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Alvaro Martinez

Read & React IV

Pg 62-Unit 4A

HW: Writing Summaries

Sacred Summits

Volcanoes are creators and destroyers. They can shape lands and cultures, but they can also
cause great destruction and loss of life. That is why we talk about the Pacific Ring of Fire,
where two of the countries most affected by these natural phenomena, such as Japan and
Mexico, share a large part of the Pacific Ocean and have one of the worst volcanoes in
history due to their activity and the risks involved in the event of an eruption. Mount Fuji and

Living Near a Volcano

Many people live near a volcano because they consider it a sacred mountain. Living close to
a volcano is not entirely dangerous because over time solutions have been created to mitigate
the damage that they cause when an eruption occurs, that is why in the previous passage we
talk about it.

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