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om jag gar vilse If I get lost

fa mig att hitta tillbaks Lead me back

visa mi havet igen Show me the ocean again
det som fanns fore That which was before
och ar storre an jag. and is bigger than I
flytta pa stenar Move rocks
lar mig natt mera Teach me something else
barnen dom sjunger The children they sing
vi har alla svar We have all the answers!
dom vaxer som traden They grow like the trees
snart ager ni varlden. Soon you'll own the world
ni far mig och tro You make me believe
ni kommer fkara er bra That you'll get by just fine
jag ar bara en sten i havet I'm just a rock in the ocean
det ar inte varre an sa No worse than that
Sa, sa , sa, nagra ringar pa ett hav So, so, so a few rings on an ocean
ar allt vi lammar kvar Is all that we leave behind
vad var det ni sa? what did you say?
Vad var det vi sa! What did we tell you!
det kommer bli bra All will be well, all will be well!
sag det ar latt, sa Tell me it's easy, so easy
latt jag borde forsta I should understand
bara nan kromosom ifran att vara ett moln Only a chromosome away from being a cloud
hall i min hand Hold my hand
vi gar till en park we'll go to a park
och traffar andra familjer And meet other families
some kan shratta at allt that can laugh at everything
Det borjade inte med mig It didn't start with me
Nej livet ar for vackert no, life is too beautiful

Det slutar inte har med mig It doesn't end here with me
Det basta det har inte hant an the best hasn't even happened yet
Nej det slutar inte har med dig No it doesn't end here with you
Se ringarna pa vattnet see the rings on the water

DET KOMMER BLI BRA / It will be fine - LALEH

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