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1.> Wecomputed summary statistics across columns with SQL.

In many cases, though,

we want to drill down even more and compute summary statistics per group.
> The GROUP BY SQL statement allows us to compute summary statistics by "group,"
or unique value.

2. Quering virtual columns with HAVING

> When we want to filter on a column generated by a GROUP BY query can't use
WHERE clause, we can use the HAVING statement.
> SELECT colname
FROM tablename
GROUP BY colname HAVING condition

3.Rounding results with ROUND()

> ROUND(col_name,round_value)

4. Nesting functions
> eg-ROUND(AVG(col_name1)/AVG(col_name2))

5. Casting
> Cast(col_name as Float)

6.PRAGMA TABLE_INFO(table_name)

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