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Once upon a time there was a great violinist named PAGANINI

Some people thinking he was very odd Other people, he was supernatural

The magic notes coming from his violin had a different sound, for this reason none was willing to lose the opportunity to see his performance.

One evening, an auditorium stage was full of fans ready to welcome him. The orchestra came in and was applauded. The conductor was welcomed with an ovation.

But when Pagaginini figure appeared, exulting, the audience aroused great enthusiasm.

Paganini arranged his violin on his shoulder and what was heard afterwards was indescribable.

The notes seemed to have wings and fly at his fascinating finger touch.

Suddenly a strange sound breaked off the audience ecstasy. One of the Paganini violin string breaks.

The conductor stopped. The orchestra stopped. The audience stopped.

But Paganini did not stop.

Looking to the score, he went on drawing out enchanting sounds from a violin which had some problems..

The conductor and the orchestra, excited, started again to play.

But before the audience cheered up, another worring sound let drop the bystanders attention.

Another Paganini violin string breaks. The conductor stopped again. The orchestra stopped again. Paganini did not stop.

As if nothing had happened, he forgot the difficulties and went on to get out sounds from the impossible.

The conductor and the orchestra, impressed, started again to play. But the audience could not immagine what was going to happen.

All people, astonished, exclaimed: OHHH!

A third Paganini violin string breaks.

The conductor was paralyzed. The orchestra stopped. The audience held his breath. But Paganini went on.

As he was a musical contortionist, he got all the sounds from the only one string left on his destroyed violin.

No one note was left. The conductor cheered up. The orchestra was given reason for.

The audience went from silence to euphoria, from inertness to great enthusiasm. Paganini reaches the glory. His name runs in the time. He is not a simple genial violinist.

He is the symbol of the professionist who continues to go on in comparison with the impossible.


I dont know which kind of problem you are meeting.

It could be a personal, conjugal, family problem, I dont know if its concerning your estimation or a work problem. But yes, I know one thing. Nothing is lost. There is still one string, and its playing that one that youll exercise your talent. Its playing with that one that youll vibrate.

Learn how to accept the fact that the life will always leave you a last string.

When you are discouraged, never give yourself up.

There will still be the clever perseverance string, to try another time, to do another step with a renewed zeal.

Wake up the Paginini which is in yourself and advance to win.

The victory is the art to continue where others prefer to stop.

When everything seems to fall down, give an opportunity to yourself and continue to go on Play the motivation string and produce the sounds of positive results. But, first ask to yourself: Who motives the motivator? That is: who motivates your brain, motivates your hand, plays your violin? Do not frustate yourself, do not lose all hopes, remind: one last string still exists. The string to learn again to discover and produce new solutions.

Life will never break you all the strings. If the results are not bad, youll have your opportunity to play the last string, the imagination one which find out again the future with continuous innovations. Its always the forgotten string which will give you the greater result.

Free English translation by Carla

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