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(Affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi, upto +2 Level)

Class & Sec : XI
Name of Class Teacher : Vikram Kumar

Subject Home Work

Chemistry - "Ch - 4
Chemical bonding and molecular structure
Draw Lewis dot structure of any five molecule
Draw Resonating structure of any five molecule
Find the formal charge any five molecules
Draw the orbital diagram of ethyne and ethene
Discuss various types of Hybridization "
Science Physics - 1Derive the expression for the time taken by a body dropped from a
height h to reach at Earth.
"The improve model of the structure of cell membrane proposed by Singer and
Nicolson (1972), is called fluid mosaic model. The fluid nature of the
membrane is important from the point of view of certain function.
a.)What is meant by the fluidity of membrane? b) Mention any
four functions for which the fluid nature of the membrane is necessary ? c)
How are the lipids arranged in the cell membrane? What is its significance? "
Maths 1. Solve the given sheet.
Games Do Practical File.
Today in the time , when cultures are dying and most of the festivals are
celebrated just for the formalities, Deepawali and Chhath Puja are some of the
festivals which are kept on rising our culture.
English By taking the reference of the two pious festivals of India make a note writing
in not less than 500 words.
*Do mention the experiences, which you observed in these both festivals.*
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