 Cerebellum 20. Horizontal fissure of cerebellum 21. Medulla oblongata al aspect). Frontal pole to the left, deft hemisphere (lat Brain, tight hemisphere (medial aspect). Frontal pole tothe left (midbrain divided, cerebellum and inferior part of brs stem removed) Brain (inferior aspect). Midbrain divided. Cerebellum and inferior part of brain stem removed, Frontal pole atthe top. 98, 1 Precenteal gyms 2. Proventralsukus 3. Cingulatesuleax 4 Gingulte gyrus 5. Suleus of corpus callosum © Forntx 7 Gen of corpus eallesun 8 Inerventrcular foramen 9 Intermediate mess 10. Anterior commissure HL Optic ciara, fandibulum 13 Uncus hippocampi 14 Postcentral gyrus 15. Body of corps esllosam 16 Third ventricle snd thalamus 17 Sia medulars 18 Paietooepital suas 19 Splninn of eon ealons 20 Comnnuniction of casting and Faeroe sulcus 21. Calearne sulcus 22 Pineal body 22 Mamitary body 24. Parakippocampal gyros 28. OMfatory bulb 26 Otectory tract 21 Gyrus ects 28 Optic nerve 29 Infundibutum and optic eiasna 30 Optic tet 31 Oralonioor nerve 32 Pedunculus cerebri 33. Red nucleus 3M Cerebral aqueduct 38 Compas allosuts % Longe 31 Orbital gyri 3K Lateral root of olfactory tract 39 Medial ro0t of olfactory tract 40. Olfactory tubercle and anterior perforated substance 41 Tuber cinereurn 42 Interpeduneular fosss 44 Coll ofthe midbrain 45 Lateral ocipitotemporal gyrus 46, Medial cecipitotemporal gyrus eure Pink = Frontal lobe Blue = Parietal lobe Green = Occipital lobe Yellow = ‘Temporal lobe Dark red = Preeeateal lobe Dark blue = Posteentral lobe Orange = Limbie cortex (cingulate and parahippocampal gyn) 34 40 a Brain (sagittal section), Frontal pole to the left. 2 2» “6 6 Brain, with pia mater and blood vessels (inferior aspect) Precentral gyrus ‘Cingutate gyrus Cingulate sulcus Septum pellucidum Genw of corpus callosum Fornix Frontal tobe Anterior commissure Hypothatan Optic chiasma Tnfundibulum Cculomoter nerve Uneus femporal lobe Pons Cental sulcus Pestcentral gyrus Body of corpus callosum Intervent cular foraryen (arrow) Parietooceipital sulcus Intermediate mass Spleniuim of corpus callosum Pineal body Calesrine suleus Colliculiof midbrain Cerebral aqueduct Occipital tobe Maillay body Fourth ventricle Vermisof cerebel Right hemisphere of cerebellum Median aperture of Magendie (arrow) Medults oblongata Oactory tract Optic nerve Internal catotid artery Interpeduneular cistern Supetior cerebellar artery ‘Anterior inferior cerebellar artery Vertebral artery Posterior inferior cerebellar artery Bailar artery Trigeminal neve (n. V) Facial nerve (a. VIN) Accessory nerve (0. XD), bypogtossat nerve (o, XI) Cerebellum 1 Superiorcerebellar peduncle 3. Cerebellar tonsil 4 Inferior semilunarlobule 5 Vermls 6 7 8 9 Central lobule of erm Inferior cerebellar peduncle ‘Superior medullary velura Nodule of vermis 10 Floccubvs 11 Biventral lobule 12 Left cerebellar hemisphere 13. Inferior sewitunas tobule 14. Biventral lobule 15 Vermis of cerebellum 16 ‘Tuber of vermis 17 Pyramid of vermis, 18 Uvula of vermis 19 Tonsil of cerebellum 20. Floceule of cerebellum 21 Right cotebellar he 22, Vermis (central lobule) 23. Cerebellar lingua 24 Alaot central lobute 25. Superior cerebellar peduncle 26 Fostigiu wrth ventride 28 Middle cerebellar peduncle 20 Nodule of vermix 3) Flocculus of cerebellum 31. Cerebellar tonsil 32, Culmen of vermis 33. Declive of vermis Tuber of vermis 35. Inferior semilunar lobule 36. Pyramis of vermis 37 Uuulaof vermis ‘Median section through the cerebellum. Right cerebellar hemisphere and right half of vermis. Brain and cerebellum (inferior aspect). Parts of the cerebellum have been removed to dieplay the dentate nveleus and the main pathway tw te midbrain (ccrebellorubral tract). Dissection of the cerebellar peduncles and their connection with midbrain ‘and diencephalon. A small part of pulvinar thalami (*) has been cut to show inferior brachium. Ofactory bulb Olfactory tect Lateral olfactory stria ‘Anterior perforated substance {nfundibulum (divided) Mamiltary body Substantia nigra Pedunculus cetebri Red nucleus, Decussation of superior ccrebellar peduncle Cerebellar hemiaphere Medial olfactory stra Optic nerve Optic chiasma Optic tract Tnterpeduncular fossa ‘Superior cerebellar pedunde ‘and cerebellorubral tact Dentate nucleus ‘Vermis of cerebellum Cingulate gyrus Corpus callosum ‘Stria terminalis Septum pellucidum Colne torncie Cerebral peduncle at midbrain level Pons Inferior olive ‘Medulla oblongata with lateral pyramidal tract Occipital lobe Colearine sulcus ‘Thalamus Inferior colliculus with brachivma Medial leranisens ‘Supetior cerebellar peduncle Inferior cerebellar peduncle Middle cerebellar peduncle Cerebellar hemisphere

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